2 years ago
1.4 kB
from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler from datetime import datetime import pytz import subprocess import logging import psutil # Set up logging logging.basicConfig(filename='scheduler.log', level=logging.ERROR) # Define the function to run the existing script def run_script(): try: # Check if the script is already running pid = get_script_pid() if pid: logging.info(f'Script already running with PID {pid}') else: subprocess.Popen(["python", "win_eve_logs_transfer.py"]) logging.info('Script started successfully') except Exception as e: logging.error(f'Error running script: {str(e)}') # Define a function to get the process ID of the script def get_script_pid(): for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: if proc.name() == 'python' and 'win_eve_logs_transfer.py' in ' '.join(proc.cmdline()): return proc.pid except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess): pass return None # Create a scheduler and add the job to run the script every 10 minutes in Ireland time scheduler = BlockingScheduler(timezone='Europe/Dublin') scheduler.add_job(run_script, 'interval', minutes=10) # Start the scheduler try: scheduler.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
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