a month ago
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//@version=5 indicator("Support Resistance - Dynamic v2 + Trendlines",overlay=true,max_bars_back = 500) // --- Script 1: Support Resistance - Dynamic v2 --- prd = input.int(defval=10, title='Pivot Period', minval=4, maxval=30, group='Setup') ppsrc = input.string(defval='High/Low', title='Source', options=['High/Low', 'Close/Open'], group='Setup') maxnumpp = input.int(defval=20, title=' Maximum Number of Pivot', minval=5, maxval=100, group='Setup') ChannelW = input.int(defval=10, title='Maximum Channel Width %', minval=1, group='Setup') maxnumsr = input.int(defval=5, title=' Maximum Number of S/R', minval=1, maxval=10, group='Setup') min_strength = input.int(defval=2, title=' Minimum Strength', minval=1, maxval=10, group='Setup') labelloc = input.int(defval=20, title='Label Location', group='Colors', tooltip='Positive numbers reference future bars, negative numbers reference histical bars') linestyle = input.string(defval='Dashed', title='Line Style', options=['Solid', 'Dotted', 'Dashed'], group='Colors') linewidth = input.int(defval=2, title='Line Width', minval=1, maxval=4, group='Colors') resistancecolor = input.color(defval=color.red, title='Resistance Color', group='Colors') supportcolor = input.color(defval=color.lime, title='Support Color', group='Colors') showpp = input(false, title='Show Point Points') float src1 = ppsrc == 'High/Low' ? high : math.max(close, open) float src2 = ppsrc == 'High/Low' ? low : math.min(close, open) float ph = ta.pivothigh(src1, prd, prd) float pl = ta.pivotlow(src2, prd, prd) plotshape(ph and showpp, text='H', style=shape.labeldown, color=na, textcolor=color.new(color.red, 0), location=location.abovebar, offset=-prd) plotshape(pl and showpp, text='L', style=shape.labelup, color=na, textcolor=color.new(color.lime, 0), location=location.belowbar, offset=-prd) Lstyle = linestyle == 'Dashed' ? line.style_dashed : linestyle == 'Solid' ? line.style_solid : line.style_dotted //calculate maximum S/R channel zone width prdhighest = ta.highest(300) prdlowest = ta.lowest(300) cwidth = (prdhighest - prdlowest) * ChannelW / 100 var pivotvals = array.new_float(0) if ph or pl array.unshift(pivotvals, ph ? ph : pl) if array.size(pivotvals) > maxnumpp // limit the array size array.pop(pivotvals) get_sr_vals(ind) => float lo = array.get(pivotvals, ind) float hi = lo int numpp = 0 for y = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1 float cpp = array.get(pivotvals, y) float wdth = cpp <= lo ? hi - cpp : cpp - lo if wdth <= cwidth // fits the max channel width? if cpp <= hi lo := math.min(lo, cpp) else hi := math.max(hi, cpp) numpp += 1 numpp [hi, lo, numpp] var sr_up_level = array.new_float(0) var sr_dn_level = array.new_float(0) sr_strength = array.new_float(0) find_loc(strength) => ret = array.size(sr_strength) for i = ret > 0 ? array.size(sr_strength) - 1 : na to 0 by 1 if strength <= array.get(sr_strength, i) break ret := i ret ret check_sr(hi, lo, strength) => ret = true for i = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by 1 //included? if array.get(sr_up_level, i) >= lo and array.get(sr_up_level, i) <= hi or array.get(sr_dn_level, i) >= lo and array.get(sr_dn_level, i) <= hi if strength >= array.get(sr_strength, i) array.remove(sr_strength, i) array.remove(sr_up_level, i) array.remove(sr_dn_level, i) ret else ret := false ret break ret var sr_lines = array.new_line(11, na) var sr_labels = array.new_label(11, na) for x = 1 to 10 by 1 rate = 100 * (label.get_y(array.get(sr_labels, x)) - close) / close label.set_text(array.get(sr_labels, x), text=str.tostring(label.get_y(array.get(sr_labels, x))) + '(' + str.tostring(rate, '#.##') + '%)') label.set_x(array.get(sr_labels, x), x=bar_index + labelloc) label.set_color(array.get(sr_labels, x), color=label.get_y(array.get(sr_labels, x)) >= close ? color.red : color.lime) label.set_textcolor(array.get(sr_labels, x), textcolor=label.get_y(array.get(sr_labels, x)) >= close ? color.white : color.black) label.set_style(array.get(sr_labels, x), style=label.get_y(array.get(sr_labels, x)) >= close ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up) line.set_color(array.get(sr_lines, x), color=line.get_y1(array.get(sr_lines, x)) >= close ? resistancecolor : supportcolor) if ph or pl //because of new calculation, remove old S/R levels array.clear(sr_up_level) array.clear(sr_dn_level) array.clear(sr_strength) //find S/R zones for x = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1 [hi, lo, strength] = get_sr_vals(x) if check_sr(hi, lo, strength) loc = find_loc(strength) // if strength is in first maxnumsr sr then insert it to the arrays if loc < maxnumsr and strength >= min_strength array.insert(sr_strength, loc, strength) array.insert(sr_up_level, loc, hi) array.insert(sr_dn_level, loc, lo) // keep size of the arrays = 5 if array.size(sr_strength) > maxnumsr array.pop(sr_strength) array.pop(sr_up_level) array.pop(sr_dn_level) for x = 1 to 10 by 1 line.delete(array.get(sr_lines, x)) label.delete(array.get(sr_labels, x)) for x = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by 1 float mid = math.round_to_mintick((array.get(sr_up_level, x) + array.get(sr_dn_level, x)) / 2) rate = 100 * (mid - close) / close array.set(sr_labels, x + 1, label.new(x=bar_index + labelloc, y=mid, text=str.tostring(mid) + '(' + str.tostring(rate, '#.##') + '%)', color=mid >= close ? color.red : color.lime, textcolor=mid >= close ? color.white : color.black, style=mid >= close ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up)) array.set(sr_lines, x + 1, line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=mid, x2=bar_index - 1, y2=mid, extend=extend.both, color=mid >= close ? resistancecolor : supportcolor, style=Lstyle, width=linewidth)) f_crossed_over() => ret = false for x = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by 1 float mid = math.round_to_mintick((array.get(sr_up_level, x) + array.get(sr_dn_level, x)) / 2) if close[1] <= mid and close > mid ret := true ret ret f_crossed_under() => ret = false for x = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by 1 float mid = math.round_to_mintick((array.get(sr_up_level, x) + array.get(sr_dn_level, x)) / 2) if close[1] >= mid and close < mid ret := true ret ret crossed_over = f_crossed_over() crossed_under = f_crossed_under() alertcondition(crossed_over, title='Resistance Broken', message='Resistance Broken') alertcondition(crossed_under, title='Support Broken', message='Support Broken') alertcondition(crossed_over or crossed_under, title='Support or Resistance Broken', message='Support or Resistance Broken') // --- Script 2: Trendlines --- prd2 = input.int(defval=10, title='Pivot Period', minval=4, maxval=30, group='Settings') ppsrc2 = input.string(defval='High/Low', title='Source', options=['High/Low', 'Close/Open'], group ='') ChannelW2 = input.int(defval=5, title='Maximum Channel Width %', minval=1, maxval=8, group='Settings ') minstrength = input.int(defval=1, title='Minimum Strength', minval=1, group='Settings ') maxnumsr2 = input.int(defval=6, title='Maximum Number of S/R', minval=1, maxval=10, group='Settings ') - 1 loopback = input.int(defval=290, title='Loopback Period', minval=100, maxval=400, group='Settings ') showch = input.bool(defval=true, title='Channel SR', inline='') showsr = input.bool(defval=true, title='SR lines', inline='') res_col = input.color(defval=#ff525240,title='Resistance Color', group='Colors') sup_col = input.color(defval=#00e67640,title='Support Color', group='Colors') inch_col = input.color(defval=#787b8640,title='Color When Price in Channel', group='Colors') showpp2 = input.bool(defval=false, title='Show Pivot Points', group='Extras') showsrbroken = input.bool(defval=false, title='Show Broken Support/Resistance', group='Extras') drawhl = input(true, title='high/low') // get Pivot High/low float src12 = ppsrc2 == 'High/Low' ? high : math.max(close, open) float src22 = ppsrc2 == 'High/Low' ? low : math.min(close, open) float ph2 = ta.pivothigh(src12, prd2, prd2) float pl2 = ta.pivotlow(src22, prd2, prd2) // draw Pivot points plotshape(ph2 and showpp2, text='H', style=shape.labeldown, color=na, textcolor=#ff5252, location=location.abovebar, offset=-prd2) plotshape(pl2 and showpp2, text='L', style=shape.labelup, color=na, textcolor=#00e676, location=location.belowbar, offset=-prd2) //calculate maximum S/R channel width prdhighest2 = ta.highest(300) prdlowest2 = ta.lowest(300) cwidth2 = (prdhighest2 - prdlowest2) * ChannelW2 / 100 // get/keep Pivot levels var pivotvals2= array.new_float(0) var pivotlocs = array.new_float(0) if ph2 or pl2 and showch array.unshift(pivotvals2, ph2 ? ph2 : pl2) array.unshift(pivotlocs, bar_index) for x = array.size(pivotvals2) - 1 to 0 by 1 if bar_index - array.get(pivotlocs, x) > loopback // remove old pivot points array.pop(pivotvals2) array.pop(pivotlocs) continue break //find/create SR channel of a pivot point get_sr_vals2(ind) => float lo = array.get(pivotvals2, ind) float hi = lo int numpp = 0 for y = 0 to array.size(pivotvals2) - 1 by 1 float cpp = array.get(pivotvals2, y) float wdth = cpp <= hi ? hi - cpp : cpp - lo if wdth <= cwidth2 // fits the max channel width? if cpp <= hi lo := math.min(lo, cpp) lo else hi := math.max(hi, cpp) hi numpp += 20 // each pivot point added as 20 numpp [hi, lo, numpp] // keep old SR channels and calculate/sort new channels if we met new pivot point var suportresistance = array.new_float(20, 0) // min/max levels changeit(x, y) => tmp = array.get(suportresistance, y * 2) array.set(suportresistance, y * 2, array.get(suportresistance, x * 2)) array.set(suportresistance, x * 2, tmp) tmp := array.get(suportresistance, y * 2 + 1) array.set(suportresistance, y * 2 + 1, array.get(suportresistance, x * 2 + 1)) array.set(suportresistance, x * 2 + 1, tmp) if ph or pl and showch supres = array.new_float(0) // number of pivot, strength, min/max levels stren = array.new_float(10, 0) // get levels and strengs for x = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1 [hi, lo, strength] = get_sr_vals(x) array.push(supres, strength) array.push(supres, hi) array.push(supres, lo) // add each HL to strengh for x = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1 h = array.get(supres, x * 3 + 1) l = array.get(supres, x * 3 + 2) s = 0 for y = 0 to loopback by 1 if high[y] <= h and high[y] >= l or low[y] <= h and low[y] >= l s += 1 s array.set(supres, x * 3, array.get(supres, x * 3) + s) //reset SR levels array.fill(suportresistance, 0) // get strongest SRs src = 0 for x = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1 stv = -1. // value stl = -1 // location for y = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1 if array.get(supres, y * 3) > stv and array.get(supres, y * 3) >= minstrength * 20 stv := array.get(supres, y * 3) stl := y stl if stl >= 0 //get sr level hh = array.get(supres, stl * 3 + 1) ll = array.get(supres, stl * 3 + 2) array.set(suportresistance, src * 2, hh) array.set(suportresistance, src * 2 + 1, ll) array.set(stren, src, array.get(supres, stl * 3)) // make included pivot points' strength zero for y = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1 if array.get(supres, y * 3 + 1) <= hh and array.get(supres, y * 3 + 1) >= ll or array.get(supres, y * 3 + 2) <= hh and array.get(supres, y * 3 + 2) >= ll array.set(supres, y * 3, -1) src += 1 if src >= 10 break for x = 0 to 8 by 1 for y = x + 1 to 9 by 1 if array.get(stren, y) > array.get(stren, x) tmp = array.get(stren, y) array.set(stren, y, array.get(stren, x)) changeit(x, y) get_level(ind) => float ret = na if ind < array.size(suportresistance) if array.get(suportresistance, ind) != 0 ret := array.get(suportresistance, ind) ret ret get_color(ind) => color ret = na if ind < array.size(suportresistance) and showch if array.get(suportresistance, ind) != 0 ret := array.get(suportresistance, ind) > close and array.get(suportresistance, ind + 1) > close ? res_col : array.get(suportresistance, ind) < close and array.get(suportresistance, ind + 1) < close ? sup_col : inch_col ret ret var srchannels = array.new_box(10) for x = 0 to math.min(9, maxnumsr) by 1 box.delete(array.get(srchannels, x)) srcol = get_color(x * 2) if not na(srcol) and showch array.set(srchannels, x, box.new(left=bar_index, top=get_level(x * 2), right=bar_index + 1, bottom=get_level(x * 2 + 1), border_color=srcol, border_width=1, extend=extend.both, bgcolor=srcol)) resistancebroken = false supportbroken = false // check if it's not in a channel not_in_a_channel = true for x = 0 to math.min(9, maxnumsr) by 1 if close <= array.get(suportresistance, x * 2) and close >= array.get(suportresistance, x * 2 + 1) not_in_a_channel := false not_in_a_channel // if price is not in a channel then check broken ones if not_in_a_channel and showch for x = 0 to math.min(9, maxnumsr) by 1 if close[1] <= array.get(suportresistance, x * 2) and close > array.get(suportresistance, x * 2) resistancebroken := true resistancebroken if close[1] >= array.get(suportresistance, x * 2 + 1) and close < array.get(suportresistance, x * 2 + 1) supportbroken := true supportbroken alertcondition(resistancebroken, title='Resistance Broken', message='Resistance Broken') alertcondition(supportbroken, title='Support Broken', message='Support Broken') plotshape(showsrbroken and resistancebroken, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=#00e676, size=size.tiny) plotshape(showsrbroken and supportbroken, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=#ff5252, size=size.tiny) rb = input.int(10, title='Period for Pivot Points', minval=10) prd1 = input.int(284, title='Loopback Period', minval=100, maxval=500) nump = input.int(2, title='S/R strength', minval=1) ChannelW1 = input.int(10, title='Channel Width %', minval=5) linestyle2 = input.string('Dashed', title='Line Style', options=['Solid', 'Dotted', 'Dashed']) LineColor = input(#ff525240, title='line color') label_location = input.int(2, title='level') ph1 = ta.pivothigh(rb, rb) pl1 = ta.pivotlow(rb, rb) // S/R levels sr_levels = array.new_float(21, na) // if number of bars is less then the loop then pine highest() fundtion brings 'na'. we need highest/lowest to claculate channel size // so you cannot see S/R until the number of bars is equal/greater then the "Loopback Period" prdhighest1 = ta.highest(prd1) prdlowest1 = ta.lowest(prd1) cwidth1 = (prdhighest1 - prdlowest1) * ChannelW1 / 100 //availability of the PPs aas = array.new_bool(41, true) // last privot points have more priority to be support/resistance, so we start from them // if we met new Pivot Point then we calculate all supports/resistances again u1 = 0.0 u1 := nz(u1[1]) d1 = 0.0 d1 := nz(d1[1]) highestph = 0.0 lowestpl = 0.0 highestph := highestph[1] lowestpl := lowestpl[1] if ph1 or pl1 and showsr //old S/Rs not valid anymore for x = 0 to array.size(sr_levels) - 1 by 1 array.set(sr_levels, x, na) highestph := prdlowest1 lowestpl := prdhighest1 countpp = 0 // keep position of the PP for x = 0 to prd1 by 1 if na(close[x]) break if not na(ph1[x]) or not na(pl1[x]) // is it PP? highestph := math.max(highestph, nz(ph1[x], prdlowest1), nz(pl1[x], prdlowest1)) lowestpl := math.min(lowestpl, nz(ph1[x], prdhighest1), nz(pl1[x], prdhighest1)) countpp += 1 if countpp > 40 break if array.get(aas, countpp) // if PP is not used in a channel upl = (ph1[x] ? high[x + rb] : low[x + rb]) + cwidth1 dnl = (ph1[x] ? high[x + rb] : low[x + rb]) - cwidth1 u1 := countpp == 1 ? upl : u1 d1 := countpp == 1 ? dnl : d1 // to keep the PPs which will be in current channel tmp = array.new_bool(41, true) cnt = 0 // keep which pivot point we are on tpoint = 0 // number of PPs in the channel for xx = 0 to prd1 by 1 if na(close[xx]) break if not na(ph1[xx]) or not na(pl1[xx]) chg = false cnt += 1 if cnt > 40 break if array.get(aas, cnt) // if PP not used in other channels if not na(ph1[xx]) if high[xx + rb] <= upl and high[xx + rb] >= dnl // PP is in the channel? tpoint += 1 chg := true chg if not na(pl1[xx]) if low[xx + rb] <= upl and low[xx + rb] >= dnl // PP is in the channel? tpoint += 1 chg := true chg // set if PP is used in the channel if chg and cnt < 41 array.set(tmp, cnt, false) if tpoint >= nump // met enough PP in the channel? mark the PP as used for a channel and set the SR level for g = 0 to 40 by 1 if not array.get(tmp, g) array.set(aas, g, false) if ph1[x] and countpp < 21 array.set(sr_levels, countpp, high[x + rb]) if pl1[x] and countpp < 21 array.set(sr_levels, countpp, low[x + rb]) setline(level) => LineStyle = linestyle2 == 'Solid' ? line.style_solid : linestyle2 == 'Dotted' ? line.style_dotted : line.style_solid _ret = line.new(bar_index - 1, level, bar_index, level, color=LineColor, width=1, style=LineStyle, extend=extend.both) _ret if ph1 or pl1 and showsr var line highest_ = na var line lowest_ = na line.delete(highest_) line.delete(lowest_) if drawhl and showsr highest_ := line.new(bar_index - 1, highestph, bar_index, highestph, color=#f50000e8, style=line.style_solid, width=1, extend=extend.both) lowest_ := line.new(bar_index - 1, lowestpl, bar_index, lowestpl, color=#f8000040, style=line.style_solid, width=1, extend=extend.both) lowest_ var sr_lines = array.new_line(21, na) for x = 0 to array.size(sr_lines) - 1 by 1 line.delete(array.get(sr_lines, x)) if array.get(sr_levels, x) and showsr array.set(sr_lines, x, setline(array.get(sr_levels, x))) // set new labels if changed var sr_levs = array.new_float(21, na) if ph1 or pl1 and showsr for x = 0 to array.size(sr_levs) - 1 by 1 array.set(sr_levs, x, array.get(sr_levels, x)) // define and delete old labels label hlabel = na label llabel = na label.delete(hlabel[1]) label.delete(llabel[1]) var sr_labels2 = array.new_label(21, na) bool resistance_broken = false bool support_broken = false float r_s_level = na // set labels for x = 0 to array.size(sr_labels2) - 1 by 1 label.delete(array.get(sr_labels2, x)) if array.get(sr_levs, x) and showsr if close[1] <= array.get(sr_levs, x) and close > array.get(sr_levs, x) and showsr resistance_broken := true r_s_level := array.get(sr_levs, x) r_s_level if close[1] >= array.get(sr_levs, x) and close < array.get(sr_levs, x) and showsr support_broken := true r_s_level := array.get(sr_levs, x) r_s_level lab_loc = close >= array.get(sr_levs, x) ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_down array.set(sr_labels2, x, label.new(x=bar_index + label_location, y=array.get(sr_levs, x), text=str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(array.get(sr_levs, x))), color=#ff0202, textcolor=#20ff02fd, style=lab_loc)) hlabel := drawhl and showsr ? label.new(x=bar_index + label_location + math.round(math.sign(label_location)) * 100, y=highestph, text='DİRENÇ ' + str.tostring(highestph), color=#fa0404, textcolor=#0037ff, style=label.style_label_down) : na llabel := drawhl and showsr ? label.new(x=bar_index + label_location + math.round(math.sign(label_location)) * 100, y=lowestpl, text='DESTEK ' + str.tostring(lowestpl), color=#20ff02fd, textcolor=color.rgb(255, 2, 2), style=label.style_label_up) : na alertcondition(resistance_broken, title='Direnç', message='Direnç, Close Price: {{close}}, Direnç seviyesi = n/ {{plot("RS_level")}}') alertcondition(support_broken, title='Destek', message='Destek, Close Price: {{close}}, destek seviyesi = n/ {{plot("RS_level")}}') //TREND ÇİZGİLERİ // // Getting inputs bar_back_1=input.int(title='supertrend 1',defval=21,inline='b',group='Settings') color_upline_1=input.color(title='',defval=#7418FF,inline='b',group='Settings') color_down_line_1=input.color(title='',defval=color.aqua,inline='b',group='Settings') show_1=input.bool(title='Show',defval=false,inline='b',group='Settings') bar_back_2=input.int(title='supertrend 2',defval=51,inline='b',group='Settings') color_upline_2=input.color(title='',defval=#FF1493,inline='b',group='Settings') color_down_line_2=input.color(title='',defval=#04E01A,inline='b',group='Settings') show_2=input.bool(title='Show',defval=false,inline='b',group='Settings') bar_back_3=input.int(title='supertrend 3',defval=150,inline='c',group='Settings') color_upline_3=input.color(title='',defval=color.red,inline='c',group='Settings') color_down_line_3=input.color(title='',defval=#FFCC00,inline='c',group='Settings') show_3=input.bool(title='Show',defval=false,inline='c',group='Settings') leftLenH = input.int(title="High", defval=1, minval=1, inline="d",group='Pivot') rightLenH = input.int(title="Right", defval=1, minval=0, inline="d",group='Pivot') leftLenL = input.int(title="Low ", defval=1, minval=1, inline="e", group='Pivot') rightLenL = input.int(title="Left", defval=1, minval=0, inline="e",group='Pivot') delay=input.int(title='Day ',defval=3,group='Pivot',inline='f') input=input.int(defval=200,title="back ",minval=2,group='Pivot',inline='f') pivot_high2_source=input.source(defval=high,title='high',inline='q',group='candle') pivot_low_source=input.source(defval=low,title='low',inline='q',group='candle') bullish_candle=input.color(title='',defval=color.green,inline='r',group='candle') bearish_candle=input.color(title='',defval=color.maroon,inline='r',group='candle') // // var pivot_low=array.new_float(input,0) var pivot_low_index=array.new_int(input,0) var pivot_high2=array.new_float(input,0) var pivot_high2_index=array.new_int(input,0) counter=array.new_int(6) array_index_num=array.new_int(6) first_point_value=array.new_float(6) first_point_index=array.new_int(6) second_point_value=array.new_float(6) second_point_index=array.new_int(6) var trend_line=array.new_line(6) var extend_line=array.new_line(6) ph_TR = ta.pivothigh(pivot_high2_source[delay],leftLenH, rightLenH) pl_TR = ta.pivotlow(pivot_low_source[delay] ,leftLenL, rightLenL) ////--------- Trend line calculating-------// import_pivot_to_array(pvt,pivot,pivot_index,rightLen)=> if not na(pvt) if array.size(pivot)>(input-1) array.shift(pivot) array.shift(pivot_index) array.push(pivot,pvt) array.push(pivot_index,bar_index-rightLen-delay) else array.push(pivot,pvt) array.push(pivot_index,bar_index-rightLen-delay) limit_start_index(counter,array_index,pivot_index)=> max_bar=math.max(bar_back_1,bar_back_2,bar_back_3) if array.size(pivot_high2_index)-1>1 and bar_index>max_bar count_1=0 count_2=0 count_3=0 for i=array.size(pivot_index)-1 to 0 if array.get(pivot_index,i)<bar_index-bar_back_3 and count_3==0 count_3:=1 array.set(counter,array_index+2,i+1) if array.get(pivot_index,i)<bar_index-bar_back_2 and count_2==0 count_2:=1 array.set(counter,array_index+1,i+1) if array.get(pivot_index,i)<bar_index-bar_back_1 and count_1==0 count_1:=1 array.set(counter,array_index,i+1) if count_1==1 and count_2==1 and count_3==1 break first_point_of_line(counter,array_index_num,array_index,first_point_value,first_point_index,pivot,pivot_index,pivot_statuse)=> if array.get(counter,array_index)<=(input-1) for i=array.get(counter,array_index) to (input-1) if ( (array.get(pivot,i)>array.get(first_point_value,array_index) or na(array.get(first_point_value,array_index)) ) and pivot_statuse=='high' ) or ( (array.get(pivot,i)<array.get(first_point_value,array_index) or na(array.get(first_point_value,array_index)) ) and pivot_statuse=='low' ) array.set(array_index_num,array_index,i) array.set(first_point_value,array_index,array.get(pivot,i)) array.set(first_point_index,array_index,array.get(pivot_index,i)) scecond_point_and_draw_line(array_index_num,array_index,trend_line,first_point_value,first_point_index,second_point_value,second_point_index,pivot,pivot_index,pivot_statuse) => if array.get(array_index_num,array_index)<input-1 array.set(second_point_value,array_index,array.get(pivot,array.get(array_index_num,array_index)+1)) array.set(second_point_index,array_index,array.get(pivot_index,array.get(array_index_num,array_index)+1)) line.delete(array.get(trend_line,array_index)) array.set(trend_line,array_index,line.new(array.get(first_point_index,array_index),array.get(first_point_value,array_index) ,array.get(second_point_index,array_index),array.get(second_point_value,array_index) ,color=color.blue,width=1,style=line.style_arrow_right) ) for i=(array.get(array_index_num,array_index)+1) to (input-1) if (line.get_price(array.get(trend_line,array_index),array.get(pivot_index,i))<array.get(pivot,i) and pivot_statuse=='high') or (line.get_price(array.get(trend_line,array_index),array.get(pivot_index,i))>array.get(pivot,i) and pivot_statuse=='low') array.set(second_point_value,array_index,array.get(pivot,i)) array.set(second_point_index,array_index,array.get(pivot_index,i)) line.delete(array.get(trend_line,array_index)) array.set(trend_line,array_index,line.new(array.get(first_point_index,array_index),array.get(first_point_value,array_index) ,array.get(second_point_index,array_index),array.get(second_point_value,array_index) ,color=color.blue,width=1,style=line.style_arrow_right) ) line_edit(trend_line,extend_line,array_index,line_color)=> line.set_color(array.get(trend_line,array_index),line_color) line.set_xy2(array.get(trend_line,array_index),bar_index[delay],line.get_price(array.get(trend_line,array_index),bar_index[delay])) line.delete(array.get(extend_line,array_index)) array.set(extend_line,array_index,line.new(line.get_x2(array.get(trend_line,array_index)),line.get_y2(array.get(trend_line,array_index)),bar_index,line.get_price(array.get(trend_line,array_index),bar_index),style=line.style_dashed,color=line_color,extend=extend.right)) import_pivot_to_array(ph_TR,pivot_high2,pivot_high2_index,rightLenH) limit_start_index(counter,0,pivot_high2_index) import_pivot_to_array(pl_TR,pivot_low,pivot_low_index,rightLenL) limit_start_index(counter,3,pivot_low_index) if show_1 first_point_of_line(counter,array_index_num,0,first_point_value,first_point_index,pivot_high2,pivot_high2_index,'high') scecond_point_and_draw_line(array_index_num,0,trend_line,first_point_value,first_point_index,second_point_value,second_point_index,pivot_high2,pivot_high2_index,'high') line_edit(trend_line,extend_line,0,color_upline_1) first_point_of_line(counter,array_index_num,3,first_point_value,first_point_index,pivot_low,pivot_low_index,'low') scecond_point_and_draw_line(array_index_num,3,trend_line,first_point_value,first_point_index,second_point_value,second_point_index,pivot_low,pivot_low_index,'low') line_edit(trend_line,extend_line,3,color_down_line_1) if show_2 first_point_of_line(counter,array_index_num,1,first_point_value,first_point_index,pivot_high2,pivot_high2_index,'high') scecond_point_and_draw_line(array_index_num,1,trend_line,first_point_value,first_point_index,second_point_value,second_point_index,pivot_high2,pivot_high2_index,'high') line_edit(trend_line,extend_line,1,color_upline_2) first_point_of_line(counter,array_index_num,4,first_point_value,first_point_index,pivot_low,pivot_low_index,'low') scecond_point_and_draw_line(array_index_num,4,trend_line,first_point_value,first_point_index,second_point_value,second_point_index,pivot_low,pivot_low_index,'low') line_edit(trend_line,extend_line,4,color_down_line_2) if show_3 first_point_of_line(counter,array_index_num,2,first_point_value,first_point_index,pivot_high2,pivot_high2_index,'high') scecond_point_and_draw_line(array_index_num,2,trend_line,first_point_value,first_point_index,second_point_value,second_point_index,pivot_high2,pivot_high2_index,'high') line_edit(trend_line,extend_line,2,color_upline_3) first_point_of_line(counter,array_index_num,5,first_point_value,first_point_index,pivot_low,pivot_low_index,'low') scecond_point_and_draw_line(array_index_num,5,trend_line,first_point_value,first_point_index,second_point_value,second_point_index,pivot_low,pivot_low_index,'low') line_edit(trend_line,extend_line,5,color_down_line_3) var int history_bars = input(title='History bars back', defval=300,group = "OTOMATİK TREND") show_fibo = input(false,"Fibo gösterilsin mi?",group = "SEÇENEKLER") show_ttfibo = input(false,"Trend temelli Fibo gösterilsin mi?",group = "SEÇENEKLER") col_sup = color.new(#4ffa5a, 0) style_sup = line.style_solid col_res = color.new(#fa5050, 0) style_res = line.style_solid // Функция вычисляет цену в точке t3 для линии, // заданной первыми четырьмя координатами (t1, p1, t2, p2) price_at(t1, p1, t2, p2, t3) => p1 + (p2 - p1) * (t3 - t1) / (t2 - t1) // Alerts if 1 == 1 alert('test') // округление round_to_tick(x) => mult = 1 / syminfo.mintick value = math.ceil(x * mult) / mult value // Тут храним линии для удаления при появлении нового бара var line[] supports = array.new_line() var line[] resistances = array.new_line() var label[] labels = array.new_label() fire_alert_sup = false fire_alert_res = false fire_alert_sup := false fire_alert_res := false // Удаляем прошлые линии и заодно вызываем алерты line temp_line = na if array.size(supports) > 0 for i = array.size(supports) - 1 to 0 by 1 temp_line := array.get(supports, i) if low[1] > line.get_price(temp_line, bar_index - 1) and close < line.get_price(temp_line, bar_index) fire_alert_sup := true fire_alert_sup line.delete(temp_line) array.remove(supports, i) if array.size(resistances) > 0 for i = array.size(resistances) - 1 to 0 by 1 temp_line := array.get(resistances, i) if high[1] < line.get_price(temp_line, bar_index - 1) and close > line.get_price(temp_line, bar_index) fire_alert_res := true fire_alert_res line.delete(temp_line) array.remove(resistances, i) label temp_label = na if array.size(labels) > 0 for i = array.size(labels) - 1 to 0 by 1 temp_label := array.get(labels, i) label.delete(temp_label) array.remove(labels, i) alertcondition(fire_alert_sup, 'Diagonal Support Alert', 'Diagonal support crossed down') alertcondition(fire_alert_res, 'Diagonal Resistance Alert', 'Diagonal resistance crossed up') // Определяем экстремумы min_values = low max_values = high x1 = input(title='Resolution (bars)', defval=10,group = "OTOMATİK TREND") x2 = math.round(x1 / 2) int minimums = 0 minimums := ta.lowestbars(min_values, x1) == -x2 ? x2 : minimums[1] + 1 int maximums = 0 maximums := ta.highestbars(max_values, x1) == -x2 ? x2 : maximums[1] + 1 int minimum1 = 0 int minimum2 = 0 int maximum1 = 0 int maximum2 = 0 int medium = 0 // Поддержка if barstate.islast //label.new(bar_index, close , style=label.style_labeldown, text=timeframe.period, color=color.new(color.red, 90)) line last_line = na label last_label = na for k1 = 0 to 50 by 1 if minimum1 >= history_bars break minimum1 += minimums[minimum1] minimum2 := minimum1 * 2 for k2 = 0 to 50 by 1 if minimum2 >= minimum1 * 8 or minimum2 >= history_bars break minimum2 += minimums[minimum2] if minimum1 >= history_bars or minimum2 >= history_bars break bar1 = bar_index - minimum1 bar2 = bar_index - minimum2 price1 = low[minimum1] price2 = low[minimum2] current_price = price_at(bar2, price2, bar1, price1, bar_index) // Если поддержка проходит ниже текущей цены if current_price < high[1] // проверяем пересечения crossed = 0 medium := 0 for k3 = 0 to 50 by 1 if medium >= minimum2 break medium += minimums[medium] if medium >= minimum2 break if price_at(bar2, price2, bar1, price1, bar_index - medium) > math.min(open[medium], close[medium]) crossed := 1 break // если нет пересечений if crossed == 0 // and overtilt == 0 // сравниваем с прошлой созданной линией if not na(last_line) last_price = price_at(line.get_x1(last_line), line.get_y1(last_line), line.get_x2(last_line), line.get_y2(last_line), bar_index) if bar1 == line.get_x2(last_line) if current_price > last_price line.set_xy1(last_line, bar2, price2) line.set_xy2(last_line, bar1, price1) line.set_color(last_line, col_sup) label.set_xy(last_label, bar_index, current_price) label.set_text(last_label, str.tostring(round_to_tick(current_price))) true else last_line := line.new(bar2, price2, bar1, price1, extend=extend.right, color=col_sup, style=style_sup,width = 5) last_label := label.new(bar_index, current_price, color=col_sup, style=label.style_label_upper_left, text=str.tostring(round_to_tick(current_price))) array.push(labels, last_label) array.push(supports, last_line) true else // добавляем линию last_line := line.new(bar2, price2, bar1, price1, extend=extend.right, color=col_sup, style=style_sup,width = 5) last_label := label.new(bar_index, current_price, color=col_sup, style=label.style_label_upper_left, text=str.tostring(round_to_tick(current_price))) array.push(labels, last_label) array.push(supports, last_line) true last_line := na last_label := na for k1 = 0 to 100 by 1 if maximum1 >= history_bars break maximum1 += maximums[maximum1] maximum2 := maximum1 * 2 for k2 = 0 to 50 by 1 if maximum2 >= maximum1 * 8 or maximum2 >= history_bars break maximum2 += maximums[maximum2] if maximum1 >= history_bars or maximum2 >= history_bars break bar1 = bar_index - maximum1 bar2 = bar_index - maximum2 price1 = high[maximum1] price2 = high[maximum2] current_price = price_at(bar2, price2, bar1, price1, bar_index) // Если сопротивоение проходит выше текущей цены if current_price > low[1] // проверяем пересечения crossed = 0 medium := 0 for k3 = 0 to 100 by 1 if medium >= maximum2 break medium += maximums[medium] if medium >= maximum2 break if price_at(bar2, price2, bar1, price1, bar_index - medium) < math.max(open[medium], close[medium]) crossed := 1 break // если нет пересечений if crossed == 0 // and overtilt == 0 // сравниваем с прошлой созданной линией if not na(last_line) last_price = price_at(line.get_x1(last_line), line.get_y1(last_line), line.get_x2(last_line), line.get_y2(last_line), bar_index) if bar1 == line.get_x2(last_line) if current_price < last_price line.set_xy1(last_line, bar2, price2) line.set_xy2(last_line, bar1, price1) line.set_color(last_line, col_res) label.set_xy(last_label, bar_index, current_price) label.set_text(last_label, str.tostring(round_to_tick(current_price))) true else last_line := line.new(bar2, price2, bar1, price1, extend=extend.right, color=col_res, style=style_res,width = 5) last_label := label.new(bar_index, current_price, color=col_res, style=label.style_label_lower_left, text=str.tostring(round_to_tick(current_price))) array.push(labels, last_label) array.push(resistances, last_line) true else // добавляем линию last_line := line.new(bar2, price2, bar1, price1, extend=extend.right, color=col_res, style=style_res,width = 5) last_label := label.new(bar_index, current_price, color=col_res, style=label.style_label_lower_left, text=str.tostring(round_to_tick(current_price))) array.push(labels, last_label) array.push(resistances, last_line) true // End of the combined script
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