2 years ago
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// Base Task Model export class Task { constructor( public goal_id: string, public name: string, public description: string, public priority: string, public taskDate: string, ) {} } // Base Goal Model export class Goal { constructor( public name: string, public isMainGoal: boolean, public details: string, public category: string, public lifeArea: string, public creationDate: string, public priority: string, public endDate: Date, ) {} } // Task Service tasksCollection():Observable<any> { return this.fetchTasks() .pipe( map(response => { const tasksArray = []; for (const key in response) { if (response.hasOwnProperty(key)) { tasksArray.push({ ...response[key], id: key }); } } return tasksArray; }) ); } // How, in Dashboard Component, modify each Task Item from tasksCollection so that new Key(goalCategory) and Value // being the category name from queried Goal Object (queried Goal based on foreign key) is added to each Task ? // Helper Methods getGoalById(id:string):Observable<any> { return this.goalsCollection() .pipe( map(response => { response = response.filter((v:any) => v.id === id); return response; }) ) } getGoalCategory(item:any) { this.goalsService.getGoalById(item.goal_id).subscribe(d => { this.goalCategory = d; }) } // Dashboard Component export class DashboardComponent implements OnInit { ngOnInit() { this.tasksService.tasksCollection() .pipe( concatMap(tasksArray => { tasksArray = tasksArray.map((item:any) => { this.getGoalCategory(item); // method which return { goal_id: item.goal_id, description: item.description, id: item.id, isMainGoal: item.isMainGoal, name: item.name, goalCategory: this.goalCategory // -> new key with value from Goal! } }) return tasksArray; }) ) .subscribe( (tasks:any) => { console.log(tasks); } ) }
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