a year ago
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try: #Start of try and exception print() class StudentRecord: #Start of declaring Student Record Structure def __init__(self, name, marks, school): self.name = name self.marks = marks self.school = school stack = ['' for i in range(2)] #Declaring length of array stackfull = len(stack) basePointer = 0 topPointer = -1 def push(item): #Start of function global topPointer #Declaring pointer globally for assigning if topPointer < stackfull - 1: topPointer = topPointer + 1 stack[topPointer] = item else: print("Stack is full, cannot push more than stack length") yesno = int(input("Would you like to push any records into the stack?\n1 for Yes\n2 for No\nEnter here: ")) #Asking if any records need to be pushed if yesno == 1: #Start of iteration print() lenitems = int(input("How many records do you want to push?: ")) #Asking how many records need to be pushed while lenitems > 0: #Start of while iteration to input user data print() name = input("Enter name: ") marks = input("Enter marks: ") school = input("Enter school: ") item = StudentRecord(name, marks, school) #Data assignment push(item) #Calling function lenitems = lenitems - 1 if yesno == 1: #Start of iteration to re-print pushed data print() print("Stack after item push --->") for item in stack: if item != '': print() print("Name:", item.name) print("Marks:", item.marks) print("School:", item.school) print() def pop(): #Start of function global topPointer, basePointer, item #Declaring pointer globally for assigning if topPointer == basePointer - 1: print("Stack is empty, cannot pop more records") else: item = stack[topPointer] stack[topPointer] = '' topPointer = topPointer - 1 print() print("Popped record --->") print() print("Name:", item.name) print("Marks:", item.marks) print("School:", item.school) yesno2 = int(input("Would you like to pop any records in the stack?\n1 for Yes\n2 for No\nEnter here: ")) #Asking user whether any data needs to be popped or not if yesno2 == 1: #Iteration lenitems2 = int(input("How many records do you want to pop?: ")) for i in range(lenitems2): pop() if yesno2 == 1: #NO MORE COMMENTS BELOW PLS IGNORE print() print("Stack after record pop --->") for item in stack: if item != '': print() print("Name:", item.name) print("Marks:", item.marks) print("School:", item.school) print() with open("E:\\EvidenceRecordFolder\studentdata.txt", "w") as file: for item in stack: if item != '': file.write("Name: " + item.name + "\n") file.write("Marks: " + item.marks + "\n") file.write("School: " + item.school + "\n") file.write("\n") f = open("E:\\EvidenceRecordFolder\studentdata.txt", "r") print() print("The final record/s written in the final is printed below") print() print(f.read()) except Exception as err: print("An error occurred:", str(err))