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[description] => The Wellness Card is a NFT membership to Mirrors Wellness Club.
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[name] => Vermeer 78
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[name] => The Masterpiece Collection
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[name] => The Masterpiece Collection
[description] => The Masterpiece collection uniquely brings together iconic artworks along with new works from emerging talents, all intertwined with the iconic Coca-Cola bottle.
Classic masterpieces like "The Scream" by Edvard Munch and "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer find a harmonious coexistence alongside contemporary works by talented artists like Aket and Vikram Kushwah.
Each of these artworks were featured works in Coca-Cola’s Masterpiece Global campaign, and now take on a new dimension as they become digital collectibles, accessible to art enthusiasts participating in Onchain Summer.
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[description] => In partnership with Cozomo de’ Medici, DeeKay Motion releases his first ever open edition works as the inaugural art mint on BASE.
New Era is a celebration of the inevitable future where crypto will be currency and art will be digital. New Era (ETH) and New Era (BTC) together form the New Era Set.
Collect both works and complete the set during this 24 hour mint.
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