2 years ago
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// Pratham Doke... SE-1... Rollno:- 21125 // Assignent 2:- BST #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // To avoid case issue while searching as well as while storing data string convert(string s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { s[i] = tolower(s[i]); } return s; } struct node // Structure of node { string data, meaning; node *left, *right; node() { data = ""; meaning = ""; left = NULL; right = NULL; } }; class bst { node *root; public: bst() { root = nullptr; } node *return_node() { return root; } // To insert data in the tree // Inserting a node.. according to the value which is entered void insert(node *newnode) { string mean; if (root == NULL) { root = newnode; cout << "Enter meaning: "; // cin.ignore(); getline(cin, mean); newnode->meaning = mean; cout << "\nData added successfully!!" << endl; // cout << "\nRoot Created Successfully" << endl; } else { node *temp = root; // Traversing Node while (true) { if (temp->data == newnode->data) { cout << "\nDuplicate data entered!!" << endl; delete newnode; break; } if (newnode->data < temp->data && temp->left == nullptr) { temp->left = newnode; cout << "Enter the meaning: "; // cin.ignore(); getline(cin, mean); newnode->meaning = mean; cout << "\nData added successfully!!" << endl; break; } if (newnode->data > temp->data && temp->right == nullptr) { temp->right = newnode; cout << "Enter the meaning: "; // cin.ignore(); getline(cin, mean); newnode->meaning = mean; cout << "\nData added successfully!!" << endl; break; } if (newnode->data > temp->data && temp->right != nullptr) { temp = temp->right; } if (newnode->data < temp->data && temp->left != nullptr) { temp = temp->left; } } } } // Search and find the word in the tree // Code is similar to binary search used in finding element in an array // As data are sorted according to values in bst.. Binary search is best method to search an // element in the tree.. void search_word(node *r, string word) { int count = 1; if (r == nullptr) { cout << "Create Tree first" << endl; } else { bool b1 = true; node *ptr = r; while (ptr != nullptr) { if (ptr->data == word) { cout << "\nYour word: " << word << endl; cout << "Meaning: " << ptr->meaning << endl; cout << "\nNumber of comparision: " << count << endl; b1 = false; count = 0; break; } if (word < ptr->data) { ptr = ptr->left; count++; } else { ptr = ptr->right; count++; } } if (b1) { cout << "\nNo word exists in the dictionary!!!" << endl; cout << "Total Number of comparison: " << count << endl; count = 0; } } } // Update the meaning of the word // Function used is searching method.. void update(node *r, string word) { if (r == nullptr) { cout << "Create Tree first" << endl; } else { string mean; bool b1 = true; node *ptr = r; while (ptr != nullptr) { if (ptr->data == word) { cout << "\n**Your Word Found**" << endl; cout << "\nCurrent Meaning: " << ptr->meaning << endl; cout << "\nEnter the new meaning of the word" << endl; getline(cin, mean); ptr->meaning = mean; cout << "\nMeaning of the word, updated successfully!!!" << endl; b1 = false; break; } if (word < ptr->data) { ptr = ptr->left; } else { ptr = ptr->right; } } if (b1) { cout << "\n****No word exist in the dictionary!!****" << endl; } } } // Code for inorder traversal... // Which display BST in ascending order void ascending_order(node *r) { if (r == nullptr) { return; } else { ascending_order(r->left); cout << r->data << "::" << r->meaning << endl; ascending_order(r->right); } } // A switch function, basically we can make mirror image of binary tree and display in inorder traversal // So we can get our data printed in descending order void mirror(node *r) { if (r == nullptr) { return; } else { node *temp = r->left; r->left = r->right; r->right = temp; mirror(r->right); mirror(r->left); } } // A function which returns the node address which has lowest value in bst node *minFunction(node *r) { node *temp = r; while (temp->left != nullptr) { temp = temp->left; } return temp; } // A function which return the node address which has highest value in bst node *maxFunction(node *r) { node *temp = r; while (temp->right != nullptr) { temp = temp->right; } return temp; } //*****************To check the existence of searched word in the dictionary int check_word(node *r, string word) { int count = 1; node *ptr = root; while (ptr != nullptr) { if (ptr->data == word) { cout << "\nNumber of comparision: " << count << endl; return 1; } if (word < ptr->data) { ptr = ptr->left; count++; } else { ptr = ptr->right; count++; } } return 0; } //********* // ********************************To delete a node in BST. node *deleteNode(node *r, string value) { node *temp; if (r == NULL) { return r; } else if (value < r->data) { r->left = deleteNode(r->left, value); } else if (value > r->data) { r->right = deleteNode(r->right, value); } else { if (r->left == NULL) { temp = r->right; delete r; return temp; } if (r->right == NULL) { temp = temp->left; delete r; return temp; } else { temp = minFunction(r->right); r->data = temp->data; r->right = deleteNode(r->right, temp->data); } } return r; } // Actual delete function.. which will delete the given data's node void delete_a_word(node *r, string word) { if (check_word(r, word)) { if(root->data == word && root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) { node *temp = root; delete temp; root = nullptr; } else { deleteNode(r, word); } cout << "\nWord deleted Successfully!!!" << endl; } else { cout << "\nNo such word found in the dictionary!!!" << endl; } } }; int main() { bst b1; int option, p; string search; string val, mean; while (option != -1) { node *newnode = new node(); cout << "\n1.Add a word.\n2.Search \n3.Display all Data in Ascending Order \n4.Display all Data in Descending Order." << endl; cout << "5.Update a word. \n6.Delete a word \n-1.Exit" << endl; cout << "Enter your choice: "; cin >> option; if(option == -1){ break; } switch (option) { case 1: cout << "\nEnter the word: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, val); val = convert(val); newnode->data = val; b1.insert(newnode); break; case 2: // Searching a word in dicitonary if (b1.return_node() == nullptr) { cout << "\nNo data Exists in the tree" << endl; } else { cout << "\nEnter the word you want to search: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, search); search = convert(search); b1.search_word(b1.return_node(), search); } break; case 3: // Ascending order if (b1.return_node() == nullptr) { cout << "\nNo data exist in the tree to be displayed!!" << endl; } else { cout << "\n*****YOUR DATA**********" << endl; b1.ascending_order(b1.return_node()); } break; case 4: // Descending Order if (b1.return_node() == nullptr) { cout << "\nNo data exist in the tree be displayed!!" << endl; } else { cout << endl; cout << "\n******YOUR DATA**********" << endl; b1.mirror(b1.return_node()); b1.ascending_order(b1.return_node()); b1.mirror(b1.return_node()); } break; case 5: // Updating a word if (b1.return_node() == nullptr) { cout << "\nNo data exist in the tree to be displayed!!" << endl; } else { cout << "\nEnter the word to be searched and update it's meaning: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, search); search = convert(search); b1.update(b1.return_node(), search); break; } case 6: // Deleting a word. if(b1.return_node() != nullptr) { cout << "\nEnter a word to be deleted: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, search); search = convert(search); b1.delete_a_word(b1.return_node(), search); } else { cout << "\nNo data exist in the tree to be displayed!!" << endl; } break; default: cout << "\nInvalid Choice!!!" << endl; } } cout << "\nProgram Exited Successfully!!" << endl; return 0; }