a month ago
1.6 kB
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Check if any file was dragged onto the script if "%~1"=="" ( echo Please drag and drop a file onto this batch script. pause exit /b ) :: Process each file passed as an argument for %%F in (%*) do ( echo Processing file: %%F if exist "%%F" ( :: Create a temporary file to store cleaned content set "temp_file=%%~dpF%%~nF_cleaned%%~xF" set "in_block_comment=false" :: Open the file for reading >"!temp_file!" ( for /f "usebackq delims=" %%L in ("%%F") do ( set "line=%%L" :: Check for the start of a block comment (/*) echo !line! | findstr /r ".*\/\*.*" >nul if not errorlevel 1 ( set "in_block_comment=true" ) :: Check for the end of a block comment (*/) echo !line! | findstr /r ".*\*\/.*" >nul if not errorlevel 1 ( set "in_block_comment=false" continue ) :: Add line if it's not inside a block comment if "!in_block_comment!"=="false" ( echo !line! | findstr /r ".*\/\*.*" >nul if errorlevel 1 echo !line! ) ) ) :: Replace the original file with the cleaned one move /y "!temp_file!" "%%F" >nul echo File cleaned: %%F ) else ( echo File not found: %%F ) ) pause
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