#include<stdio.h> void main(){ struct student{ int rollno; char name[25]; float marks; long long int phnno;} st1,st2; printf("enter the name of two student: "); scanf("%s%s",&st1.name,&st2.name); printf("enter the roll of the students: "); scanf("%d%d",&st1.rollno,&st2.rollno); printf("enter the marks of the student of the students: "); scanf("%f%f",&st1.marks,&st2.marks); printf("details of st 1:"); printf("Nmae is %s\n rollno is%d\n marks is %f\n",st1.name,st1.rollno,st1.marks); printf("details of st 2:"); printf("Nmae is %s\n rollno is%d\n marks is %f\n",st2.name,st2.rollno,st2.marks); return 0; }
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