3 years ago
6.6 kB
Pass -1 of 2-pass assembler #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { FILE *f1,*f2,*f3,*f4; int lc,sa,l,op1,o,len; char m1[20],la[20],op[20],otp[20]; clrscr(); f1=fopen("input.txt","r"); f3=fopen("symtab.txt","w"); fscanf(f1,"%s %s %d",la,m1,&op1); if(strcmp(m1,"START")==0) { sa=op1; lc=sa; printf("\t%s\t%s\t%d\n",la,m1,op1); } else lc=0; fscanf(f1,"%s %s",la,m1); while(!feof(f1)) { fscanf(f1,"%s",op); printf("\n%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",lc,la,m1,op); if(strcmp(la,"-")!=0) { fprintf(f3,"\n%d\t%s\n",lc,la); } f2=fopen("optab.txt","r"); fscanf(f2,"%s %d",otp,&o); while(!feof(f2)) { if(strcmp(m1,otp)==0) { lc=lc+3; break; } fscanf(f2,"%s %d",otp,&o); } fclose(f2); if(strcmp(m1,"WORD")==0) { lc=lc+3; } else if(strcmp(m1,"RESW")==0) { op1=atoi(op); lc=lc+(3*op1); } else if(strcmp(m1,"BYTE")==0) { if(op[0]=='X') lc=lc+1; else { len=strlen(op)-2; lc=lc+len;} } else if(strcmp(m1,"RESB")==0) { op1=atoi(op); lc=lc+op1; } fscanf(f1,"%s%s",la,m1); } if(strcmp(m1,"END")==0) { printf("Program length =\n%d",lc-sa); } fclose(f1); fclose(f3); getch(); } ***************************************** #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 struct input{ char label[10]; char opcode[10]; char oprand[10]; }store[22]; struct optab{ char op[5]; char val[5]; }object[20]; int checkOpcode(char* word){ FILE* file = fopen("optab.txt", "r"); char *token; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; const char *delimiter_characters = " \n\t}{][)(,;"; while(fgets(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, file) != NULL){ token = strtok(buffer, delimiter_characters); while (token != NULL) { if (strcmp(buffer, word) == 0){ return 1; } token = strtok(NULL, delimiter_characters); } } fclose(file); return 0; } int main() { char *last_token; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int col=0,index=-1,ind=0,indo=4096,counter=4096; const char *inpFile = "SIC_input.txt"; const char *outFile = "SIC_output.txt"; const char *symFile = "SIC_Symbol.txt"; const char *objFile = "Object_Code.txt"; const char *delimiter_characters = " \n\t}{][)(,;"; FILE *fileptr1 = fopen(inpFile,"r"); FILE *fileptr2 = fopen(outFile,"w"); FILE *fileptr3 = fopen(symFile,"w"); FILE *fileptr4 = fopen(objFile,"r"); // Task 1 - tokenization & Task 2 - Storing in Structure printf("PASS - 1\n\n"); printf("Task 1 & 2 :\n"); int count=0; while(fgets(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, fileptr1) != NULL) { index++; last_token = strtok(buffer, delimiter_characters); while (last_token != NULL) { if(col==0) strcpy(store[index].label,last_token); else if(col==1) strcpy(store[index].opcode,last_token); else strcpy(store[index].oprand,last_token); last_token = strtok(NULL, delimiter_characters); col++; } col=0; count++; } printf("Stored in Structure after Tokenising.\n\n"); // PASS 2 char* op[20] = {"ADD","COMP","J","JEQ","JGT","JLT","JSUB","LDA", "LDB", "LDCH","LDL","LDX","MUL","RD","RSUB","STA","STCH","STL","STX","TD"}; char* val[20] = {"18","28","3C","30","34","38","48","00","68","50","08","04","20","D8","4C","0C","54","14","10","E0"}; printf("Task 3 & 4 & 5 : Creating SIC_Output.txt and SIC_Symbol.txt file ...\n"); for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { if(strcmp(store[i].label,"END") == 0){ break; } if(checkOpcode(store[i].label)){ indo+=3; }else if(strcmp(store[i].opcode,"WORD") == 0){ indo+=3; }else if(strcmp(store[i].opcode,"RESW") == 0){ indo+=atoi(store[i].oprand)*3; }else if(strcmp(store[i].opcode,"RESB") == 0){ indo+=atoi(store[i].oprand); }else if(strcmp(store[i].opcode,"BYTE") == 0){ if(store[i].oprand[0]=='C') { int temp = strlen(store[i].oprand); temp=temp-3; indo+=temp; } else if(store[i].oprand[0]=='X') { int temp = strlen(store[i].oprand); temp=temp-3; indo+=(temp/2); } } if(i==0) { if(strlen(store[i].opcode) != 0){ fprintf(fileptr2,"%X %s %s %s ",indo,store[i].label,store[i].opcode,store[i].oprand); char *obj = ""; for(int j=0; j<20; j++){ if(strcmp(store[i].opcode,object[j].op) == 0){ obj = ""; strcat(obj,object[j].val); char snum[5]; itoa(indo,snum,10); strcat(obj,snum); fprintf(fileptr2,"%s\n",obj); obj = ""; break; } } if(strlen(store[i].label) != 0 && strcmp(store[i].label, store[i-1].label)!=0){ fprintf(fileptr3,"%X\t%s\n",indo,store[i].label); } } } else if(strlen(store[i].oprand) != 0 && i!=0) { fprintf(fileptr2,"%X %s %s %s\n",indo,store[i].label,store[i].opcode,store[i].oprand); if(strlen(store[i].label) != 0 && strcmp(store[i].label, store[i-1].label)!=0){ fprintf(fileptr3,"%X\t%s\n",indo,store[i].label); } } else { if(strlen(store[i].opcode) != 0){ fprintf(fileptr2,"%X %s %s %s\n",indo,store[i].label,store[i].opcode,store[i].oprand); if(strlen(store[i].label) != 0 && strcmp(store[i].label, store[i-1].label)!=0){ fprintf(fileptr3,"%X\t%s\n",indo,store[i].label); } } } } fprintf(fileptr2,"%d",indo-counter); printf("\nGenerated..."); fclose(fileptr1); fclose(fileptr2); fclose(fileptr3); printf("\n\nPASS - 2"); printf("\nGenerated..."); return 0; }
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