2 months ago
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Champions (69): Olaf Galio Ornn TwistedFate Sylas XinZhao Urgot Fiddlesticks Aatrox Kayle MasterYi Alistar Kayn Ryze Sion Teemo Warwick Nunu MissFortune Gnar Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zac Zilean Evelynn Chogath Amumu Rammus Camille DrMundo RekSai Akshan Gangplank Trundle Malphite Nocturne Renekton JarvanIV Elise Orianna LeeSin Rumble Vex Belveth Kindred Nidalee Udyr Poppy Gragas Pantheon Mordekaiser Kennen Riven Shyvana Graves Briar Viego Volibear Sett Lucian Nautilus Ekko Gwen Hecarim Renata Khazix Jayce Vi Skins (28): Elderwood Hecarim Muay Thai Lee Sin Pool Party Lee Sin Knockout Lee Sin Imperial Xin Zhao Lunar Beast Jarvan IV Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao Arcane Vi Mecha Kingdoms Jax Infernal Amumu Northern Storm Volibear Captain Volibear Battle Professor Graves SKT T1 Renekton SKT T1 Olaf Crimson Elite Riven Dragonblade Riven Blood Moon Evelynn Underworld Twisted Fate Guardian of the Sands Rammus Captain Gangplank Debonair Vi Valiant Sword Riven Spirit Blossom Kindred Astronaut Rammus Super Galaxy Kindred Ruined Shyvana FPX Gangplank
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