#The Claw Script is used to extract single files from multiple compressed Archieves, the default is finding files for SECURE.PP. for this to work you will need to create# #a "The Claw" folder in your C DRIVE, once this is here, place any archieved folders you wish to extract from in said claw folder and watch the magic# #Just remember to specify the file you want to extract first, you can do this on the third from last line where it specifes -filter# if (test-path -Path "C:\The Claw\Extract Complete") { Remove-Item "C:\The Claw\Extract Complete" -Force -Recurse} New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "C:\The Claw\Extracting" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "C:\The Claw\Extract Complete" Get-ChildItem "C:\The Claw" -Filter *.zip | ForEach { Expand-Archive -Path $_.FullName -DestinationPath "C:\The Claw\Extracting" -Force } Get-ChildItem "C:\The Claw\Extracting" -Recurse -filter SECURE.PP* | Move-Item -Destination "C:\The Claw\Extract Complete" Remove-Item "C:\The Claw\Extracting" -Force -Recurse
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