disp("Rishabh Singh") disp("enter number of observations : ") n = input("\") disp("value of p") p = input("\") disp("enter the value of x : ") for i=1:n X(1,i) = input("\") end disp("enter the number of frequency : ") for j=1:n F(1,j) = input("\") end EF = sum(F)*binomial(p,n-1) disp("Given Frequencies : ") disp(F) disp("Expected Frequencies : ") disp(EF) plot2d3(0:n-1,F) plot2d(0:n-1,EF) "Rishabh Singh" "enter number of observations : " \10 "value of p" \0.217 "enter the value of x : " \ \0 \12 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7 \8 \9 "enter the number of frequency : " \6 \20 \28 \12 \8 \7 \0 \0 \0 \0 "Given Frequencies : " 6. 20. 28. 12. 8. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. "Expected Frequencies : " 8.9606781 22.350197 24.776464 16.021902 6.660446 1.8458707 0.3410421 0.0405069 0.0028065 0.0000864 exec: Wrong number of output argument(s): 0 expected.
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