const chalk = require('chalk'); const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'); const setupDB = require('./db'); const Product = require('../models/product'); const Brand = require('../models/brand'); const Category = require('../models/category'); const User = require('../models/user'); const { ROLES } = require('../constants'); const seedData = require('./seedData.json'); const args = process.argv.slice(2); const email = args[0]; const password = args[1]; const seedDB = async () => { try { console.log(`${chalk.blue('✓')} ${chalk.blue('Seed database started')}`); // Seed Admin User if (!email || !password) throw new Error('Missing arguments'); const existingUser = await User.findOne({ email }); if (!existingUser) { console.log( `${chalk.yellow('!')} ${chalk.yellow('Seeding admin user...')}` ); const user = new User({ email, password, firstName: 'admin', lastName: 'admin', role: ROLES.Admin }); const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(10); const hash = await bcrypt.hash(user.password, salt); user.password = hash; await user.save(); console.log(`${chalk.green('✓')} ${chalk.green('Admin user seeded.')}`); } else { console.log( `${chalk.yellow('!')} ${chalk.yellow( 'Admin user already exists, skipping seeding for admin user.' )}` ); } // Create maps for brands and categories const brandMap = {}; const categoryMap = {}; // Seed categories for (const category of seedData.categories) { const existingCategory = await Category.findOne({ name: category.name }); if (!existingCategory) { const newCategory = await Category.create(category); categoryMap[category.name] = newCategory._id; console.log(`${chalk.green('✓')} Category seeded: ${category.name}`); } else { categoryMap[category.name] = existingCategory._id; console.log(`${chalk.yellow('!')} Category exists: ${category.name}`); } } // Seed brands for (const brand of seedData.brands) { const existingBrand = await Brand.findOne({ name: brand.name }); if (!existingBrand) { const newBrand = await Brand.create(brand); brandMap[brand.name] = newBrand._id; console.log(`${chalk.green('✓')} Brand seeded: ${brand.name}`); } else { brandMap[brand.name] = existingBrand._id; console.log(`${chalk.yellow('!')} Brand exists: ${brand.name}`); } } // Seed products and update categories for (const product of seedData.products) { const existingProduct = await Product.findOne({ name: product.name }); if (!existingProduct) { const brandId = brandMap[product.brand]; const categoryId = categoryMap[product.category]; if (!brandId) { console.error( `${chalk.red('x')} Brand not found for product: ${ product.name }, brand: ${product.brand}` ); continue; } if (!categoryId) { console.error( `${chalk.red('x')} Category not found for product: ${ product.name }, category: ${product.category}` ); continue; } // Create the product const newProduct = await Product.create({ ...product, brand: brandId }); // Update the category with the product reference await Category.updateOne( { _id: categoryId }, { $push: { products: newProduct._id } } ); console.log(`${chalk.green('✓')} Product seeded: ${product.name}`); } else { console.log(`${chalk.yellow('!')} Product exists: ${product.name}`); } } console.log(`${chalk.green('✓')} Database seeding completed successfully!`); } catch (error) { console.error(`${chalk.red('x')} Error during seeding:`, error.message); } finally { await mongoose.connection.close(); console.log(`${chalk.blue('✓')} Database connection closed!`); } }; // Initialize database and run seeding (async () => { try { await setupDB(); await seedDB(); } catch (error) { console.error( `${chalk.red('x')} Failed to initialize database:`, error.message ); } })();
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