
3 years ago
10 kB

return [
    // mic_test
    'test_title' => 'Microphone Test - Check Your Mic Via Our Online Tool',
    'test_meta_desc' => 'Use this microphone test to determine if your PC mic is set up and work correctly',
    'test_meta_key' => 'microphone, microphone error, microphone test, microphone fix, microphone tool, check microphone, microphone check, pc microphone, pc mic',

    'h1' => 'Microphone Test - Check if your Microphone is Working',
    'how_to_test' => 'How to test your microphone?',
    'how_to_test_p_1' => 'Is your microphone not working for some reason? Test your microphone for proper operation by following the steps in Test Microphone Online on the right side of the screen.',
    'proven_solutions' => 'Proven Solutions to Common Microphone Problems',
    'proven_solutions_p_1' => 'Can you hear yourself without interference? Then your microphone passed the test, and there is nothing wrong with it.',
    'proven_solutions_p_2' => 'Did the microphone fail the test? Are you unable to hear anything even after confirming your browser message? Here are all the solutions to our visitors\' most common microphone problems. You need to perform the following steps:',
    'proven_solutions_li_1' => 'Step 1: Make sure your microphone is plugged in and turned on.',
    'proven_solutions_li_2' => 'Step 2: Click the Test Microphone Online button to begin the test.',
    'proven_solutions_li_3' => 'Step 3. When your browser asks permission to access the microphone, click "Allow.',
    'proven_solutions_li_4' => 'Step 4. Say the words into the microphone and see if the sound waves move according to your voice. Our service never records everything you say, so all voice processes will only be done on your PC.',
    'frequently_asked_p_1' => 'Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about microphone problems.',
    'question_1' => 'Why does my microphone not work?',
    'answer_1' => '
        <p>There are several reasons for this problem:</p>
            <li>The microphone is not connected correctly. Make sure your microphone is plugged in/on.</li>
            <li>The microphone is turned off, or its volume is too low. Increase the microphone volume/disconnect it.</li>
            <li>The sound card driver is outdated or not working correctly. Go to your sound card manufacturer\'s website and download/install the latest drivers.</li>
            <li>Your microphone is broken.</li>
    'question_2' => 'How do I increase the microphone volume?',
    'answer_2' => '
            <li>Right-click on the speaker icon in the Start menu.</li>
            <li>Open "Sound Settings."</li>
            <li>Under "Input," click "Device Properties."</li>
            <li>Adjust the microphone volume by moving the slider.</li>
    'question_3' => 'How do I make my microphone sound better?',
    'answer_3' => '
        <p>Improving the sound of your microphone is a simple task, and there are several things you can do to improve the sound quality.</p>
            <li>Move the microphone slightly away from the mouse.</li>
            <li>Make sure that the microphone volume is not set to maximum.</li>
            <li>Make sure that the microphone is pointing in the right direction.</li>
            <li>Do not place the microphone directly toward the sound source.</li>
    'question_4' => 'How do I turn on the microphone?',
    'answer_4' => '
            <li>Right-click on the speaker symbol in the Start menu.</li>
            <li>Open "Sound Settings.</li>
            <li>Under "Input," click on "Device Properties."</li>
            <li>Uncheck the "Disable" box.</li>
    'question_5' => 'How do I increase/decrease microphone sensitivity?',
    'answer_5' => '
        <p>Most Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) programs can adjust microphone sensitivity:</p>
            <li>Right-click on the speaker icon in the Start menu.</li>
            <li>Open "Sound Settings."</li>
            <li>Under "Input," click on "Device Properties" - select "Advanced Device Properties."</li>
            <li>A new window should appear - here, open the "Levels" tab.</li>
            <li>You can change the microphone\'s sensitivity by selecting the values "Microphone" and "Microphone gain."</li>

    'if_you_can_see' => 'Can you hear yourself without interference? Then your microphone passed the test, and there is nothing wrong with it.',

    'mic-prop_media_name' => 'Microphone Name',
    'mic-prop_tester_wt_rating' => 'Quality Rating',
    'mic-prop_audio_autoGainControl' => 'Automatic Gain Control',
    'mic-prop_audio_channelCount' => 'Number of Audio Channels',
    'mic-prop_audio_echoCancellation' => 'Echo Cancellation',
    'mic-prop_audio_latency' => 'Estimated Latency',
    'mic-prop_audio_noiseSuppression' => 'Noise Suppression',
    'mic-prop_audio_sampleRate' => 'Sample Rate',
    'mic-prop_audio_sampleSize' => 'Sample Size',
    'mic-prop_audio_volume' => 'Volume',

    // index
    'mic_visualizer' => 'Microphone Visualizer',
    'mic_audio' => 'Mic audio',
    'mic_playback' => 'Mic Playback',
    'stop_mic' => 'Stop microphone',
    'update_info' => 'Update info and start new record',

    // notices
    'notice_loading_detectingDevices' => 'Detecting your media devices. Please wait...',
    'notice_loading_waitingPermission' => 'Waiting for your permission...',
    'notice_loading_startingMic' => 'Starting your microphone. Please wait...',
    'notice_fail_unexpectedError' => 'An unexpected error occurred. Reload the page and try again.',
    'notice_fail_noMicNoDevices' => 'Could not find any media devices. It is very likely that your
            browser does not allow access to these devices. Try to reload
            this page or open it using another browser. Just remember that
            in order to start your microphone you need to allow our website
            to use it.',
    'notice_fail_noMicSomeDevices' => 'Could not find a microphone, however there are other media
            devices (like speakers or webcams). Most likely, this means that
            your microphone is not working properly or your browser cannot
            access it.',
    'notice_fail_browserNotSupported' => 'Your browser does not support features for accessing media
            devices. Please upgrade your browser or install another one.',
    'notice_fail_devidUnavailable' => 'It looks like your browser is blocking access to microphone
            identifiers. Because of this, it’s impossible to detect and
            manage all available microphones.',
    'notice_fail_promiseNotAllowed' => 'You did not allow the browser to use the microphone. Reload the
            page and try again.',
    'notice_fail_promiseNotReadable' => 'Apparently, your microphone is being used or blocked by another
            application. To start your microphone, you must temporarily
            close that application.',
    'notice_fail_permissionTimeout' => 'Waiting time for your permission has expired. Reload the page
            and try again.',
    'notice_fail_cannotStreamAudio' => 'Cannot stream audio. The cause may be a defective/disabled
            microphone or that it is currently being used by another
    'notice_fail_audioPaused' => 'The audio track is paused.',
    'notice_fail_noStream' => 'Cannot detect any active stream of media content.',
    'notice_fail_noTrack' => 'Your microphone does not output any audio tracks.',
    'notice_fail_cannotGetTracks' => 'Your browser does not support features for accessing audio tracks.',
    'notice_fail_trackMuted' => 'Audio track not available due to technical issue.',
    'notice_fail_trackEnded' => 'Your microphone suddenly stopped transmitting audio track.',
    'notice_fail_trackDisabled' => 'For unknown reasons, the audio track is disabled.',
    'notice_text_enableDevid' => 'Click here to allow access to microphone identifiers',
    'notice_text_forceQuery' => 'Click here to try forcibly start the microphone',
    'notice_loading_testingMic' => 'Testing your microphone and recording your voice.',
    'notice_done_micDetectedOne' => 'A microphone was detected. Press “Test my mic” to check the
            functionality and supported properties of your microphone.',
    'notice_done_micDetectedMulti' => 'Several microphones were detected. To check the functionality
            and supported properties of your microphone, select it from the
            list below and press “Test my mic”. Please note that in order to
            obtain more accurate results it is recommended to keep enabled
            only one microphone.',
    'notice_done_testingComplete' => 'Testing was completed successfully and it seems your microphone
            works properly. All details about your mic are displayed in the
            “Microphone Information” table. Please do not forget to leave a
            review about your microphone.',
    'notice_fail_silence' => 'Testing failed because your microphone could not capture any
            sounds. Please make sure your microphone is not muted and try
    'notice_fail_singleTone' => 'Testing failed because your microphone captured only a single
            tone. Please make sure your microphone is not muted and try
    'notice_fail_undetectedMicProps' => 'During testing, there were errors due to which it is impossible
            to determine some parameters of your microphone. Reload the page
            and try again.',
    'notice_info_readMore' => 'For more information, [[click here]].',
    'notice_info_switchMic' => 'Changing the microphone will reset the current process. Do you
            want to continue?',
    'notice_info_sayHello' => 'Please say “Hello” or make some noise. The tester records the
            sound captured by your mic and you will be able to playback it
            after testing is complete.',
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