2 months ago
5.6 kB
def reload_ui(self): root = self.winfo_toplevel() current_dark_mode = root.DARK_MODE current_language = root.LANGUAGE # Store turntable reference old_turntable = CircularProgress._turntable # Force language update in all instances for instance in CircularProgress._instances: if hasattr(instance, 'language'): instance.language = current_language # Get bin configuration bin_config = BinConfiguration() # Store these values before destroying widgets sayings = load_sayings() current_language_sayings = sayings[current_language] random_saying = random.choice(current_language_sayings) # Store reference to existing classification prompt if it exists existing_prompt = None old_prompt_turntable = None for widget in root.winfo_children(): if isinstance(widget, ClassificationPrompt): existing_prompt = widget old_prompt_turntable = widget.turntable break # Recreate all UI elements for widget in root.winfo_children(): if not isinstance(widget, ClassificationPrompt): # Don't destroy ClassificationPrompt widget.destroy() # Recreate main frame and elements main_frame = ctk.CTkFrame(root, fg_color='#1c1c1e' if current_dark_mode else '#f5f5f7') main_frame.pack(fill='both', expand=True) # Create saying label first saying_label = create_saying_label(main_frame, current_dark_mode) saying_label.configure(text=random_saying) # Recreate settings menu settings_menu = SettingsMenu(main_frame, current_dark_mode) # Recreate reset button try: is_light_bg = not current_dark_mode icon_suffix = "-b" if is_light_bg else "-w" reset_icon = ctk.CTkImage( light_image=Image.open(f"icons/reset{icon_suffix}.png"), dark_image=Image.open(f"icons/reset{icon_suffix}.png"), size=(30, 30) ) reset_button = ctk.CTkButton( main_frame, image=reset_icon, text="", width=30, height=30, fg_color="transparent", hover_color='#2c2c2e' if current_dark_mode else '#e5e5e7', command=lambda: ResetFillLevelsScreen(root, current_dark_mode, current_language) ) reset_button.place(relx=0.03, rely=0.05, anchor='center') except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading reset icon: {e}") reset_button = ctk.CTkButton( main_frame, text="?", width=30, height=30, fg_color="transparent", hover_color='#2c2c2e' if current_dark_mode else '#e5e5e7', command=lambda: ResetFillLevelsScreen(root, current_dark_mode, current_language) ) reset_button.place(relx=0.03, rely=0.05, anchor='center') # Recreate close button close_button = CloseButton(main_frame, command=root.destroy) close_button.place(relx=0.05, rely=0.95, anchor='center') # Recreate circles frame and elements circles_frame = ctk.CTkFrame(main_frame, fg_color='#1c1c1e' if current_dark_mode else '#f5f5f7') circles_frame.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.5, anchor='center') # Add padding frame padding_frame = ctk.CTkFrame(circles_frame, fg_color='#1c1c1e' if current_dark_mode else '#f5f5f7') padding_frame.pack(padx=50) # Create circles for each bin from configuration for bin_config_item in bin_config.bins: container = ctk.CTkFrame(padding_frame, fg_color='#1c1c1e' if current_dark_mode else '#f5f5f7') container.pack(side='left', padx=15) progress = CircularProgress( container, bin_id=bin_config_item['id'], size=220 ) progress.pack() progress.set_dark_mode(current_dark_mode) # Rebind the button functionality progress.bind('<Button-1>', progress.on_press) progress.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', progress.on_release) # After recreating circles, restore turntable reference CircularProgress._turntable = old_turntable # Update classification prompt if existing_prompt: existing_prompt.update_appearance(current_dark_mode, current_language) existing_prompt.turntable = old_prompt_turntable # Make sure turntable is properly initialized before allowing calibration if old_turntable and not old_turntable.is_initialized: print("Re-initializing turntable after UI reload") try: old_turntable.initialize_hardware() except Exception as e: print(f"Error re-initializing turntable: {e}") # Make sure to reset servo states for instance in CircularProgress._instances: if not instance._destroyed: instance.servo_active = False instance.press_scale = 1.0 instance.press_animation_active = False
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