import tkinter as tk
def on_menu_select():
global second_dropdown_menu
selected_option = var.get()
print(f"Selected option: {selected_option}")
# Create and populate the second dropdown based on the selected option in the first dropdown
if selected_option == "City 1":
second_options = ["Distric A", "District B", "District C"]
elif selected_option == "City 2":
second_options = ["Distric X", "District Y", "District Z"]
second_options = [] # No options for other selections
# Clear the current second dropdown
second_dropdown.set("") # Clear the selected value
second_dropdown_menu.destroy() # Destroy the existing second dropdown
# Create a new second dropdown menu
second_dropdown_menu = tk.OptionMenu(second_dropdown_window, second_dropdown, "", *second_options)
# Create the main window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Dropdown Menu Example")
# Set the window size
root.geometry("400x200") # Width x Height
# Create a variable to hold the selected option in the first dropdown
var = tk.StringVar()
# Create a label for the first dropdown
label1 = tk.Label(root, text="Select an option:")
# Create the first dropdown menu
options1 = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"]
dropdown1 = tk.OptionMenu(root, var, *options1)
# Create a button to trigger an action when the menu option is selected
button = tk.Button(root, text="Select", command=on_menu_select)
# Create a Toplevel window for the second dropdown
second_dropdown_window = tk.Toplevel(root)
second_dropdown_window.title("Second Dropdown")
# Set the window size
second_dropdown_window.geometry("400x200") # Width x Height
# Create a variable to hold the selected option in the second dropdown
second_dropdown = tk.StringVar()
# Create the second dropdown menu
second_dropdown_menu = tk.OptionMenu(second_dropdown_window, second_dropdown, "")
# Run the main loop