import heapq class CityMap: def __init__(self, roads, tracks, friends): self.location_index = [] self.road_adj = [] self.track_adj = [] self.initialize_city(roads, tracks) self.friends = [(name, self.location_index.index(loc)) for name, loc in friends] def initialize_city(self, roads, tracks): # Initialize location mapping and adjacency lists location_set = set() for road in roads + tracks: location_set.update(road[:2]) self.location_index = list(location_set) self.road_adj = [[] for _ in range(len(self.location_index))] self.track_adj = [[] for _ in range(len(self.location_index))] # Mapping locations to indices loc_to_index = {loc: idx for idx, loc in enumerate(self.location_index)} for u, v, w in roads: self.road_adj[loc_to_index[u]].append((loc_to_index[v], w)) self.road_adj[loc_to_index[v]].append((loc_to_index[u], w)) for u, v, w in tracks: self.track_adj[loc_to_index[u]].append((loc_to_index[v], w)) def dijkstra(self, adj_list, start_index): dist = [float('inf')] * len(self.location_index) pred = [-1] * len(self.location_index) dist[start_index] = 0 pq = [(0, start_index)] heapq.heapify(pq) while pq: current_dist, u = heapq.heappop(pq) if current_dist > dist[u]: continue for v, weight in adj_list[u]: if dist[v] > current_dist + weight: dist[v] = current_dist + weight pred[v] = u heapq.heappush(pq, (dist[v], v)) return dist, pred def plan(self, start, destination): start_index = self.location_index.index(start) destination_index = self.location_index.index(destination) road_distances, road_pred = self.dijkstra(self.road_adj, start_index) best_time = float('inf') best_route = [] best_friend = None best_pickup_index = None for name, friend_loc in self.friends: track_distances, track_pred = self.dijkstra(self.track_adj, friend_loc) for i in range(len(self.location_index)): if road_distances[i] + track_distances[i] < best_time: best_time = road_distances[i] + track_distances[i] route_from_start = self.reconstruct_path(road_pred, start_index, i) route_from_friend = self.reconstruct_path(track_pred, friend_loc, i) best_route = route_from_start + route_from_friend[1:] best_friend = name best_pickup_index = i return best_time, best_route, best_friend, self.location_index[best_pickup_index] def reconstruct_path(self, pred, start, end): path = [] current = end while current != start: path.append(self.location_index[current]) current = pred[current] path.append(self.location_index[start]) path.reverse() return path
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