with calc_groups as ( select calculation_number, sum(case when offer_status = 'SUCCESS' then 1 else 0 end) as success_count from offer.offer o where o.previous_policy_number is null and o.calculation_date between '2024-12-01' and '2025-01-01' group by calculation_number ), stats_by_success as ( select success_count as "Liczba udanych TU", count(*) as total_calculations, round((count(*)::numeric / (select count(*) from calc_groups)::numeric * 100), 2) as percentage from calc_groups group by success_count ) select "Liczba udanych TU", total_calculations as "Liczba kalkulacji", percentage as "Procent kalkulacji (%)" from stats_by_success order by "Liczba udanych TU" desc;
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