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This is the code- import pandas as pd from nltk.corpus import stopwords import string import pickle from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from string import digits from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer import numpy as np import pdb from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz from feature_engineering import * from param_config import config from model_loading import loading_model models = loading_model() tfidf_matrix,tf_count_matrix,tfidf_vector,count_vector,df_act,Matching_data,embedding_dict,df_act_context = models.load_models() #print("Initial TFIDF MAtrix : ",tfidf_matrix) #print(" Initial TF Count Matrix ",tf_count_matrix) #print("Inital TFIDF Vector",tfidf_vector) #print("Initial Count Vector ",count_vector) #print("DF ACT",df_act.head()) #print("Initial Embedding Dict",embedding_dict) #print("DF ACT Context ",df_act_context.head()) def event_prediction(input_ticket_category, input_ticket_type, input_ticket_item, input_ticket_summary, input_ticket_desc): try: user_recommendation_list_tfidf = event_prediction_tfidf(input_ticket_category, input_ticket_type, input_ticket_item, input_ticket_summary, input_ticket_desc) print("TFIDF Prediction Done",user_recommendation_list_tfidf) user_recommendation_list_context = event_prediction_context(input_ticket_category, input_ticket_type, input_ticket_item, input_ticket_summary, input_ticket_desc) print("Contexual Prediction Done") # Combine the recommendations from both methods user_recommendation_list = user_recommendation_list_tfidf ## Changes done here return user_recommendation_list except: user_recommendation_list = [] return user_recommendation_list def event_prediction_tfidf(input_ticket_category, input_ticket_type, input_ticket_item, input_ticket_summary, input_ticket_desc): #pdb.set_trace() global tfidf_matrix,tf_count_matrix,tfidf_vector,count_vector,df_act ## First join 5 parameters andd then call input_data_preprocessing data_to_be_processed=str(input_ticket_category) +' ' + str(input_ticket_type) +' ' +str(input_ticket_item) + ' ' + str(input_ticket_summary) + ' ' +str(input_ticket_desc) ## Input Data Preprocessing input_processed_text = input_data_preprocessing(data_to_be_processed) ## 5 different fields print("Input processed Text : ",input_processed_text) #pdb.set_trace() ##TFIDF Prediction tfidf_pred,input_tfidfmatrx = input_evalution(input_processed_text,tfidf_matrix,tfidf_vector,df_act) #print("TF IDF Pred : ",tfidf_pred) #print("Input TFIDF Matrix : ",input_tfidfmatrx) ##TF_count Prediction tf_count_pred,input_tfcountmatrx = input_evalution_count(input_processed_text,tf_count_matrix,count_vector,df_act) #pdb.set_trace() tfidf_pred['score_new'] = tfidf_pred['score']*0.5 tf_count_pred['score_new'] = tf_count_pred['score']*0.5 tfidf_pred['flag'] = 'tfidf' tf_count_pred['flag'] = 'tf_count' overall_result = pd.concat([tfidf_pred,tf_count_pred]) #print("Overall Result : ",overall_result) if len(overall_result)>0: overall_result = overall_result.sort_values(by='score_new',ascending=False) #print("Sorted Overall Result : ",overall_result) #overall_result['fuzz_valid_score'] = overall_result.apply(lambda row: fuzz_score(input_processed_text, row['concatenated_string']), axis=1) # Continue with your filtering and sorting logic #overall_result = overall_result[(overall_result['fuzz_valid_score'] > config.fuzzy_threshold) | (overall_result['score_new'] >= config.tf_threshold)] overall_result = overall_result.head(config.max_reccom) #print("Overall Result : ",overall_result) user_recommendation_list = overall_result[config.target_column].tolist() print("USer recommendation List : ",user_recommendation_list) # Check if recommendations are found ''' if not overall_result.empty: # Concatenate your final result lists user_recommendation_list = overall_result[config.target_column].tolist() print("USer recommendation List : ",user_recommendation_list) else: # No recommendations found, return empty lists or a message indicating no recommendations user_recommendation_list = [] ''' return user_recommendation_list def input_evalution(input_processed_text, df_train_mtrx,tfidf_vector,df_act): print("Into Input Evaluation function") text=input_processed_text print("Text : ",text) tfidf_vector=tfidf_vector print("TFIDF Vector : ",tfidf_vector) df_train_mtrx=df_train_mtrx #print("DF Train Matrix : ",df_train_mtrx) input_tfidf=tfidf_vector.transform([text]) print("Input TF IDF : ",input_tfidf) x=input_tfidf.todense() print("X : ",x) df_tst = pd.DataFrame(x) #print("Df Test Input Evaluation : ",df_tst) ## Replacing Nan values in matrix with 0 df_train_mtrx_nan=np.isnan(df_train_mtrx) #print("DF Train MAtrix Nan : ",df_train_mtrx_nan) df_train_mtrx[df_train_mtrx_nan] = 0 ## Appending df_tst to df_train #df_train_mtrx = df_train_mtrx.append(df_tst) #print("DF Train Matrix after appending : ",df_train_mtrx) ## Calculating Cosine Similarity-->issue scr=cosine_similarity(df_train_mtrx, df_tst) print("Cosine Similarity : ",scr) df_chk = pd.DataFrame() df_chk['ticket_id']=df_train_mtrx.index df_chk['score']=scr print("DF CHeck : ",df_chk.head()) # Filter 'df_chk' to keep rows where the 'score' is greater than 0.25 score = df_chk[df_chk['score'] > 0.45]['score'].tolist() print("Score : ", score) # Get the indexes where the score is above the threshold indexes = df_chk[df_chk['score'] > 0.45].index print("Indexes : ",indexes) # Retrieve values from the 'df_train_mtrx' DataFrame based on the indexes df_eval = df_train_mtrx.iloc[indexes] df_eval['score'] = score #print("DF eval : ", df_eval.head()) return df_eval, df_tst def input_evalution_count(text, df_train_mtrx,count_vector,df_act): print("Into Input Evaluation Count function") text=text print("Text : ",text) input_count=count_vector.transform([text]) print("Input Count : ",input_count) x=input_count.todense() print("X : ",x) df_tst = pd.DataFrame(x) #print("DF Test in evaluation count : ",df_tst) ## Replacing Nan values in matrix with 0 df_train_mtrx_nan=np.isnan(df_train_mtrx) #print("DF Train MAtrix Nan : ",df_train_mtrx_nan) df_train_mtrx[df_train_mtrx_nan] = 0 # Appending input data to train dataset #df_train_mtrx = df_train_mtrx.append(df_tst.head()) #print("DF Train Matrix after appending : ",df_train_mtrx) ## Calculating cosine similarity scr=cosine_similarity(df_train_mtrx, df_tst) print("Cosine Similarity inside Input evaluation : ",scr) df_chk = pd.DataFrame() df_chk['ticket_id']=df_train_mtrx.index df_chk['score']=scr # Filter 'df_chk' to keep rows where the 'score' is greater than 0.25 score = df_chk[df_chk['score'] > 0.50]['score'].tolist() print("Score : ", score) # Get the indexes where the score is above the threshold indexes = df_chk[df_chk['score'] > 0.50].index print("Indexes : ",indexes) # Retrieve values from the 'df_train_mtrx' DataFrame based on the indexes df_eval = df_train_mtrx.iloc[indexes] df_eval['score'] = score #print("DF eval : ", df_eval.head()) return df_eval, df_tst ##Testing this - # Sample input data input_ticket_category = 'Process' input_ticket_type = 'HRO Payroll' input_ticket_item = 'Benefits and Payments' input_ticket_summary = 'Incorrect Result' input_ticket_desc = 'Dear Sir, As per the attached screen shots...' input_ticket_severity = '4 - Default' # Call the event_prediction function user_recommendations = event_prediction( input_ticket_category, input_ticket_type, input_ticket_item, input_ticket_summary, input_ticket_desc, ) # Print the user recommendations print("User Recommendations:", user_recommendations) # Add debug information to check if the functions are being called #print("Debug Info - input_evalution:", input_evalution(input_processed_text, tfidf_matrix, tfidf_vector, df_act)) #print("Debug Info - input_evalution_count:", input_evalution_count(input_processed_text, tf_count_matrix, count_vector, df_act)) And we are getting output as below- loading models Matrix ................ loading model Config................ loading Actual Data................... loading unique noun in train data with vector value for context search ................ Input processed Text : process hro payroll benefits payments incorrect result dear sir, per attached screen shots Into Input Evaluation function Text : process hro payroll benefits payments incorrect result dear sir, per attached screen shots TFIDF Vector : TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english') Input TF IDF : (0, 6601) 0.36862564889350036 (0, 6534) 0.3496942376519081 (0, 6282) 0.19397247510394874 (0, 6005) 0.35528650950739105 (0, 5358) 0.24346070031010753 (0, 5005) 0.2336641199819507 (0, 4999) 0.36153813756029163 (0, 3300) 0.2182457922117022 (0, 3060) 0.3496942376519081 (0, 1767) 0.18937766196959577 (0, 780) 0.3103140646757555 (0, 564) 0.17696718472159018 X : [[0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]] Cosine Similarity : [[0.46867088] [0.2368872 ] [0. ] ... [0.01469617] [0. ] [0.04955105]] DF CHeck : ticket_id score 0 0 0.468671 1 1 0.236887 2 2 0.000000 3 3 0.119194 4 4 0.222561 Score : [0.4686708758445488, 0.4789154257385584] Indexes : Int64Index([0, 2294], dtype='int64') Into Input Evaluation Count function Text : process hro payroll benefits payments incorrect result dear sir, per attached screen shots Input Count : (0, 564) 1 (0, 780) 1 (0, 1767) 1 (0, 3060) 1 (0, 3300) 1 (0, 4999) 1 (0, 5005) 1 (0, 5358) 1 (0, 6005) 1 (0, 6282) 1 (0, 6534) 1 (0, 6601) 1 X : [[0 0 0 ... 0 0 0]] Cosine Similarity inside Input evaluation : [[0.53674504] [0.30815782] [0. ] ... [0.02254174] [0. ] [0.08006408]] Score : [0.5367450401216933, 0.5051814855409227] Indexes : Int64Index([0, 2294], dtype='int64') User Recommendations: [] We want to know why User Recommendations: [] is coming blank, also it is giving indexes at [0,2294] . How to check what is there at indexes [0,2294].