7 days ago
4.8 kB
#[FiltersAnd(new FilterCommand('url'))] public function handleUrls(PrivateMessage&Incoming&Message&IsNotEdited $message): void { $words = explode(' ', $message->message); $secondWord = $words[1]; //$photo = $words[2]; $urlx = $secondWord; $parse_url = parse_url($urlx, PHP_URL_PATH); $parse_del = preg_replace("/\/+/", "", $parse_url); try { $sent = $message->reply('Preparing...'); $url = $secondWord; $PhotoTemp = $this->downloadToDir($message->media, '/tmp/'); //$message->reply("Photo: $photo ,URL: $url"); $client = HttpClientBuilder::buildDefault(); $request = new Request($url); $request->setTcpConnectTimeout(1000000); $request->setTlsHandshakeTimeout(1000000); $request->setTransferTimeout(10000000); $request->setBodySizeLimit(100000 * 1024 * 1024); // 100 MB $startTime = microtime(true); try { $response = $client->request($request); $body = $response->getBody(); $payload = new Payload($body); $contentLength = $response->getHeader('content-length'); $downloadedBytes = 0; $lastUpdate = 0; $fullzise = $contentLength / (1024 * 1024); if ($fullzise < 50) { $updateInterval = 5 * 1024 * 1024; } elseif ($fullzise >= 50 && $fullzise < 100) { $updateInterval = 20 * 1024 * 1024; } elseif ($fullzise >= 100 && $fullzise < 500) { $updateInterval = 20 * 1024 * 1024; } else { $updateInterval = 100 * 1024 * 1024; } while (null !== $chunk = $payload->read()) { $downloadedBytes += strlen($chunk); $elapsedTime = microtime(true) - $startTime; $downloadSpeed = $downloadedBytes / $elapsedTime; $downloadedMB = $downloadedBytes / (1024 * 1024); $elapsedSeconds = $elapsedTime; $downloadSpeedMBps = $downloadSpeed / (1024 * 1024); if ($downloadedBytes - $lastUpdate >= $updateInterval) { $sent->editText("Download: " . number_format($downloadedMB, 2) . " MB\nTime: " . number_format($elapsedSeconds, 2) . " s\nSpeed: " . number_format($downloadSpeedMBps, 2) . " MB/s\nCompleting download: " . number_format($downloadedMB, 2) . " MBs Of ". number_format($fullzise, 1) . " MB"); $lastUpdate = $downloadedBytes; } } $headers = $response->getHeaders(); $date = $headers['date'][0] ?? 'Date header not found'; $lastModified = $headers['last-modified'][0] ?? 'Last-Modified header not found'; $caption = "Response Information:\n"; $caption .= "Headers: \nDate: " . $date . "\n"; $caption .= "last-modified: ".$lastModified."\n"; $caption .= "Download size: " . number_format($fullzise, 1) . " MB" . "\n"; $extension = pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (empty($extension)) { $extension = 'apk'; // Default extension } $sendMessageTypingActionn = ['_' => 'sendMessageTypingAction']; $this->messages->setTyping(['peer' => $message->chatId, 'action' =>$sendMessageTypingActionn]); $this->sleep(1); $doc_by_user = $this->sendDocument( peer: $message->chatId, replyToMsgId: $message->replyToMsgId, file: new RemoteUrl($url), // thumb: new RemoteUrl($photo), thumb: new LocalFile($PhotoTemp), caption: 'O', parseMode: ParseMode::HTML, fileName: $parse_del . '.' . $extension, ); $forward_by_bot = $this->messages->forwardMessages( to_peer: -1002383942583, from_peer: $message->chatId, id: [$doc_by_user->id]); if (!unlink($PhotoTemp)) { throw new Exception('Failed to delete photo.'); } $message->reply("Pic $PhotoTemp has been delete."); } catch (Exception $e) { $sent->editText('Error: ' . $e->getMessage()); } $this->sleep(2); $sent->delete(); } catch (Throwable $e) { if (!str_contains($e->getMessage(), 'Could not connect to URI') && !($e instanceof UriException) && !str_contains($e->getMessage(), 'URI')) { $this->report((string) $e); $this->logger((string) $e, Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } if ($e instanceof RPCErrorException && $e->rpc === 'FILE_PARTS_INVALID') { $this->report(json_encode($file)); } try { $sent->editText('Error: ' . $e->getMessage()); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger((string) $e, Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } } }
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