3 years ago
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defmodule PagerdutyClient do @base_path "https://api.pagerduty.com" def main(args) do with {:ok, args} <- parse_args(args), {:ok, args} <- prepare_args(args), {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: status_code} = request} <- execute_request(args) do IO.puts("Request completed with status code #{status_code}") json_to_map(request) |> find_user(args) |> extract_contact_methods() # |> extract_users_info() |> IO.inspect(label: "cntact methods") else {:error, :no_method_given} -> IO.puts("Error executing request as no HTTP method was given") {:error, :no_url_given} -> IO.puts("Error executing request as no URL was given") error -> IO.puts("Something went wrong, error: #{error}") end end defp find_user({:ok, %{"users" => users}}, args) do Enum.find(users, fn user -> user["email"] == args.email end) end # defp retrieve_user_info(id) do # with {:ok, request} <- # execute_request( # method: "get", # url: "/users", # body: "", # headers: get_headers(), # params: build_params(id) |> IO.inspect(label: "params built") # ) do # request # end # end defp extract_contact_methods(request_body) do Enum.map(request_body["contact_methods"], fn method -> %{ id: method["id"], address: method["address"], summary: method["summary"] } end) end # defp extract_users_info({:ok, %{"users" => users}}) do # Enum.map(users, fn user -> # %{ # id: user["id"], # name: user["name"], # email: user["email"] # } # end) # end # def http_get(url) do # headers = %{"User-Agent" => "Mozilla/5.0"} # IO.puts("\nSending 'GET' request to URL : #{url}") # response = HTTPoison.get!(url, headers) # IO.puts("Response Code : #{response.status_code}") # response.body # end defp parse_args(args) do with {opts, _, _} <- OptionParser.parse(args, strict: [ method: :string, url: :string, body: :string, params: :string, email: :string ] ) do {:ok, opts} end end defp prepare_args(args) do with {:ok, method} <- validate_method(Keyword.get(args, :method)), {:ok, url} <- build_url(Keyword.get(args, :url)), body <- format_string(Keyword.get(args, :body)), params <- build_params(Keyword.get(args, :params)), headers <- get_headers(), email <- validate_email(Keyword.get(args, :email)) do {:ok, %{method: method, url: url, body: body, headers: headers, params: params, email: email}} end end defp execute_request(%{ method: method, url: url, body: body, headers: headers, params: params, email: _ }) do IO.puts("Sending #{method} request to #{url}") HTTPoison.request(method, url, body, headers, params) end def json_to_map(%HTTPoison.Response{body: body}) do JSON.decode(body) end defp validate_method(nil), do: {:error, :no_method_given} defp validate_method(method) do {:ok, String.to_atom(method)} end defp validate_email(nil), do: "" defp validate_email(email), do: email defp build_url(nil), do: {:error, :no_url_given} defp build_url(url), do: {:ok, @base_path <> url} defp format_string(nil), do: "" defp format_string(string) do Regex.replace(~r/([a-z0-9]+):/, string, "\"\\1\":") |> String.replace("'", "\"") end defp build_params(nil), do: [] defp build_params(params) when params == %{}, do: [] defp build_params(params) do params = params |> format_string() |> JSON.decode!() [{:params, params}] end defp get_headers(), do: [ {"Accept", "application/vnd.pagerduty+json;version=2"}, {"Authorization", "Token token=y_NbAkKc66ryYTWUXYEu"}, {"Content-type", "application/json"} ] end
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