2 months ago
930 B
Champions (71): Annie Olaf Diana Galio TwistedFate XinZhao Syndra Yone Aatrox MasterYi Ryze Kayn Sion Zyra Soraka Kaisa Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu MissFortune Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Singed Evelynn Thresh Yasuo Chogath Amumu Rammus Shaco DrMundo Illaoi SonaDJGenre01 Irelia Gangplank Karma Veigar Swain Caitlyn Blitzcrank Malphite Naafiri Katarina Renekton Brand Vayne Nasus Poppy Pantheon Ezreal Mordekaiser Yorick Akali Garen Leona Malzahar Talon Riven Yuumi LuxAir Ahri Fizz Volibear Sett Zed Ekko Darius Vi Skins (24): Stinger Akali FPX Vayne Arcanist Shaco Pool Party Mundo K/DA Akali Spooky Gangplank Frozen Prince Mundo Sandstorm Ekko Explorer Ezreal Odyssey Twisted Fate Arcane Vi Crime City Nightmare Darius Northern Front Swain Commando Garen Arcane Caitlyn Rune Wars Renekton Guardian of the Sands Ryze Hextech Amumu PROJECT: Ashe PsyOps Sona Hextech Singed Warden Karma Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath Mythmaker Zyra
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