2 months ago
2.6 kB
#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Please provide the path to the accounts.csv file." exit 1 fi input="$1" output="accounts_new.csv" if [ ! -f "$input" ]; then echo "The file $input does not exist." exit 1 fi # Initialize the email count array declare -A email_count # Step 1: Copy the header from the input to the output file without modification head -n 1 "$input" > "$output" # Step 2: First pass to count occurrences of email bases tail -n +2 "$input" | while IFS=',' read -r id location name title email department; do # Handle quoted fields correctly name=$(echo "$name" | sed 's/^"//; s/"$//') title=$(echo "$title" | sed 's/^"//; s/"$//') department=$(echo "$department" | sed 's/^"//; s/"$//') # Format name parts (first and last) name_parts=($name) first="${name_parts[0]}" last="${name_parts[@]:1}" # Capitalize first and last names first_formatted="${first^}" last_formatted="${last^}" # Create email base (first initial + last name) email_base="${first_formatted:0:1}${last_formatted}" email_base="${email_base,,}" # Convert to lowercase # Count occurrences of email base ((email_count["$email_base"]++)) done # Step 3: Second pass to write processed data tail -n +2 "$input" | while IFS=',' read -r id location name title email department; do # Handle quoted fields correctly name=$(echo "$name" | sed 's/^"//; s/"$//') title=$(echo "$title" | sed 's/^"//; s/"$//') department=$(echo "$department" | sed 's/^"//; s/"$//') # Format name parts (first and last) name_parts=($name) first="${name_parts[0]}" last="${name_parts[@]:1}" # Capitalize first and last names first_formatted="${first^}" last_formatted="${last^}" # Create email base (first initial + last name) email_base="${first_formatted:0:1}${last_formatted}" email_base="${email_base,,}" # Convert to lowercase # Generate a unique email if ((email_count["$email_base"] > 1)); then # Add location ID to email to make it unique full_email="${email_base}${location}@abc.com" else full_email="${email_base}@abc.com" fi # Re-add quotes to fields containing commas if [[ "$title" == *","* ]]; then title="\"$title\"" fi if [[ "$department" == *","* ]]; then department="\"$department\"" fi # Write the processed data to the output file echo "$id,$location,$first_formatted $last_formatted,$title,$full_email,$department" >> "$output" done echo "New file created: $output"
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