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// 21143 Tanmay Karmarkar //DSAL Assignment-2 // A Dictionary stores keywords and its meanings. Provide facility for adding new keywords, // deleting keywords, updating values of any entry. // Provide facility to display whole data sorted in ascending/ Descending order. // Also find how many maximum comparisons may require for finding any keyword. // Use Binary Search Tree for implementation. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int count=0; struct Node { string keyword, meaning; Node *left, *right; }; Node *newNode(string keyword, string meaning) { Node *newNode = new Node; newNode->keyword = keyword; newNode->meaning = meaning; newNode->left = NULL; newNode->right = NULL; return newNode; }; bool correct(string a) { bool op = true; for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) { char ch = a[i]; if (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) { continue; } else if (ch == 32 || ch == 44 || ch == 39 || ch == 46) // 32 is space 44 is comma 39 is apostrophe 46 fullstop. { continue; } else { op = false; } } return op; }; Node *insert(Node *root, string keyword, string meaning) { if (root == NULL) { root = newNode(keyword, meaning); } else if (keyword <= root->keyword) { root->left = insert(root->left, keyword, meaning); } else { root->right = insert(root->right, keyword, meaning); } return root; }; Node *create(Node *root) { string keyword, meaning; bool x = true; bool y=true; while (x) { try { cout << "Enter keyword : "; cin>>keyword; if (correct(keyword) == false) { throw 1; } else { x = false; } } catch (...) { cout << "Enter valid string" << endl; } } while (y) { try { cout << "Enter meaning : "; getline(cin>>ws,meaning); if (correct(meaning) == false) { throw 1; } else { y = false; } } catch (...) { cout << "Enter valid string" << endl; } } root = insert(root, keyword, meaning); return root; }; void inorder(Node *root) { if (root != NULL) { inorder(root->left); cout << root->keyword << " : " << root->meaning << endl; inorder(root->right); } } void reverseorder(Node *root) { if (root != NULL) { reverseorder(root->right); cout << root->keyword << " : " << root->meaning << endl; reverseorder(root->left); } } Node *searc(Node *root, string keyword) { count+=1; if (root == NULL || root->keyword == keyword) { return root; } if (root->keyword < keyword) { return searc(root->right, keyword); } else { return searc(root->left, keyword); } }; Node *s(Node *root) { string search; bool x = true; while (x) { try { cout << "Enter Search element : "; cin >> search; if (correct(search)) { x = false; } else { throw 1; } } catch(...) { cout<<"Enter valid string"<<endl; } } Node *a; a= searc(root,search); return a; } void update(Node *root,string keyword,string up_meaning) { Node *a; a=searc(root,keyword); if(a) { a->meaning=up_meaning; return; } else { cout<<"No element present"<<endl; return; } } int main() { Node *root = NULL; Node *a; int ch; string up_keyword; do { cout << "MENU" << endl; cout << "1. Insert" << endl; cout << "2. Print in ascending order" << endl; cout << "3. Print in descending order" << endl; cout << "4. Search" << endl; cout<<"5.Update"<<endl; cout << "-1. Exit" << endl; cout << "Enter operation to be performed : "; cin >> ch; switch (ch) { case 1: root = create(root); break; case 2: if (root == NULL) { cout<<"**********************"<<endl; cout << "Tree is empty"<<endl; cout<<"**********************"<<endl; }else { cout<<"**********************"<<endl; inorder(root); cout<<"**********************"<<endl; }break; case 3: if (root == NULL) {cout<<"**********************"<<endl; cout << "Tree is empty"<<endl; cout<<"**********************"<<endl; }else {cout<<"**********************"<<endl; reverseorder(root); cout<<"**********************"<<endl; }break; case 4: if (root == NULL) { cout<<"**********************"<<endl; cout << "Tree is empty"<<endl; cout<<"**********************"<<endl; }else { a = s(root); if (a) { cout<<"**********************"<<endl; cout << "Found "<<endl; cout<< a->keyword<<" : "<<a->meaning<<endl; cout<<count<<endl; count=0; cout<<"**********************"<<endl; } else { cout<<"**********************"<<endl; cout << "Not found "<<endl; cout<<count<<endl; count=0; cout<<"**********************"<<endl; } } break; case 5: string keyword,up_meaning; cout<<"Original string : "; cin>>keyword; cout<<endl; cout<<"New meaning : "; cin>>up_meaning; update(root,keyword,up_meaning); break; }} while (ch != -1); cout << "Thank You"; return 0; }