import bisect
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
# https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/determining-dna-health
class TreeNode:
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self):
# Aho-Corasick Trie
self.is_dictionary_node = False
self.children = defaultdict(TreeNode)
# Health Data
self.health_calculated = False
health_tree_root = TreeNode()
calculated_dictionary_nodes = []
def find_suffix_nodes():
_health_tree_root = health_tree_root
_health_tree_root.longest_suffix = None
_health_tree_root.dict_suffix = None
health_nodes = [_health_tree_root]
for health_node in health_nodes:
for child_gene_char in health_node.children:
child_health_node = health_node.children[child_gene_char]
# Suffix Node
suffix_node = health_node.longest_suffix
while suffix_node and child_gene_char not in suffix_node.children:
suffix_node = suffix_node.longest_suffix
child_health_node.longest_suffix = (
if suffix_node and child_gene_char in suffix_node.children
else _health_tree_root
# Dict Node
suffix_node = child_health_node.longest_suffix
if suffix_node:
if suffix_node.is_dictionary_node:
child_health_node.dict_suffix = suffix_node
child_health_node.dict_suffix = suffix_node.dict_suffix
# Children
def create_tree():
_ = input() # n that we don't use
_health_tree_root = health_tree_root
health_node = _health_tree_root
def get_gene_health():
for gene_health in input().split(" "):
yield int(gene_health)
genes = input().split(" ")
get_gene_health = get_gene_health()
gene_number = 0
for gene in genes:
health_node = _health_tree_root
for gene_char in gene:
health_node = health_node.children[gene_char]
gene_health = next(get_gene_health)
except AttributeError:
health_node.is_dictionary_node = True
health_node.gene_number = [gene_number]
health_node.gene_health = [gene_health]
gene_number += 1
def match_search(first, last, strand):
total = 0
_health_tree_root = health_tree_root
_calculated_dictionary_nodes = calculated_dictionary_nodes
health_node = _health_tree_root
for strand_char in strand:
while (health_node != _health_tree_root) and (
strand_char not in health_node.children
health_node = health_node.longest_suffix
if strand_char in health_node.children:
health_node = health_node.children[strand_char]
dict_node = (
if health_node.is_dictionary_node
else health_node.dict_suffix
while dict_node and dict_node != _health_tree_root:
if not dict_node.health_calculated:
health = 0
first_health = max(
bisect.bisect_left(dict_node.gene_number, first), 0
last_health = bisect.bisect_right(dict_node.gene_number, last)
health = sum(dict_node.gene_health[first_health:last_health])
dict_node.health_calculated = True
dict_node.health = health
total += dict_node.health
dict_node = dict_node.dict_suffix
for node in _calculated_dictionary_nodes:
node.health_calculated = False
return total
if __name__ == "__main__":
s = int(input().strip())
# strands = []
total_min = sys.maxsize
total_max = 0
for s_itr in range(s):
first_multiple_input = input().rstrip().split()
first = int(first_multiple_input[0])
last = int(first_multiple_input[1])
strand = first_multiple_input[2]
total = match_search(first, last, strand)
if total > total_max:
total_max = total
if total < total_min:
total_min = total
print(total_min, total_max)