2 years ago
8.2 kB
-- TODO: -- decouple bus / anims config -- admin spectate -- global friendly blips -- max team limit -- pings -- crates -- detailed stats + MVP -- automatically end TW if there are no teams alive left (?) -- Bugs: -- Hunger / Thirst revive reset affects TW. Maybe remove the reset altogether. -- Thanked bus driver window width. -- Big loading time. -- After some time capturing thread breaks (potential error). -- Abuses: -- If someone quits / crashes dead, they can rejoin the event alive. -- If someone quits / crashes, they will not get their inventory wiped. config = { maps = { downtown = { label = 'Downtown', wallpaper = 'https://i.imgur.com/hS6QYNh.jpeg', centerPoint = vector3(-176.34, -860.87, 35.50), zoneRadius = 1280.0, shootingDelayMs = 0, parachuteIn = true, bus = { startPosition = vector3(294.79, 398.88, 636.50), endPosition = vector3(-533.22, -1399.51, 636.50), heading = 153.47, speedMs = 60000, driver = { model = 'ig_jimmydisanto' } }, spawnPoints = nil, capture = { peds = { { model = 'ig_jimmydisanto' } }, points = { { position = vector3(5259.24, -5257.32, 25.38), heading = 129.13 }, { position = vector3(5262.23, -5434.83, 65.59), heading = 322.57 }, { position = vector3(5382.26, -5388.15, 43.52), heading = 77.61 }, { position = vector3(5423.69, -5240.16, 35.47), heading = 111.4 }, { position = vector3(5402.57, -5168.59, 31.38), heading = 165.47 }, { position = vector3(5407.63, -5215.42, 34.34), heading = 54.95 }, { position = vector3(5215.75, -5129.89, 6.30), heading = 97.06 }, { position = vector3(5153.14, -5125.56, 2.26), heading = 222.40 }, { position = vector3(5444.22, -5116.27, 13.0), heading = 121.67 }, { position = vector3(4416.08, -4468.55, 4.37), heading = 224.95 }, { position = vector3(4480.56, -4592.60, 5.55), heading = 4.90 }, { position = vector3(4840.53, -5174.69, 2.17), heading = 288.16 }, { position = vector3(4981.97, -5710.44, 19.88), heading = 43.34 }, { position = vector3(5112.46, -4673.97, 2.25), heading = 20.36 }, { position = vector3(4772.09, -4769.65, 4.85), heading = 327.39 }, { position = vector3(4905.27, -4942.51, 3.37), heading = 37.41 }, { position = vector3(5137.28, -5127.98, 2.11), heading = 94.11 } }, rotateEveryMs = 300000, spawnAfterMs = 90000, castTimeMs = 5000 }, score = { perCapturedMinute = 1, perKill = 1 }, revive = { castTimeMs = 8000, maxLives = 2, clearInventoryIfNoLives = true } } }, cayo = { label = 'Cayo Perico', wallpaper = 'https://i.imgur.com/hS6QYNh.jpeg', centerPoint = vector3(4906.43, -5074.67, 39.5), zoneRadius = 1280.0, shootingDelayMs = 0, parachuteIn = true, bus = { startPosition = vector3(5709.17, -5696.89, 349.75), endPosition = vector3(4936.16, -5162.65, 349.75), heading = 52.83, speedMs = 60000, driver = { model = 'ig_jimmydisanto' } }, spawnPoints = nil, capture = { peds = { { model = 'ig_jimmydisanto' } }, points = { { position = vector3(5259.24, -5257.32, 25.38), heading = 129.13 }, { position = vector3(5262.23, -5434.83, 65.59), heading = 322.57 }, { position = vector3(5382.26, -5388.15, 43.52), heading = 77.61 }, { position = vector3(5423.69, -5240.16, 35.47), heading = 111.4 }, { position = vector3(5402.57, -5168.59, 31.38), heading = 165.47 }, { position = vector3(5407.63, -5215.42, 34.34), heading = 54.95 }, { position = vector3(5215.75, -5129.89, 6.30), heading = 97.06 }, { position = vector3(5153.14, -5125.56, 2.26), heading = 222.40 }, { position = vector3(5444.22, -5116.27, 13.0), heading = 121.67 }, { position = vector3(4416.08, -4468.55, 4.37), heading = 224.95 }, { position = vector3(4480.56, -4592.60, 5.55), heading = 4.90 }, { position = vector3(4840.53, -5174.69, 2.17), heading = 288.16 }, { position = vector3(4981.97, -5710.44, 19.88), heading = 43.34 }, { position = vector3(5112.46, -4673.97, 2.25), heading = 20.36 }, { position = vector3(4772.09, -4769.65, 4.85), heading = 327.39 }, { position = vector3(4905.27, -4942.51, 3.37), heading = 37.41 }, { position = vector3(5137.28, -5127.98, 2.11), heading = 94.11 } }, rotateEveryMs = 300000, spawnAfterMs = 90000, castTimeMs = 5000 }, score = { perCapturedMinute = 1, perKill = 1 }, revive = { castTimeMs = 8000, maxLives = 2, clearInventoryIfNoLives = true } } }