My code
3 years ago
2.3 kB
amount= int(input("How many memebers do you want to add: ")) First_Name=[""]*amount Last_Name=[""]*amount Volunteer=[""]*amount Area=[""]*amount date_of_joining=[""]*amount Paid=[""]*amount for i in range (amount): First_Name[i]= input("Enter your first name: ") while First_Name[i]=="" : First_Name[i]= input("Enter your first name: ") Last_Name[i]= input("Enter your last name: ") while Last_Name[i]=="": Last_Name[i]= input("Enter your last name: ") options= input("Do you want to become a volunteer (Yes/No): ") while options !=("Yes") and options !=("No"): options= input("Do you want to become a volunteer (Yes/No): ") if options=="Yes": Volunteer[i]= "Wants to become a volunteer at" if options=="No": Volunteer[i]= "Does not want to become a volunteer" if options=="No": Area[i]="" if options=="Yes": print("1 = The pier entrance gate") print("2 = The gift shop") print("3 = painting and decorating") location=input("Please enter the number corresponding to the area you want to work at: ") while location !=("1") and location !=("2") and location !=("3"): location=input("Please enter the number corresponding to the area you want to work at: ") if location=="1": Area[i]= "The pier entrance gate" if location=="2": Area[i]= "The gift shop" if location=="3": Area[i]= "Painting and decorating" date_of_joining[i]= input("Enter todays date following the format (Day/Month/Year): ") while date_of_joining[i]=="": date_of_joining[i]= input("Enter todays date following the format (Day/Month/Year): ") fee= input("Have you paid the $75 Fee? Yes/No: ") while fee !=("Yes") and fee !=("No"): fee= input("Have you paid the $75 Fee? Yes/No: ") if fee=="Yes": Paid[i]="and has paid the $75 fee" else: Paid[i]="and has not paid the $75 fee" for i in range (amount): print(First_Name[i], Last_Name[i], Volunteer[i], Area[i], "on" date_of_joining)