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title Airline Reservation System Sequence Diagram

actor Customer
actor Admin
participant "Flight Search Service" as FSS
participant "Seat Selection Service" as SSS
participant "Booking Service" as BS
participant "Authentication Service" as AS
participant "Admin Management Service" as AMS
participant "Database" as DB

== Customer Use Case: Flight Search and Booking ==

Customer -> AS: Login
AS --> DB: Validate credentials
DB --> AS: Return validation result
AS --> Customer: Login success/failure

Customer -> FSS: Search flights (origin, destination, date, class)
FSS --> DB: Query available flights
DB --> FSS: Return flight details
FSS --> Customer: Display available flights

Customer -> SSS: Select seat
SSS --> DB: Retrieve seat map
DB --> SSS: Return seat availability
SSS --> Customer: Display seat map

Customer -> BS: Book flight and make payment
BS --> DB: Update booking and seat availability
DB --> BS: Save booking details
BS --> Customer: Booking confirmation and e-ticket

== Admin Use Case: Manage Flights ==

Admin -> AS: Login
AS --> DB: Validate admin credentials
DB --> AS: Return validation result
AS --> Admin: Login success/failure

Admin -> AMS: Add/Update/Delete flight schedules
AMS --> DB: Perform CRUD operations
DB --> AMS: Confirmation of changes
AMS --> Admin: Operation success/failure

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