from fpdf import FPDF # Create instance of FPDF class pdf = FPDF() pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=15) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) # Title pdf.set_font("Arial", style="B", size=14) pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="Class 12 Accountancy: Financial Statement Analysis", ln=True, align='C') pdf.ln(10) # Content content = [ "1. What is meant by 'Analysis of Financial Statements'?", " - It refers to examining financial data systematically to understand the business's profitability, liquidity, " "solvency, and efficiency, helping stakeholders evaluate its performance and make informed decisions about its " "current and future financial health.", "2. Name any two tools of analysis of financial statements.", " - The two tools are: " " 1) Comparative statements: These compare financial data over different periods. " " 2) Ratio analysis: It assesses financial relationships between different items to evaluate performance.", "3. What is Cross-sectional Analysis?", " - Cross-sectional analysis involves comparing financial data of two or more companies operating within the same " "industry and during the same time period to assess their relative performance, strengths, and weaknesses.", "4. What is a Time Series Analysis?", " - Time series analysis studies a company’s financial data over multiple years to identify patterns, trends, or " "changes in profitability, liquidity, and solvency, which help in predicting future performance.", "5. Why is an inter-firm comparison useful?", " - Inter-firm comparison enables businesses to assess their performance against competitors, identifying areas for " "improvement and benchmarking industry best practices, which facilitates strategic decision-making and competitiveness.", "6. Vertical Analysis is conducted for two or more accounting periods. Is it correct?", " - No, vertical analysis is conducted for a single accounting period, comparing each item in the financial " "statement as a percentage of a base item, such as revenue.", "7. State the significance of Analysis of Financial Statements to 'Top Management'.", " - Top management uses financial statement analysis to assess operational efficiency, profitability, and financial " "stability, aiding in decision-making, resource allocation, and the formulation of long-term strategies.", "8. Why are investors interested in analyzing Financial Statements?", " - Investors analyze financial statements to evaluate the business’s profitability, growth potential, and risk, " "helping them decide whether to invest, hold, or divest in the company’s shares.", "9. Why are the financial institutions interested in analyzing Financial Statements?", " - Financial institutions analyze statements to assess a firm’s creditworthiness, repayment ability, and overall " "financial stability before approving loans or credit facilities.", "10. Why is the public interested in analyzing Financial Statements?", " - The public analyzes financial statements to understand a company's contributions to the economy, employment " "generation, and corporate social
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