8 months ago
2.2 kB
using json = nlohmann::json; enum NodeType { FILE_NODE, DIRECTORY_NODE }; struct TreeNode { std::string name; NodeType type; TreeNode* child; // NULL if it's a file, points to child node if it's a directory // Constructor for file node TreeNode(const std::string& name, NodeType type) : name(name), type(type), child(nullptr) {} // Constructor for directory node TreeNode(const std::string& name) : name(name), type(DIRECTORY_NODE), child(nullptr) {} // Destructor to recursively delete child nodes ~TreeNode() { if (type == DIRECTORY_NODE && child != nullptr) { delete child; } } }; void ParseJSON(const json& nodeData, TreeNode& treeNode) { if (nodeData.contains("name") && nodeData.contains("type")) { treeNode.name = nodeData["name"]; std::string type = nodeData["type"]; std::cout << "Parsing node: " << treeNode.name << ", Type: " << type << std::endl; if (type == "directory") { treeNode.type = DIRECTORY_NODE; if (nodeData.contains("children")) { treeNode.child = new TreeNode(""); for (const auto& child : nodeData["children"]) { ParseJSON(child, *treeNode.child); } } } else if (type == "file") { treeNode.type = FILE_NODE; } } } void DisplayTreeNode(const TreeNode& node) { if (node.type == DIRECTORY_NODE) { if (ImGui::TreeNode(node.name.c_str())) { if (node.child) { DisplayTreeNode(*node.child); } ImGui::TreePop(); } } else { ImGui::Selectable(node.name.c_str()); } } std::ifstream file("project.json"); json fileTreeJson; file >> fileTreeJson; TreeNode root(fileTreeJson["project"]); ParseJSON(fileTreeJson["root"], root); int width, height; glfwGetWindowSize(window, &width, &height); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(300, 600), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(width-300, 20), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::Begin("Project Explorer"); DisplayTreeNode(root); ImGui::End();
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