Cinema project 5/5

cinema seat map is not updated to "B" after you buy a seat.
2 years ago
1.9 kB
val prnRows = println("Enter the number of rows:")
val rows = readln().toInt()
val prnSeats = println("Enter the number of seats in each row:")
val seats = readln().toInt()

var totalSeats = MutableList(rows) { MutableList(seats) {'S'} }

var numTickets = 0
var percentage = 0.0
var income = 0
var totIncome = 0

fun main() {

fun opts () {
    println("\n1. Show the seats\n" +
            "2. Buy a ticket\n" +
            "3. Statistics\n" +
            "0. Exit\n")
    var opt = readln().toInt()

    when(opt) {
        0 -> exitProcess(0)
        1 -> showSeats()
        2 -> buyTicket()
        3 -> stats()

    return opts()

fun showSeats() {
    print(" ")
    for (i in 1..rows) print(" $i")
    for (n in 1..seats) print("\n$n ${totalSeats[seats - 1].joinToString(separator = " ")}")

    return opts()

fun stats() {
    var formatPercentage = "%.2f".format(percentage)

    println("Number of purchased tickets: $numTickets\n" +
            "Percentage: $formatPercentage%\n" +
            "Current income: $$income\n" +
            "Total income: $$totIncome")

    return opts()

fun buyTicket() {
    println("Enter a row number:")
    val rowNum = readln().toInt()
    println("Enter a seat number in that row:")
    val seatNum = readln().toInt()

    totalSeats[rowNum][seatNum] = 'B'

    var ticketPrice = if (rowNum <= 4) 10 else 8

    println("Ticket price: $$ticketPrice")

    if (ticketPrice == 10) {
        percentage = ((numTickets * 100) / (rows * seats)).toDouble()
        income = 10
        totIncome += 10
    }else if (ticketPrice == 8) {
        percentage = ((numTickets * 100) / (rows * seats)).toDouble()
        income = 8
        totIncome += 8

    return opts()
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