
mail@pastecode.io avatar
20 days ago
2.1 kB
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
using namespace std;

int katrori(int x) {
    return x * x;

int kubi(int x) {
    return x * x * x;

int fuqiakater(int x) {
    return x * x * x * x;

int trefishi(int x) {
    return 3 * x;

int main() {
    int numri = 2;
    pid_t pid1, pid2, pid3;

    // Fork the first child process
    if ((pid1 = fork()) == 0) {
        // This is the first child process
        int rezultati = katrori(numri);
        cout << "Procesi femije 1 ka numrin : " << getpid() << endl;
        cout << "Katrori u llogarit nga femija 1 dhe rezultati eshte " << rezultati << endl;
        return 0; // Ensure the child process exits here
    // Fork the second child process
    if ((pid2 = fork()) == 0) {
        // This is the second child process
        int rezultati = kubi(numri);
        cout << "Procesi femije 2 ka numrin : " << getpid() << endl;
        cout << "Kubi u llogarit nga femija 2 dhe rezultati eshte " << rezultati << endl;
        return 0; // Ensure the child process exits here
    // Fork the third child process
    if ((pid3 = fork()) == 0) {
        // This is the third child process
        int rezultati = fuqiakater(numri);
        cout << "Procesi femije 3 ka numrin : " << getpid() << endl;
        cout << "Fuqia e katert u llogarit nga femija 3 dhe rezultati eshte " << rezultati << endl;
        return 0; // Ensure the child process exits here

    // This is the parent process
    int rezultati = trefishi(numri);
    cout << "Procesi prind ka numrin : " << getpid() << endl;
    cout << "Trefishi u llogarit nga prindi dhe rezultati eshte " << rezultati << endl;

    // Wait for each child process to complete
    waitpid(pid1, NULL, 0);
    cout << "Femija 1 ka perfunduar " << endl;

    waitpid(pid2, NULL, 0);
    cout << "Femija 2 ka perfunduar " << endl;

    waitpid(pid3, NULL, 0);
    cout << "Femija 3 ka perfunduar " << endl;

    return 0;
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