: Deliverables 1. Abstract of your whole capstone project posted to your Final Presentation page. 2. Make sure that URL to your capstone (AR/CBR) Website posted on the class google doc works • Format: The abstract is a single, unindented, double-spaced paragraph. • Length: 120 words • Concision: To save space in the abstract, use standard abbreviations (AMA, rather than American Medical Association); use digits for all numbers, except those that begin sentences; and use active, rather than passive, sentences. • Content: In the opening sentences, describe the topic or problem addressed in the whole AR project, use the remaining words in the paragraph to clarify methodology (for a research study), to identify major ideas, and to explain results or conclusions. If a paper is lengthy and multifaceted, describe only the most important elements. • Filename: n/a • Subhead Title: "Abstract" (without quotes) • Make sure that the URL to your capstone (AR/CBR) project posted on the class google docs works.
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