3 years ago
18 kB
import { ExperimentOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons"; import { Box, ProgressCard } from "@components"; import { redirectTo } from "@lib"; import { ChartDonut, ChartLabel } from "@patternfly/react-charts"; import { welcome } from "@redux/actions"; import { colors } from "@styles/colors"; import useBreakpoint from "antd/lib/grid/hooks/useBreakpoint"; import Image from "next/image"; import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import Masonry from "react-masonry-css"; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux"; import { useCurrentContext } from "src/hooks/useCurrentContext"; import { $axios } from "src/lib/axios"; import { fadeInAnimation } from "src/lib/sharedProps"; import ButtonNavigation from "src/components/ButtonNavigation/ButtonNavigation"; import dynamic from "next/dynamic"; import Skeleton from "antd/lib/skeleton"; import { Tag } from "antd"; const Text = dynamic(() => import("antd/lib/typography/Text")); const Button = dynamic(() => import("antd/lib/button")); const Tooltip = dynamic(() => import("antd/lib/tooltip")); const Modal = dynamic(() => import("antd/lib/modal")); const Dashboard = () => { const { user, displayWelcomeMessage } = useSelector( (state: any) => state.auth, ); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); const [progress, setProgress]: any = useState({ student_time_spent: {}, subject_progress: [], }); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const breakpoints = useBreakpoint(); const breakpointColumnsObj = { default: 4, 1100: 3, 700: 2, 500: 1, }; const { subjectId, chapterId } = useCurrentContext(); const getProgress = async () => { try { setLoading(true); const progress = await $axios.get("/progress/dashboard/"); setProgress(progress); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } finally { setLoading(false); } }; useEffect(() => { getProgress(); }, []); return ( <> {breakpoints.xs && <ButtonNavigation />} <div className={`content-padding ${fadeInAnimation} mb-10`}> <Modal title="" footer="" visible={displayWelcomeMessage} onCancel={() => dispatch(welcome())} width={breakpoints.lg ? "70%" : "100%"} > <img src="/images/welcome.png" /> </Modal> <h2 className="font-black text-xl my-5"> 🙏 Welcome {user?.name} </h2> {loading ? ( <Masonry breakpointCols={breakpointColumnsObj} className="my-masonry-grid" columnClassName="my-masonry-grid_column" > <Skeleton.Button active className="bg-light w-full h-52" /> <Skeleton.Button active className="bg-light w-full h-52" /> <Skeleton.Button active className="bg-light w-full h-80" /> <Skeleton.Button active className="bg-light w-full h-52" /> <Skeleton.Button active className="bg-light w-full h-52" /> <Skeleton.Button active className="bg-light w-full h-52" /> <Skeleton.Button active className="bg-light w-full h-52" /> <Skeleton.Button active className="bg-light w-full h-52" /> </Masonry> ) : ( <Masonry breakpointCols={breakpointColumnsObj} className="my-masonry-grid" columnClassName="my-masonry-grid_column" > <Box type="primary" title="Study Notes" subTitle="Study notes prepared by our expert tutors to revise for long term memory" onClick={() => redirectTo( `/study/notes/${subjectId}/${ chapterId || 0 }`, ) } /> <div className="h-50 rounded-md w-full shadow-xl p-6 bg-white mb-5"> <div className="flex flex-row space-x-3 items-center my-2"> <h3 className="text-base my-2">Time Spent</h3> <Text type="success"> {progress?.student_time_spent.today} today </Text> </div> <div className="flex justify-center items-center my-6 mb-6"> <div style={{ height: "230px", width: "350px" }} > <ChartDonut constrainToVisibleArea={true} data={ progress?.student_time_spent .courses_percentage === 0 && progress?.student_time_spent .quizz_percentage === 0 && progress?.student_time_spent .other_percentage === 0 ? [ { x: "Courses", y: 30, }, { x: "Quizzes", y: 30, }, { x: "Others", y: 30, }, ] : [ { x: "Courses", y: progress ?.student_time_spent .courses_percentage, }, { x: "Quizzes", y: progress ?.student_time_spent .quizz_percentage, }, { x: "Others", y: progress ?.student_time_spent .other_percentage, }, ] } colorScale={[ colors.primary, colors.error, colors.success, ]} animate domainPadding={40} // labels={({ datum }) => // `${datum.x}: ${datum.y}%` // } // subTitle="Total Hours" title={ progress?.student_time_spent.total } // subTitleComponent={ // <ChartLabel // y={220} // style={{ // fill: "black", // fontSize: 20, // }} // /> // } titleComponent={ <ChartLabel y={200} style={{ fill: "black", fontSize: 40, }} /> } innerRadius={100} themeColor={colors.primary} height={400} width={350} /> </div> </div> <div className="text-sm"> <div className="flex justify-between my-2"> <div className="flex space-x-2"> <p className="text-primary">●</p> <p className="text-primary">Courses</p> </div> <p> {progress?.student_time_spent.courses} </p> </div> <div className="flex justify-between my-2"> <div className="flex space-x-2"> <p className="text-error">●</p> <p className="text-error">Quizzes</p> </div> <p>{progress?.student_time_spent.quizz}</p> </div> <div className="flex justify-between my-2"> <div className="flex space-x-2"> <Text type="success">●</Text> <Text type="success">Others</Text> </div> <p>{progress?.student_time_spent.other}</p> </div> </div> </div> <div className="h-50 rounded-md w-full shadow-xl p-6 bg-white mb-5"> <div className="flex flex-row space-x-3 items-center my-2"> <div> <h3 className="text-base my-2"> Get Help From An Expert </h3> <p> Stuck in your homework or have any confusion in any subjects? </p> </div> <Image height={100} width={100} src="/images/man.png" /> </div> <p className="my-2"> Our experts can help you solve your doubts on 1 on 1 Call. Request a tutor now. </p> <Button size="large" type="primary" className="w-full mt-3" onClick={() => { window.open( "https://forms.gle/LZEoHBjynWGXK6Zp7", "_blank", ); }} > Request A Tutor </Button> </div> <div className="h-50 rounded-md w-full shadow-xl p-6 bg-white mb-5"> <div className="flex justify-between"> <span className="text-xl font-bold"> Test Results and Progress Analysis <br /> <Tag className="text-xs" color={colors.secondary} > Under development </Tag> </span> <Tooltip title="Content Releasing Soon. Contact us on social media to get updates."> <ExperimentOutlined className="text-xl" /> </Tooltip> </div> <p className="my-2"> Check your practice results, see how you have perfomed and what you can work more on. </p> <Image className="h-48 rounded-lg" alt="example" src="/images/test-results.png" width="100%" height={80} layout="responsive" /> </div> {progress?.subject_progress?.map( ({ chapter_name, completed_chapters, subject_name, total_chapters, subject_id, chapter_id, subject_image, }) => ( <ProgressCard key={chapter_id} tag={subject_name} percent={ +( (completed_chapters / total_chapters) * 100 ).toFixed() } progress={`${completed_chapters}/${total_chapters}`} image={subject_image} chapterName={chapter_name} subjectId={subject_id} chapterId={chapter_id} /> ), )} </Masonry> )} </div> </> ); }; export default Dashboard;
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