2 years ago
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@load base/frameworks/notice @load base/frameworks/sumstats @load base/utils/time module Scan; export { redef enum Notice::Type += { Address_Scan, Port_Scan, }; const addr_scan_interval = 5min &redef; const port_scan_interval = 5min &redef; const addr_scan_threshold = 25.0 &redef; const port_scan_threshold = 15.0 &redef; global Scan::addr_scan_policy: hook(scanner: addr, victim: addr, scanned_port: port); global Scan::port_scan_policy: hook(scanner: addr, victim: addr, scanned_port: port); } event zeek_init() &priority=5 { local r1: SumStats::Reducer = [$stream="", $apply=set(SumStats::UNIQUE), $unique_max=double_to_count(addr_scan_threshold+2)]; SumStats::create([$name="addr-scan", $epoch=addr_scan_interval, $reducers=set(r1), $threshold_val(key: SumStats::Key, result: SumStats::Result) = { return result[""]$unique+0.0; }, #$threshold_func=check_addr_scan_threshold, $threshold=addr_scan_threshold, $threshold_crossed(key: SumStats::Key, result: SumStats::Result) = { local r = result[""]; local side = Site::is_local_addr(key$host) ? "local" : "remote"; local dur = duration_to_mins_secs(r$end-r$begin); local message=fmt("%s scanned at least %d unique hosts on port %s in %s", key$host, r$unique, key$str, dur); NOTICE([$note=Address_Scan, $src=key$host, $p=to_port(key$str), $sub=side, $msg=message, $identifier=cat(key$host)]); }]); # Note: port scans are tracked similar to: table[src_ip, dst_ip] of set(port); local r2: SumStats::Reducer = [$stream="", $apply=set(SumStats::UNIQUE), $unique_max=double_to_count(port_scan_threshold+2)]; SumStats::create([$name="port-scan", $epoch=port_scan_interval, $reducers=set(r2), $threshold_val(key: SumStats::Key, result: SumStats::Result) = { return result[""]$unique+0.0; }, $threshold=port_scan_threshold, $threshold_crossed(key: SumStats::Key, result: SumStats::Result) = { local r = result[""]; local side = Site::is_local_addr(key$host) ? "local" : "remote"; local dur = duration_to_mins_secs(r$end-r$begin); local message = fmt("%s scanned at least %d unique ports of host %s in %s", key$host, r$unique, key$str, dur); print fmt("%s scanned at least %d unique ports of host %s in %s", key$host, r$unique, key$str, dur); NOTICE([$note=Port_Scan, $src=key$host, $dst=to_addr(key$str), $sub=side, $msg=message, $identifier=cat(key$host)]); }]); } function add_sumstats(id: conn_id, reverse: bool) { local scanner = id$orig_h; local victim = id$resp_h; local scanned_port = id$resp_p; if ( reverse ) { scanner = id$resp_h; victim = id$orig_h; scanned_port = id$orig_p; } if ( hook Scan::addr_scan_policy(scanner, victim, scanned_port) ) SumStats::observe("", [$host=scanner, $str=cat(scanned_port)], [$str=cat(victim)]); if ( hook Scan::port_scan_policy(scanner, victim, scanned_port) ) SumStats::observe("", [$host=scanner, $str=cat(victim)], [$str=cat(scanned_port)]); } function is_failed_conn(c: connection): bool { # Sr || ( (hR || ShR) && (data not sent in any direction) ) if ( (c$orig$state == TCP_SYN_SENT && c$resp$state == TCP_RESET) || (((c$orig$state == TCP_RESET && c$resp$state == TCP_SYN_ACK_SENT) || (c$orig$state == TCP_RESET && c$resp$state == TCP_ESTABLISHED && "S" in c$history ) ) && /[Dd]/ !in c$history ) ) return T; return F; } function is_reverse_failed_conn(c: connection): bool { # reverse scan i.e. conn dest is the scanner # sR || ( (Hr || sHr) && (data not sent in any direction) ) if ( (c$resp$state == TCP_SYN_SENT && c$orig$state == TCP_RESET) || (((c$resp$state == TCP_RESET && c$orig$state == TCP_SYN_ACK_SENT) || (c$resp$state == TCP_RESET && c$orig$state == TCP_ESTABLISHED && "s" in c$history ) ) && /[Dd]/ !in c$history ) ) return T; return F; } event connection_attempt(c: connection) { local is_reverse_scan = F; if ( "H" in c$history ) is_reverse_scan = T; add_sumstats(c$id, is_reverse_scan); } event connection_rejected(c: connection) { local is_reverse_scan = F; if ( "s" in c$history ) is_reverse_scan = T; add_sumstats(c$id, is_reverse_scan); } event connection_reset(c: connection) { if ( is_failed_conn(c) ) add_sumstats(c$id, F); else if ( is_reverse_failed_conn(c) ) add_sumstats(c$id, T); } event connection_pending(c: connection) { if ( is_failed_conn(c) ) add_sumstats(c$id, F); else if ( is_reverse_failed_conn(c) ) add_sumstats(c$id, T); }