a year ago
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Suburb Rooms Type Price Method SellerG Date Distance Postcode Bedroom ... Longtitude Regionname Propertycount MeanRoomsSquare AreaRatio MonthSale AgeBuilding WeekdaySale StreetType Weekend 0 Abbotsford 2 house 1480000.0 S Biggin 2016-03-12 2.5 3067 2 ... 144.9984 Northern Metropolitan 4019 25.20 -0.231707 3 46 5 St 1 1 Abbotsford 2 house 1035000.0 S Biggin 2016-04-02 2.5 3067 2 ... 144.9934 Northern Metropolitan 4019 15.80 -0.327660 4 116 5 St 1 2 Abbotsford 3 house 1465000.0 SP Biggin 2017-04-03 2.5 3067 3 ... 144.9944 Northern Metropolitan 4019 18.75 0.056338 4 117 0 St 0 3 rows × 26 columns Quarter 3 4873 2 4359 4 2329 1 2019 Name: count, dtype: int64 11 <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 13580 entries, 0 to 13579 Data columns (total 27 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Suburb 13580 non-null category 1 Rooms 13580 non-null int64 2 Type 13580 non-null category 3 Price 13580 non-null float64 4 Method 13580 non-null category 5 SellerG 13580 non-null category 6 Date 13580 non-null object 7 Distance 13580 non-null float64 8 Postcode 13580 non-null int64 9 Bedroom 13580 non-null int64 10 Bathroom 13580 non-null int64 11 Car 13580 non-null int64 12 Landsize 13580 non-null float64 13 BuildingArea 13580 non-null float64 14 CouncilArea 12211 non-null category 15 Lattitude 13580 non-null float64 16 Longtitude 13580 non-null float64 17 Regionname 13580 non-null category 18 Propertycount 13580 non-null int64 19 MeanRoomsSquare 13580 non-null float64 ... 25 Weekend 13580 non-null category 26 Quarter 13580 non-null category dtypes: category(11), float64(8), int64(7), object(1) memory usage: 1.8+ MB Output is truncated. View as a scrollable element or open in a text editor. Adjust cell output settings... <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 13580 entries, 0 to 13579 Data columns (total 27 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Suburb 13580 non-null category 1 Rooms 13580 non-null int64 2 Type 13580 non-null category 3 Price 13580 non-null float64 4 Method 13580 non-null category 5 SellerG 13580 non-null category 6 Date 13580 non-null object 7 Distance 13580 non-null float64 8 Postcode 13580 non-null int64 9 Bedroom 13580 non-null int64 10 Bathroom 13580 non-null int64 11 Car 13580 non-null int64 12 Landsize 13580 non-null float64 13 BuildingArea 13580 non-null float64 14 CouncilArea 12211 non-null category 15 Lattitude 13580 non-null float64 16 Longtitude 13580 non-null float64 17 Regionname 13580 non-null category 18 Propertycount 13580 non-null int64 19 MeanRoomsSquare 13580 non-null float64 20 AreaRatio 13580 non-null float64 21 MonthSale 13580 non-null category 22 AgeBuilding 13580 non-null int64 23 WeekdaySale 13580 non-null category 24 StreetType 13580 non-null category 25 Weekend 13580 non-null category 26 Quarter 13580 non-null category dtypes: category(11), float64(8), int64(7), object(1) memory usage: 1.8+ MB