Using elsystem.collections; using elsystem.io; using elsystem.DrawingObjects; Inputs: do_output( false ), directory( "C:\owncloud\sts_intraday\" ), limit_object_number( false ), allow_objects_after_x_bars( 1000 ), Chart_Prefix( "stch_shrt_2" ), manage_trades_with_STS( false ), use_wider_dvt_patch( 2 ), use_exit_stop_patch( 1 ), use_updated_sts_drawing( true ), file_prefix( "" ), buy_next_bar_market_EOD( 0 ), ___Limit_Entries___( "" ), ues_limit_entries( 0 ), limit_entry_percent_padding( 0 ), ___Cash_Management___( "" ), use_cash( true ), RoundToNShares( 2 ), PercentCompounding( 0 ), StartCapital( 10000 ), buy_on_close( 1 ), round_to_big_point_for_stops( 0 ), ___Profit_Targets___( "" ), use_percent_targets( 0 ), percent_target( 5.5 ), use_points_targets( 0 ), points_target( 10 ), percent_shares_for_target( 100 ), use_targets_after_x_bars( 6 ), ___Stop_Settings___( "" ), use_stop_for_exit( 1 ), stop_padding_percent( 0.7 ), ___Reentry_Settings___( "" ), allow_up_candle_reentry_on_close( 1 ), percent_above_for_reentry( 0.3 ), require_up_candle( 1 ), allow_trending_reentry( 0 ), ___Index_Reentry___( "" ), do_index_reentry( 0 ), num_bars_back_for_high( 100 ), percent_decline_for_reentry( 25 ), ____Wider_DVT___( "" ), use_wider_DVT_for_first_2( 0 ), ____Second_DVT_Settings___( "" ), prevent_second_DVT_under_ATR( false ), display_only_second( false ), display_both_with_hand_off( false ), use_debug( true ), ____MA_Deluxe_1_Settings___( "" ), MA_1_Price( C ), MA_1_Type( 8 ), MA_1_Length( 26 ), ____MA_Deluxe_2_Settings___( "" ), MA_2_Price( C ), MA_2_Type( 8 ), MA_2_Length( 15 ), ____MA_Deluxe_3_Settings___( "" ), MA_3_Price( C ), MA_3_Type( 8 ), MA_3_Length( 14 ), ____MA_Deluxe_4_Settings___( "" ), MA_4_Price( C ), MA_4_Type( 8 ), MA_4_Length( 58 ), ___DVS_Indicator_Settings___( "" ), disable_bear( true ), use_override_label( true ), disable_starting( false ), override_label( "STS" ), overide_string_momo( "STS MOMO" ), overide_string_oversold( "STS OVERSOLD" ), override_label_2( "2vt" ), text_color_short( magenta ), line_color_short( "magenta" ), text_color_long( white ), line_color_long( "white" ), line_color_default_long( "yellow" ), int default_long_weight( 0.5 ), first_dvt_color( green ), second_dvt_color( cyan ), first_dvt_color_line( "green" ), second_dvt_color_line( "cyan" ), attention_color( magenta ), attention_line_color( "magenta" ), display_decimals( 2 ), use_auto_adjustment_for_decimals( false ), zero_decimal_price( 500 ), one_decimal_price( 100 ), two_decimal_price( 20 ), round_to_nearest_five( false ), display_price_on_text( true ), use_MACD_for_confirmation( false ), FastLength( 12 ), SlowLength( 26 ); Vars: GlobalDictionary GD(null), num_long_dvts(0), color_val(0), color_val_2(0), color_val_3(0), color_val_4(0), override_string(""), price_string(""), ID(-1), Offset( 0 ), MyMACD(0), ATR_inversion_bar(0), MACD_inversion_bar(0), force_start(false), DTpoint myDTPoint(null), VerticalLine myVLine(null), TrendLine myTrendLine1(null), num_decimals(0), last_text_price(0), Intrabarpersist has_drawn_second(false), did_oversold(false), app_type(0), app_optimizing(0), last_tp(0), nshares(0), stop_drawing(false), TickSize(0), numberOfTicks(0), NearestTick(0), NearestValidPrice(0), mpos(0), id_2(0), num_long_dvts_3(0), did_reentry(false); method void AnalysisTechnique_Initialized( elsystem.Object sender, elsystem.InitializedEventArgs args ) begin if getappinfo(aiOptimizing) < 1 then begin GD = GlobalDictionary.Create(false,"IES"); end; end; Method string get_price_string(double tracked_price) Begin num_decimals = display_decimals; If use_auto_adjustment_for_decimals then begin If tracked_price <= two_decimal_price then begin num_decimals = 2; End else if tracked_price <= zero_decimal_price then begin num_decimals = 1; End else begin num_decimals = 0; end; End; If round_to_nearest_five = true then begin price_string = numtostr(ceiling(round((tracked_price),display_decimals)/5)*5,num_decimals); End else begin price_string = numtostr(round((tracked_price),display_decimals),num_decimals); end; Return price_string; end; method bool can_draw() Begin commentarycl("Can Draw Function"); commentarycl("mpos: ", mpos); commentarycl("num_long_dvts: ", num_long_dvts); //limit_object_number(false), //allow_drawing_objects_last_x_days(750), if (mpos = 1 or num_long_dvts = 1 or did_reentry) And app_type <> 2 and app_optimizing <> 1 and (limit_object_number = false or Currentbar > allow_objects_after_x_bars ) then Begin return true; end; return false; end; var: temp_id(0), last_str(""), second_last_str(""), last_price(0.0), last_bar(0); method int draw_text(string label, float price_point) begin commentarycl("label: ", label); commentarycl("price_point: ", price_point.ToString()); //commentarycl("Draw Text function called"); if (display_only_second = false and (display_both_with_hand_off and has_drawn_second=false)) or (display_only_second = false and display_both_with_hand_off = false) then begin //don't run if radar screen, no strat logic should be here if can_draw() then begin temp_id = Text_New(Date[0], Time[0], price_point, label); Text_SetColor(temp_id, attention_color); //commentarycl("Drew Text"); //commentarycl("temp_id: ", temp_id); end; end else Begin temp_id = -1; end; if(second_last_str <> last_str) then begin second_last_str = last_str; end; last_str = label; last_price = price_point; last_bar = currentbar; return temp_id; end; method void draw_vertical_line(string line_color, int line_weight) Begin if app_type <> 2 and app_optimizing <> 1 and (mpos = 0 or mpos[1] = 0) then begin myDTPoint = DTPoint.create(BarDateTime, 0); myVLine = VerticalLine.create(myDTPoint); myVline.Color = elsystem.drawing.Color.FromName(line_color); myVline.Weight = line_weight; DrawingObjects.Add(myVLine); end; end; Method void draw_DVT(double dvt_price, double num_dvts, double num_dvts_pre, double last_tp, string line_color) Begin commentarycl("Drawing DVT_Price: ", dvt_price); commentarycl("num_dvts: ", num_dvts); commentarycl("num_dvts_pre: ", num_dvts_pre); commentarycl("last_tp: ", last_tp); commentarycl("has_drawn_second: ", has_drawn_second); commentarycl("num_long_dvts_3: ", num_long_dvts_3); if myTrendLine1 <> Null then begin commentarycl("Trendline is not null"); If num_dvts_pre = 1 then begin myTrendLine1.Color = elsystem.drawing.Color.FromName(first_dvt_color_line); end; If num_dvts_pre = 2 then begin myTrendLine1.Color = elsystem.drawing.Color.FromName(second_dvt_color_line); end; if num_dvts_pre > 2 then Begin myTrendLine1.Color = elsystem.drawing.Color.FromName(line_color); end; end; //don't run if radar screen, no strat logic should be here if can_draw() then begin commentarycl("Can Draw Passed"); If num_dvts_pre <> num_dvts or (mpos = 0) then begin commentarycl("Creating new DVT"); myTrendLine1 = TrendLine.Create(DTPoint.Create(BarDateTime[1], dvt_price), DTPoint.Create(BarDateTime[0], dvt_price)); myTrendLine1.Persist = True; myTrendline1.ExtRight = false; myTrendLine1.Style = 2; myTrendLine1.Color = elsystem.drawing.Color.FromName(attention_line_color); //myTrendLine1.SetStartPoint(DTPoint.Create(BarDateTime[2], dvt_price)); //myTrendLine1.SetEndPoint(DTPoint.Create(BarDateTime[0], dvt_price)); DrawingObjects.Add(myTrendLine1); end else begin if myTrendLine1 <> Null then begin If last_tp = dvt_price then begin myTrendLine1.SetEndPoint(DTPoint.Create(BarDateTime[0], dvt_price)); end; end; end; end; end; input: ___Wider_ATR___( "" ), display_other_ATRS( true ), limit_wider_using_200( 1 ), wider_atr_length( 155 ), above_200_for_x_bars( 75 ), below_200_for_x_bars( 13 ), ___ATR_SETTINGS___( "" ), use_atr( true ), Length( 13 ), Multi( 0.6 ), percent_above_for_trigger( 0 ), percent_off_atr( 0.9 ), percent_below_atr( 1.9 ), percent_above_atr( 0.2 ), update_DVT_if_X_percent_above_ATR( true ), percent_above_DVT_for_update( 2.3 ), use_dynamic_percent_for_update( false ), use_true_range_for_calc( true ), use_bar_range_for_calc( false ), average_length( 100 ), dynamic_factor( 1 ), update_DVT_if_X_percent_below_ATR( true ), percent_below_DVT_for_update( 4.6 ), points_padding( 0 ), percent_padding( 0 ); var: atrs(0), stph(0), stpl(0); Method void CalcATR() begin if use_atr then begin atrs=ATRtrailingstop2(c, c, length, multi, stph, stpl); end; end; input: ___ATR_SETTINGS____3( "" ), use_atr_3( true ), show_second_dvt( true ), Length_3( 35 ), Multi_3( 0.75 ), percent_above_DVT_for_update_3( 1.2 ); var: atrs_3(0), stph_3(0), stpl_3(0); Method void CalcATR_3() begin if use_atr_3 then begin atrs_3=ATRtrailingstop2(c,c,length_3,multi_3,stph_3,stpl_3); end; end; input: ___ATR_SETTINGS____4( "" ), use_atr_4( true ), Length_4( 34 ), Multi_4( 4.5 ), percent_below_atr_4( 0 ); var: atrs_4(0), stph_4(0), stpl_4(0); Method void CalcATR_4() begin if use_atr_4 then begin atrs_4=ATRtrailingstop2(c,c,length_4,multi_4,stph_4,stpl_4); end; end; vars: last_tracked(0), above_200_ma(0), num_above_200_ma(0), num_below_200_ma(0), above_200_ok(true); method void Plot_ATRS() Begin if limit_wider_using_200 = 1 then Begin above_200_ma = average(c, wider_atr_length); if c > above_200_ma then Begin num_above_200_ma = num_above_200_ma + 1; num_below_200_ma = 0; end; if c < above_200_ma then Begin num_below_200_ma = num_below_200_ma + 1; num_above_200_ma = 0; end; if num_above_200_ma > above_200_for_x_bars then Begin above_200_ok = true; end; if num_below_200_ma > below_200_for_x_bars then Begin above_200_ok = false; end; end; //commentarycl("above_200_ok: ", above_200_ok); //commentarycl("num_above_200_ma: ", num_above_200_ma); If BarNumber > Length then begin //if atrs=-1 then plot1(stph,"Short Stop"); //if atrs=1 and (atrs_3 <> 1 or display_other_ATRS = false) then plot2(stpl,"Long Stop"); end; if display_other_ATRS and above_200_ok then begin If BarNumber > Length_3 then begin //if atrs_3=1 then plot6(stpl_3,"Long Stop 3"); if stpl_3 <> 0 and atrs_3 = 1 and show_second_dvt and stop_drawing = false then begin if last_tracked < stpl_3 * (1-(percent_above_DVT_for_update_3/100)) then begin last_tracked = stpl_3; if round_to_big_point_for_stops = 1 then Begin TickSize = MinMove / PriceScale * BigPointValue; NumberOfTicks = last_tracked / TickSize; NearestTick = Round(NumberOfTicks, 0); last_tracked = NearestTick * TickSize; end; num_long_dvts_3 = num_long_dvts_3 + 1; end; override_string = override_label_2 + ": " + get_price_string(last_tracked); //commentarycl("OVER RIDE STRING%%%%%%%%: ",override_string); if num_long_dvts_3 <> num_long_dvts_3[1] then begin if last_tracked > 0 then begin //don't run if radar screen, no strat logic should be here if can_draw() then begin //id_2 = Text_New(Date[0], Time[0], last_tracked, override_string); last_bar = currentbar; end; end; end; end; end; end; commentarycl("atrs_3:", atrs_3); commentarycl("stpl_3:", stpl_3); if atrs_3 = -1 then Begin last_tracked = 0; end; if atrs_3 = -1 and num_long_dvts_3 > 0 and use_wider_dvt_patch = 1 then Begin last_tracked = last_tracked[1]; commentarycl("Setting Last Tracked: ", last_tracked); end; end; vars: current_low_track(0), previous_low_track(0), current_high_track(0), previous_high_track(0); Method void calc_low_for_trailing() Begin MyMACD = macd(c, fastlength, slowlength); If atrs <> atrs[1] then begin ATR_inversion_bar = currentbar; end; If (mymacd > 0 and mymacd[1] < 0) or (mymacd < 0 and mymacd[1] > 0) then begin macd_inversion_bar = currentbar; end; If color_val = -1 and ( color_val[1] = 1 or l < current_low_track ) then begin if use_atr and stpl <> 0 then begin If percent_off_atr < ((c - stpl) / stpl)*100 and atrs=1 then begin current_low_track = stpl * (1-(percent_below_atr/100)); end else begin current_low_track = low; end; end else begin current_low_track = low; end; end; If color_val = -1 and color_val[1] = 1 then begin previous_high_track = current_high_track[1]; end; If color_val = 1 and ( color_val[1] = -1 or h > current_high_track ) then begin if use_atr and stph <> 0 then begin If percent_off_atr > ((stph - c) / stph)*100 and atrs=-1 then begin current_high_track = stph * (1+(percent_above_atr/100)); end else begin current_high_track = high; end; end else begin current_high_track = low; end; end; If color_val = 1 and color_val[1] = -1 then begin previous_high_track = current_high_track[1]; end; end; inputs: use_stoch_agreement( 0 ), stoch_agreement_length( 34 ), stoch_agreement_level( 76 ); vars: has_been_red(false), has_been_red_twice(false), stop_padding(0), last_stop_drawn(0), DTPoint myDTPoint1(null), DTPoint myDTPoint2(null), text_color(red), continuing_to_draw_long(false), continuing_to_draw_short(false), last_stop_low(0), last_stop_high(0), drawing_low(false), drawing_high(false), force_start_price(0), first_bear_bar(0), num_short_dvts(0), first_short_dvts_id(0), second_short_dvts_id(0), first_long_dvts_id(0), second_long_dvts_id(0), tracked_range(0); method void update_colors() Begin //don't run if radar screen, no strat logic should be here if app_type <> 2 and app_optimizing <> 1 and id[1] > 0 then begin If num_long_dvts[1] = 1 and display_only_second = false and display_both_with_hand_off=false then begin Text_SetColor(ID[1], first_dvt_color); end; If num_long_dvts[1] = 2 and display_only_second = false and display_both_with_hand_off=false then begin Text_SetColor(ID[1], second_dvt_color); end; If num_long_dvts[1] > 2 and display_only_second = false and display_both_with_hand_off=false then begin Text_SetColor(ID[1], text_color_long); end; end; end; Method void place_trailing_stops() Begin update_colors(); If points_padding > 0 then begin stop_padding = points_padding; end; If has_been_red and color_val[1] = 1 and color_val = -1 and (use_stoch_agreement = 0 or fastk(stoch_agreement_length) < stoch_agreement_level) then begin has_been_red_twice = true; end; If color_val = -1 and (use_stoch_agreement = 0 or fastk(stoch_agreement_length) < stoch_agreement_level) then begin has_been_red = true; end; has_been_red = true; If continuing_to_draw_short and c < last_tracked then begin num_long_dvts = 0; if mpos = 0 then begin num_long_dvts_3 = 0; end; has_drawn_second = false; end; If continuing_to_draw_long then begin num_short_dvts = 0; end; If use_true_range_for_calc then begin tracked_range = average(TrueRange, average_length); end; If use_bar_range_for_calc then begin tracked_range = average(high-low, average_length); end; If percent_padding > 0 then begin stop_padding = current_low_track * points_padding/100; end; if color_val <> color_val[1] then begin continuing_to_draw_short = false; continuing_to_draw_long = false; end; //commentarycl("atrs_4: ", atrs_4); //commentarycl("use_atr_4: ", use_atr_4); //commentarycl("atrs: ", atrs); if atrs_4 = 1 and use_atr_4 and atrs <> 1 then Begin //commentarycl("Setting CLT to : ", stpl_4); current_low_track = stpl_4 * (1-(percent_below_atr_4/100)); end; If ((color_val = 1 and has_been_red) or force_start or (c > force_start_price and force_start_price > 0)) and stop_drawing = false then begin if prevent_second_DVT_under_ATR = false or atrs = 1 or num_long_dvts <> 1 then begin if ((disable_starting = false or (current_low_track - stop_padding > last_stop_drawn)) And (use_atr = false or (atrs = 1 and c > h[currentbar - ATR_inversion_bar] * (1 + percent_above_for_trigger/100))) And (use_MACD_for_confirmation = false or (MyMACD > 0 and c > h[currentbar - macd_inversion_bar]))) or continuing_to_draw_long = true Or force_start or (c > force_start_price and force_start_price > 0) then begin If update_DVT_if_X_percent_above_ATR then begin { dynamic_factor(1),} If use_dynamic_percent_for_update = false then begin If current_low_track - points_padding < stpl * (1-(percent_above_DVT_for_update/100)) then begin current_low_track = stpl * (1-(percent_below_atr/100)); continuing_to_draw_long = false; force_start_price = 0; end; End else begin If current_low_track - points_padding < stpl * (1 - ((tracked_range/c)*dynamic_factor)) then begin current_low_track = stpl * (1-((tracked_range/c)*dynamic_factor)); continuing_to_draw_long = false; force_start_price = 0; end; end; end; NearestValidPrice = current_low_track - stop_padding * (1 - stop_padding_percent/100); if round_to_big_point_for_stops = 1 then Begin TickSize = MinMove / PriceScale * BigPointValue; NumberOfTicks = (current_low_track - stop_padding * (1 - stop_padding_percent/100)) / TickSize; NearestTick = Round(NumberOfTicks, 0); NearestValidPrice = NearestTick * TickSize; end; override_string = override_label + ": " + get_price_string(NearestValidPrice* (1 - stop_padding_percent/100)); If (continuing_to_draw_long = false and override_string <> override_string[1]) then begin If ((disable_starting = false or (NearestValidPrice > last_stop_drawn)) And (use_atr = false or (atrs = 1 and c > h[currentbar - ATR_inversion_bar] * (1 + percent_above_for_trigger/100))) And (use_MACD_for_confirmation = false or (MyMACD > 0 and c > h[currentbar - macd_inversion_bar]))) and last_stop_drawn = NearestValidPrice and num_long_dvts = 0 then begin draw_vertical_line(line_color_default_long, default_long_weight); end; if num_long_dvts = 0 and mpos = 0 then Begin num_long_dvts_3 = 0; end; num_long_dvts = num_long_dvts + 1; num_short_dvts = 0; last_text_price = NearestValidPrice; commentarycl("Setting Text"); commentarycl("num_long_dvts_3: ", num_long_dvts_3); commentarycl("NearestValidPrice: ", NearestValidPrice* (1 - stop_padding_percent/100)); if num_long_dvts_3 = 0 then begin commentarycl("Drawing Text"); if did_oversold then Begin //id = draw_text(overide_string_oversold + ": " + price_string, NearestValidPrice* (1 - stop_padding_percent/100)); end else if color_val <> color_val[1] then begin //id = draw_text(overide_string_momo + ": " + price_string, NearestValidPrice* (1 - stop_padding_percent/100)); end else Begin //id = draw_text(override_string, NearestValidPrice* (1 - stop_padding_percent/100)); end; end; //commentarycl("Text ID: ", id); end; if num_long_dvts = 1 and num_long_dvts[1] = 0 and force_start = false then Begin draw_vertical_line(line_color_default_long, default_long_weight); end; //draw_DVT(NearestValidPrice, num_long_dvts, num_long_dvts[1], last_text_price, line_color_long); continuing_to_draw_long = true; continuing_to_draw_short = false; drawing_low = false; drawing_high = true; first_bear_bar = 0; end; end; last_stop_drawn = NearestValidPrice; last_stop_low = NearestValidPrice; end; If color_val = -1 and has_been_red and (c < force_start_price or force_start_price = 0) then begin if ((disable_starting = false or (current_high_track + stop_padding < last_stop_high)) And (use_atr = false or (atrs = -1 and c < l[currentbar - ATR_inversion_bar])) And (use_MACD_for_confirmation = false or (MyMACD < 0 and c < l[currentbar - macd_inversion_bar])) And l < last_stop_low) or continuing_to_draw_short = true or (drawing_low and (current_high_track + stop_padding < last_stop_high)) then begin If update_DVT_if_X_percent_below_ATR then begin If current_high_track + points_padding > stph * (1+(percent_below_DVT_for_update/100)) then begin current_high_track = stph * (1+(percent_above_atr/100)); continuing_to_draw_short = false; end; end; force_start_price = 0; //don't run if radar screen, no strat logic should be here if app_type<> 2 and app_optimizing <> 1 then begin //myTrendLine1 = TrendLine.Create(DTPoint.Create(BarDateTime[0],current_high_track + stop_padding),DTPoint.Create(BarDateTime[1],current_high_track + stop_padding)); //myTrendLine1.Persist = False; //myTrendline1.ExtRight = False; //myTrendLine1.Style = 2; //myTrendLine1.Color = elsystem.drawing.Color.FromName(line_color_short); end; If round_to_nearest_five = true then begin price_string = numtostr(ceiling(round((current_high_track + stop_padding),display_decimals)/5)*5,display_decimals); End else begin price_string = numtostr(round((current_high_track + stop_padding),display_decimals),display_decimals); end; override_string = override_label + ": " + price_string; If continuing_to_draw_short = false and disable_bear = false and last_stop_high > current_high_track + stop_padding and override_string <> override_string[1] then begin if mpos = 0 then begin num_long_dvts_3 = 0; end; num_long_dvts = 0; has_drawn_second = false; num_short_dvts = num_short_dvts + 1; //id = draw_text(override_string, current_high_track + stop_padding); If num_short_dvts = 1 then begin first_short_dvts_id = id; end; If num_short_dvts = 2 then begin second_short_dvts_id = id; end; end; //don't run if radar screen, no strat logic should be here if disable_bear = false and app_type <> 2 and app_optimizing <> 1 then begin //DrawingObjects.Add(myTrendLine1); end; continuing_to_draw_long = false; continuing_to_draw_short = true; drawing_low = true; drawing_high = false; end; last_stop_high = current_high_track + stop_padding; end; If (last_tracked > 0 and c < last_tracked and above_200_ok) or ((last_tracked = 0 or above_200_ok = false) and c < last_text_price) then begin If first_bear_bar = 0 then begin first_bear_bar = currentbar; end; num_long_dvts = 0; if mpos = 0 then begin num_long_dvts_3 = 0; end; end; If mpos = 1 and color_val = -1 and (use_stoch_agreement = 0 or fastk(stoch_agreement_length) < stoch_agreement_level) then begin If percent_padding > 0 then begin stop_padding = previous_low_track * points_padding/100; end; end; end; inputs: int Moving_Average_Type( 8 ), int MACD_FastLength( 9 ), { the shorter of the two exponential moving average lengths used to calculate the MACD value, in bars } int MACD_SlowLength( 26 ), { the longer of the two exponential moving average lengths used to calculate the MACD value, in bars } int MACD_MACDLength( 8 ), { the number of bars over which to exponentially average the MACD value } MACD_Adap_EFF_Length( 3 ), MACD_Adap_Fast_Length( 3 ), MACD_Adap_Slow_Length( 3 ); variables: double entryMACD( 0 ), double entryMACDAvg( 0 ), double entrymacd_val( 0 ); Method void calc_BPT_MACDi() begin entryMACD = MACD( Close, MACD_FastLength, MACD_SlowLength ) ; entrymacd_val = entryMACD; switch(Moving_Average_Type) begin Case 1: entryMACDAvg = Average(entrymacd_val, MACD_MACDLength); Case 2: entryMACDAvg = XAverage(entrymacd_val, MACD_MACDLength); Case 3: entryMACDAvg = WAverage(entrymacd_val, MACD_MACDLength); Case 4: entryMACDAvg = TriAverage(entrymacd_val, MACD_MACDLength); Case 5: entryMACDAvg = AdaptiveMovAvg(entrymacd_val, MACD_Adap_EFF_Length, MACD_Adap_Fast_Length, MACD_Adap_Slow_Length); Case 6: entryMACDAvg = bptHMA(entrymacd_val, MACD_MACDLength); Case 7: entryMACDAvg = bptEHMA(entrymacd_val, MACD_MACDLength); Case 8: entryMACDAvg = bptEOHMA(entrymacd_val, MACD_MACDLength); end; end; inputs: ____Agressive_Oversold_Entry___( "" ), use_aggressive_oversold_entry( true ), sma_length( 62 ), sma_length_2_for_close( 9 ), num_bars_below_sma( 32 ), percent_candle_body( 15 ), size_of_candle( 0.7 ), oversold_vertical_color( "white" ), int aggressive_vertical_weight( .5 ); vars: num_days_below(0), sma_val(0), sma_2_val(0); Method void check_inversion() Begin did_oversold = false; sma_val = average(c, sma_length); sma_2_val = average(c, sma_length_2_for_close); If c < sma_val then begin num_days_below = num_days_below + 1; End else begin num_days_below = 0; end; If h-l <> 0 and c <> 0 then begin If (c > sma_val or c > sma_2_val) and num_days_below[1] >= num_bars_below_sma and (C - O)/(H - L) > percent_candle_body * .01 and (H - L)/C > size_of_candle * .01 and color_val_2 = 1 and color_val_2[1] = -1 and entrymacd_val > entryMACDAvg and (entrymacd_val[1] < entryMACDAvg[1] or entrymacd_val[2] < entryMACDAvg[2]) and use_aggressive_oversold_entry then begin draw_vertical_line(oversold_vertical_color, aggressive_vertical_weight); force_start = true; force_start_price = c; did_oversold = true; commentarycl("Did Oversold"); end; end; end; inputs: ____ABC_PULLBACK___( "" ), use_ABC_pullback( true ), long_MA_filter( 310 ), percent_above_long_MA( 0 ), c_wave_min_length( 3 ), ABC_vertical_color( "cyan" ), int ABC_weight( 0.5 ), num_bars_to_keep_ABC_alive( 36 ), allow_new_ABC_without_crossing_ATR( true ); vars: counter(0), tracked_changes(0), long_ma_val(0), c_wave_length(0), bars_tracked_at_four(0), did_abc(false); Method void how_many_color_changes() Begin long_ma_val = average(c, long_MA_filter); if first_bear_bar > 0 then begin If color_val_3 <> color_val_3[1] then begin tracked_changes = tracked_changes + 1; end; If tracked_changes = 3 then begin c_wave_length = c_wave_length + 1; end; End else begin tracked_changes = 1; c_wave_length = 0; end; If atrs = 1 then begin did_abc = false; end; If tracked_changes = 4 then begin bars_tracked_at_four = bars_tracked_at_four + 1; End else begin bars_tracked_at_four = 0; end; If tracked_changes = 4 and use_ABC_pullback and C > long_ma_val * (1 + (percent_above_long_MA *.01)) And c_wave_length >= c_wave_min_length And (bars_tracked_at_four <= num_bars_to_keep_ABC_alive) And (allow_new_ABC_without_crossing_ATR or did_abc = false) then begin draw_vertical_line(ABC_vertical_color, ABC_weight); num_long_dvts = 0; num_long_dvts_3 = 0; has_drawn_second = false; force_start = true; force_start_price = c; did_abc = true; end; end; inputs: ____ABC_PULLBACK_2___( "" ), use_ABC_pullback_2( true ), long_MA_filter_2( 350 ), percent_above_long_MA_2( 1.9 ), c_wave_min_length_2( 13 ), ABC_vertical_color_2( "pink" ), int ABC_weight_2( 0.5 ), num_bars_to_keep_ABC_alive_2( 53 ), allow_new_ABC_without_crossing_ATR_2( true ); vars: counter_2(0), tracked_changes_2(0), long_ma_val_2(0), c_wave_length_2(0), bars_tracked_at_four_2(0), did_abc_2(false); Method void how_many_color_changes_2() Begin long_ma_val_2 = average(c, long_MA_filter_2); if first_bear_bar > 0 then begin If color_val_4 <> color_val_4[1] then begin tracked_changes_2 = tracked_changes_2 + 1; end; If tracked_changes = 3 then begin c_wave_length_2 = c_wave_length_2 + 1; end; End else begin tracked_changes_2 = 1; c_wave_length_2 = 0; end; If atrs = 1 then begin did_abc_2 = false; end; If tracked_changes_2 = 4 then begin bars_tracked_at_four_2 = bars_tracked_at_four_2 + 1; End else begin bars_tracked_at_four_2 = 0; end; If tracked_changes_2 = 4 and use_ABC_pullback_2 and C > long_ma_val_2 * (1 + (percent_above_long_MA_2 *.01)) And c_wave_length_2 >= c_wave_min_length_2 And (bars_tracked_at_four_2 <= num_bars_to_keep_ABC_alive_2) And (allow_new_ABC_without_crossing_ATR_2 or did_abc_2 = false) then begin draw_vertical_line(ABC_vertical_color_2, ABC_weight); num_long_dvts = 0; num_long_dvts_3 = 0; has_drawn_second = false; force_start = true; force_start_price = c; did_abc_2 = true; end; end; method void debug() Begin if true then begin {commentarycl("____Second_DVT_Settings___(): ", ____Second_DVT_Settings___); commentarycl("prevent_second_DVT_under_ATR: ", prevent_second_DVT_under_ATR); commentarycl("display_only_second: ", display_only_second); commentarycl("display_both_with_hand_off: ", display_both_with_hand_off); commentarycl("____MA_Deluxe_1_Settings___: ",____MA_Deluxe_1_Settings___); commentarycl("MA_1_Price: ", MA_1_Price); commentarycl("MA_1_Type: ", MA_1_Type); commentarycl("MA_1_Length: ", MA_1_Length); commentarycl("Use_MA_1_Smoothing: ", false); commentarycl("MA_1_Smoothing: ", false); commentarycl("MA_1_Percent_smoothing: ", false); commentarycl("use_whipsaw_filter_MA_1: ", false); commentarycl("use_whipsaw_smoothing_MA_1: ", false); commentarycl("whipsaw_smoothing_MA_1: ", false); commentarycl("whipsaw_smoothing_MA_1_percent: ", false); commentarycl("use_reversal_date_for_smoothing: ", false); commentarycl("display_ma1_reversal: ", false); commentarycl("use_num_bars_confirmation: ", false); commentarycl("num_bars_green: ", false); commentarycl("num_bars_red: ", false); commentarycl("____MA_Deluxe_2_Settings___: ", ____MA_Deluxe_2_Settings___); commentarycl("MA_2_Price: ", MA_2_Price); commentarycl("MA_2_Type: ", MA_2_Type); commentarycl("MA_2_Length: ", MA_2_Length); commentarycl("MA_2_Disable_Color: ", false); commentarycl("Use_MA_2_Smoothing: ", false); commentarycl("MA_2_Smoothing: ", false); commentarycl("MA_2_Percent_smoothing: ", false); commentarycl("use_whipsaw_filter_MA_2: ", false); commentarycl("use_whipsaw_smoothing_MA_2: ", false); commentarycl("whipsaw_smoothing_MA_2: ", false); commentarycl("whipsaw_smoothing_MA_2_percent: ", false); commentarycl("use_reversal_date_for_smoothing_2: ", false); commentarycl("display_ma2_reversal: ", false); commentarycl("use_num_bars_confirmation_2: ", false); commentarycl("num_bars_green_2: ", false); commentarycl("num_bars_red_2: ", false); commentarycl("____MA_Deluxe_3_Settings___: ", ____MA_Deluxe_3_Settings___); commentarycl("MA_3_Price: ", MA_3_Price); commentarycl("MA_3_Type: ", MA_3_Type); commentarycl("MA_3_Length: ", MA_3_Length); commentarycl("MA_3_Disable_Color: ", false); commentarycl("Use_MA_3_Smoothing: ", false); commentarycl("MA_3_Smoothing: ", false); commentarycl("MA_3_Percent_smoothing: ", false); commentarycl("use_whipsaw_filter_MA_3: ", false); commentarycl("use_whipsaw_smoothing_MA_3: ", false); commentarycl("whipsaw_smoothing_MA_3: ", false); commentarycl("whipsaw_smoothing_MA_3_percent: ", false); commentarycl("use_reversal_date_for_smoothing_3: ", false); commentarycl("display_ma3_reversal: ", false); commentarycl("use_num_bars_confirmation_3: ", false); commentarycl("num_bars_green_3: ", false); commentarycl("num_bars_red_3: ", false); commentarycl("____MA_Deluxe_4_Settings___: ", ____MA_Deluxe_4_Settings___); commentarycl("MA_4_Price: ", MA_4_Price); commentarycl("MA_4_Type: ", MA_4_Type); commentarycl("MA_4_Length: ", MA_4_Length); commentarycl("MA_4_Disable_Color: ",false); commentarycl("Use_MA_4_Smoothing: ",false); commentarycl("MA_4_Smoothing: ",false); commentarycl("MA_4_Percent_smoothing: ",false); commentarycl("use_whipsaw_filter_MA_4: ",false); commentarycl("use_whipsaw_smoothing_MA_4: ",false); commentarycl("whipsaw_smoothing_MA_4: ",false); commentarycl("whipsaw_smoothing_MA_4_percent: ",false); commentarycl("use_reversal_date_for_smoothing_4: ",false); commentarycl("display_ma4_reversal: ",false); commentarycl("use_num_bars_confirmation_4: ",false); commentarycl("num_bars_green_4: ",false); commentarycl("num_bars_red_4: ",false); commentarycl("___DVS_Indicator_Settings___: ",___DVS_Indicator_Settings___); commentarycl("disable_bear: ",disable_bear); commentarycl("use_override_label: ",use_override_label); commentarycl("disable_starting: ",disable_starting); commentarycl("override_label: ",override_label); commentarycl("override_label_2: ",override_label_2); commentarycl("text_color_short: ",text_color_short); commentarycl("line_color_short: ",line_color_short); commentarycl("text_color_long: ",text_color_long); commentarycl("line_color_long: ",line_color_long); commentarycl("line_color_default_long: ",line_color_default_long); commentarycl("int default_long_weight: ",default_long_weight); commentarycl("first_dvt_color: ",first_dvt_color); commentarycl("second_dvt_color: ",second_dvt_color); commentarycl("first_dvt_color_line: ",first_dvt_color_line); commentarycl("second_dvt_color_line: ",second_dvt_color_line); commentarycl("attention_color: ", attention_color); commentarycl("attention_line_color: ", attention_line_color); commentarycl("display_decimals: ", display_decimals); commentarycl("use_auto_adjustment_for_decimals: ", use_auto_adjustment_for_decimals); commentarycl("zero_decimal_price: ", zero_decimal_price); commentarycl("one_decimal_price: ", one_decimal_price); commentarycl("two_decimal_price: ", two_decimal_price); commentarycl("round_to_nearest_five: ", round_to_nearest_five); commentarycl("display_price_on_text: ", display_price_on_text); commentarycl("use_MACD_for_confirmation: ", use_MACD_for_confirmation); commentarycl("FastLength: ", FastLength); commentarycl("SlowLength: ", SlowLength); commentarycl("___ATR_SETTINGS___: ", ___ATR_SETTINGS___); commentarycl("display_other_ATRS: ", display_other_ATRS); commentarycl("use_atr: ", use_atr); commentarycl("HighPrice: ", C); commentarycl("LowPrice: ", c); commentarycl("Length: ", Length); commentarycl("Multi: ", Multi); commentarycl("percent_above_for_trigger: ", percent_above_for_trigger); commentarycl("percent_off_atr: ", percent_off_atr); commentarycl("percent_below_atr: ", percent_below_atr); commentarycl("percent_above_atr: ", percent_above_atr); commentarycl("update_DVT_if_X_percent_above_ATR: ", update_DVT_if_X_percent_above_ATR); commentarycl("percent_above_DVT_for_update: ", percent_above_DVT_for_update); commentarycl("use_dynamic_percent_for_update: ", use_dynamic_percent_for_update); commentarycl("use_true_range_for_calc: ", use_true_range_for_calc); commentarycl("use_bar_range_for_calc: ", use_bar_range_for_calc); commentarycl("average_length: ", average_length); commentarycl("dynamic_factor: ", dynamic_factor); commentarycl("update_DVT_if_X_percent_below_ATR: ", update_DVT_if_X_percent_below_ATR); commentarycl("percent_below_DVT_for_update: ", percent_below_DVT_for_update); commentarycl("ChartColor: ", false); commentarycl("points_padding: ", points_padding); commentarycl("percent_padding: ", percent_padding); commentarycl("___ATR_SETTINGS____2: ", false); commentarycl("use_atr_2: ", false); commentarycl("HighPrice_2: ", C); commentarycl("LowPrice_2: ", c); commentarycl("Length_2: ", 14); commentarycl("Multi_2: ", 2); commentarycl("percent_above_for_trigger_2: ", false); commentarycl("percent_off_atr_2: ", false); commentarycl("percent_below_atr_2: ", false); commentarycl("percent_above_atr_2: ", false); commentarycl("update_DVT_if_X_percent_above_ATR_2: ", false); commentarycl("percent_above_DVT_for_update_2: ", false); commentarycl("use_dynamic_percent_for_update_2: ", false); commentarycl("use_true_range_for_calc_2: ", false); commentarycl("use_bar_range_for_calc_2: ", false); commentarycl("average_length_2: ", false); commentarycl("dynamic_factor_2: ", false); commentarycl("update_DVT_if_X_percent_below_ATR_2: ", false); commentarycl("percent_below_DVT_for_update_2: ", false); commentarycl("points_padding_2: ", false); commentarycl("percent_padding_2: ", false); commentarycl("___ATR_SETTINGS____3: ", ___ATR_SETTINGS____3); commentarycl("use_atr_3: ", use_atr_3); commentarycl("show_second_dvt: ", show_second_dvt); commentarycl("HighPrice_3: ", c); commentarycl("LowPrice_3: ", c); commentarycl("Length_3: ", Length_3); commentarycl("Multi_3: ", Multi_3); commentarycl("percent_above_for_trigger_3: ", false); commentarycl("percent_off_atr_3: ", false); commentarycl("percent_below_atr_3: ", false); commentarycl("percent_above_atr_3: ", false); commentarycl("update_DVT_if_X_percent_above_ATR_3: ", false); commentarycl("percent_above_DVT_for_update_3: ", percent_above_DVT_for_update_3); commentarycl("use_dynamic_percent_for_update_3: ", false); commentarycl("use_true_range_for_calc_3: ", false); commentarycl("use_bar_range_for_calc_3: ", false); commentarycl("average_length_3: ", false); commentarycl("dynamic_factor_3: ", false); commentarycl("update_DVT_if_X_percent_below_ATR_3: ", false); commentarycl("percent_below_DVT_for_update_3: ", false); commentarycl("points_padding_3: ", false); commentarycl("percent_padding_3: ", false); commentarycl("use_stoch_agreement: ", use_stoch_agreement); commentarycl("stoch_agreement_length: ", stoch_agreement_length); commentarycl("stoch_agreement_level: ", stoch_agreement_level); commentarycl("int Moving_Average_Type: ", Moving_Average_Type); commentarycl("int MACD_FastLength: ", MACD_FastLength); commentarycl("int MACD_SlowLength: ", MACD_SlowLength); commentarycl("int MACD_MACDLength: ", MACD_MACDLength); commentarycl("MACD_Adap_EFF_Length: ", MACD_Adap_EFF_Length); commentarycl("MACD_Adap_Fast_Length: ", MACD_Adap_Fast_Length); commentarycl("MACD_Adap_Slow_Length: ", MACD_Adap_Slow_Length); commentarycl("___ATR_SETTINGS____4: ", ___ATR_SETTINGS____4); commentarycl("use_atr_4: ", use_atr_4); commentarycl("use_atr_4_for_dvt: ",false); commentarycl("HighPrice_4: ", c); commentarycl("LowPrice_4: ", c); commentarycl("Length_4: ", Length_4); commentarycl("Multi_4: ", Multi_4); commentarycl("percent_above_for_trigger_4: ", false); commentarycl("percent_off_atr_4: ", false); commentarycl("percent_below_atr_4: ", percent_below_atr_4); commentarycl("percent_above_atr_4: ", false); commentarycl("update_DVT_if_X_percent_above_ATR_4: ", false); commentarycl("percent_above_DVT_for_update_4: ", false); commentarycl("use_dynamic_percent_for_update_4: ", false); commentarycl("use_true_range_for_calc_4: ", false); commentarycl("use_bar_range_for_calc_4: ", false); commentarycl("average_length_4: ", false); commentarycl("dynamic_factor_4: ", false); commentarycl("update_DVT_if_X_percent_below_ATR_4: ", false); commentarycl("percent_below_DVT_for_update_4: ", false); commentarycl("points_padding_4: ", false); commentarycl("percent_padding_4: ", false); commentarycl("____Agressive_Oversold_Entry___: ", ____Agressive_Oversold_Entry___); commentarycl("use_aggressive_oversold_entry: ", use_aggressive_oversold_entry); commentarycl("sma_length: ", sma_length); commentarycl("sma_length_2_for_close: ", sma_length_2_for_close); commentarycl("num_bars_below_sma: ", num_bars_below_sma); commentarycl("percent_candle_body: ", percent_candle_body); commentarycl("size_of_candle: ", size_of_candle); commentarycl("oversold_vertical_color: ", oversold_vertical_color); commentarycl("int aggressive_vertical_weight: ", aggressive_vertical_weight); commentarycl("____ABC_PULLBACK___: ", ____ABC_PULLBACK___); commentarycl("use_ABC_pullback: ", use_ABC_pullback); commentarycl("long_MA_filter: ", long_MA_filter); commentarycl("percent_above_long_MA: ", percent_above_long_MA); commentarycl("c_wave_min_length: ", c_wave_min_length); commentarycl("ABC_vertical_color: ", ABC_vertical_color); commentarycl("int ABC_weight: ", ABC_weight); commentarycl("num_bars_to_keep_ABC_alive: ", num_bars_to_keep_ABC_alive); commentarycl("use_arrow_instead: ", false); commentarycl("allow_new_ABC_without_crossing_ATR: ", allow_new_ABC_without_crossing_ATR); commentarycl("____ABC_PULLBACK_2___: ", ____ABC_PULLBACK_2___); commentarycl("use_ABC_pullback_2: ", use_ABC_pullback_2); commentarycl("long_MA_filter_2: ", long_MA_filter_2); commentarycl("percent_above_long_MA_2: ", percent_above_long_MA_2); commentarycl("c_wave_min_length_2: ", c_wave_min_length_2); commentarycl("ABC_vertical_color_2: ", ABC_vertical_color_2); commentarycl("int ABC_weight_2: ", ABC_weight_2); commentarycl("num_bars_to_keep_ABC_alive_2: ", num_bars_to_keep_ABC_alive_2); commentarycl("use_arrow_instead_2: ", false); commentarycl("allow_new_ABC_without_crossing_ATR_2: ", allow_new_ABC_without_crossing_ATR_2);} end; end; var: StreamWriter myFile(null), date_str(""), inversion_str(""), r_date_str(""), status(""), num_bull_sequential(0), demark_count(0), num_bear_sequential(0), inversion_bar(0), chart_group("file"), a_active(0), var0(0), Ribbon_color_val(0), file_name(""), BOC(0); vars: exit_stop_price_out(0), exit_stop_price_previous(0), num_sts_out(0), mpos_out(0), changed_stops(0); method void write_file() begin if do_output then begin mpos_out = marketposition; If BarType <= 1 then Var0 = ABSVALUE( VOLUME + OPENINT ); If BarType > 1 then Var0 = ABSVALUE( VOLUME ); a_active = 0; If HIGHEST(Var0, 20) <> 0 then begin Condition2 = Var0 = NTHMINLIST( 1, Var0, Var0[ 1], Var0[ 2], Var0[ 3], Var0[ 4], Var0[ 5], Var0[ 6], Var0[ 7], Var0[ 8], Var0[ 9], Var0[ 10], Var0[ 11], Var0[ 12], Var0[ 13], Var0[ 14], Var0[ 15], Var0[ 16], Var0[ 17], Var0[ 18], Var0[ 19]); Condition3 = Var0 = NTHMINLIST( 2, Var0, Var0[ 1], Var0[ 2], Var0[ 3], Var0[ 4], Var0[ 5], Var0[ 6], Var0[ 7], Var0[ 8], Var0[ 9], Var0[ 10], Var0[ 11], Var0[ 12], Var0[ 13], Var0[ 14], Var0[ 15], Var0[ 16], Var0[ 17], Var0[ 18], Var0[ 19]); If Condition2 OR Condition3 then begin If LOW = LOWEST( LOW , 20) then begin a_active = -1; end; If HIGH = HIGHEST( HIGH , 20) then begin a_active = 1; end; end; end; if mpos_out = 0 then Begin num_sts_out = 0; end; if (num_long_dvts = 1 and num_long_dvts[1] = 0) Or did_reentry then Begin commentarycl("Setting Num_STS_Out"); num_sts_out = 1; end; if mpos_out = 1 and mpos_out[1] = 1 and exit_stop_price_out <> exit_stop_price_out[1] then Begin num_sts_out = num_sts_out + 1; end; commentarycl("num_long_dvts: ", num_long_dvts); commentarycl("num_long_dvts[1]: ", num_long_dvts[1]); commentarycl("mpos_out: ", mpos_out); commentarycl("mpos_out[1]: ", mpos_out[1]); commentarycl("Setting num_sts_out: ", num_sts_out); If c > c[4] then begin num_bull_sequential = num_bull_sequential + 1; demark_count = num_bull_sequential; end else begin num_bull_sequential = 0; end; If c < c[4] then begin num_bear_sequential = num_bear_sequential + 1; demark_count = -1 * num_bear_sequential; end else begin num_bear_sequential = 0; end; if(num_long_dvts = 0 and num_long_dvts[1] > 0) then Begin inversion_bar = currentbar-1; end; if num_long_dvts = 1 and num_long_dvts[1] = 0 then Begin inversion_bar = currentbar; end; inversion_str = Bardatetime[Barssinceentry].ToString(); date_str = Bardatetime[currentbar - last_bar].ToString(); r_date_str = Bardatetime.ToString(); if marketposition = 0 then begin status = "Flat"; end else Begin status = "Long"; end; file_name = directory + file_prefix + symbol + "_" + Bartype.ToString() + "_" + Barinterval.ToString() + "_" + chart_group + "_data.csv"; //commentarycl("Attempting to write file"); //commentarycl("Writing file"); if currentbar = 1 then begin myFile = StreamWriter.Create(file_name); end else Begin myFile = StreamWriter.Create(file_name, true); end; if myFile <> null then begin commentarycl("Date Str: ", date_str); commentarycl("{'STS':'" + numtostr(exit_stop_price_out, 4) + "','prev_STS':'" + Numtostr(exit_stop_price_previous, 4) + "','date': '" + date_str + "','r_date': '" + r_date_str + "','i_date': '" + inversion_str + "','status':'" + status + "','group':'" + chart_group + "','atrs':'" + numtostr(atrs,0) + "','demark':'" + numtostr(demark_count,0) + "','num_STS':'" + numtostr(changed_stops, 0) + "','o':'" + numtostr(open,2) + "','h':'" + numtostr(high,2) + "','l':'" + numtostr(low,2) + "','c':'" + numtostr(close,2) + "','a':'" + numtostr(a_active,0) + "','r1':'" + numtostr(value11,6) + "','r2':'" + numtostr(value12,6) + "','r3':'" + numtostr(value13,6) + "','r4':'" + numtostr(value14,6) + "','rD':'" + numtostr(value9,6) + "','rC':'" + numtostr(Ribbon_color_val,0) + "','EP':'" + numtostr(entryprice,2) + "','TZ':'" + numtostr(Sess1endtime,0) + "','BOC':'" + numtostr(BOC,0) +"'}"); myFile.WriteLine("{'STS':'" + numtostr(exit_stop_price_out, 4) + "','prev_STS':'" + Numtostr(exit_stop_price_previous, 4) + "','date': '" + date_str + "','r_date': '" + r_date_str + "','i_date': '" + inversion_str + "','status':'" + status + "','group':'" + chart_group + "','atrs':'" + numtostr(atrs,0) + "','demark':'" + numtostr(demark_count,0) + "','num_STS':'" + numtostr(changed_stops, 0) + "','o':'" + numtostr(open,2) + "','h':'" + numtostr(high,2) + "','l':'" + numtostr(low,2) + "','c':'" + numtostr(close,2) + "','a':'" + numtostr(a_active,0) + "','r1':'" + numtostr(value11,6) + "','r2':'" + numtostr(value12,6) + "','r3':'" + numtostr(value13,6) + "','r4':'" + numtostr(value14,6) + "','rD':'" + numtostr(value9,6) + "','rC':'" + numtostr(Ribbon_color_val,0) + "','EP':'" + numtostr(entryprice,2) + "','TZ':'" + numtostr(Sess1endtime,0) + "','BOC':'" + numtostr(BOC,0) +"'}"); end; myFile.Close(); end; end; vars: TrendLine myDTTrendLine(null), bars_since_bear(0), exit_stop_price(0), shares_to_buy(0), wider_dvt(0), trying_to_enter(false), limit_entry_price(0); if bpt_valid_license_DVT then begin //if true then begin debug(); app_type = GetAppInfo(aiApplicationType); app_optimizing = GetAppInfo(Aioptimizing); NShares = RoundToNShares*(Intportion((StartCapital + PercentCompounding*.01*netprofit)/(C*RoundToNShares))); if mpos = 0 then begin shares_to_buy = nshares; id_2 = -1; temp_id = -1; myTrendLine1 = null; changed_stops = 0; end else Begin shares_to_buy = nshares / 2; end; force_start = false; mpos = marketposition; BOC = 0; if mpos = 0 then begin did_reentry = false; end; if stop_drawing[0] and stop_drawing[1] then Begin stop_drawing = false; end; if mpos = 0 and mpos[1] = 1 then Begin //stop_drawing = true; end; if mpos = 0 then begin num_long_dvts_3 = 0; end; //commentarycl("stop_drawing: ", stop_drawing); //commentarycl("stop_drawing[30]: ", stop_drawing[30]); //commentarycl("stop_drawing[31]: ", stop_drawing[31]); //commentarycl("has_been_red: ", has_been_red); commentarycl("exit_stop_price[1]: ", exit_stop_price[1]); commentarycl("Above for Reentry: ", exit_stop_price[1] * (1 + percent_above_for_reentry/100)); commentarycl("C: ", c); commentarycl("Price check passed: ", c > exit_stop_price[1] * (1 + percent_above_for_reentry/100)); if mpos = 0 and mpos[1] = 1 and l < exit_stop_price[1] and c > exit_stop_price[1] * (1 + percent_above_for_reentry/100) and allow_up_candle_reentry_on_close = 1 and (require_up_candle = 0 or c > o ) then Begin if use_cash then begin if buy_on_close = 0 then begin buy ("stop reentry market") NShares shares next bar market; BOC = 2; end else Begin buy ("stop reentry") NShares shares this bar on close; BOC = 1; end; end else Begin if buy_on_close = 0 then begin buy ("stop reentry ma nc") next bar market; BOC = 2; end else Begin buy ("stop reentry nc") this bar on close; BOC = 1; end; end; num_long_dvts = 1; force_start = true; did_reentry = true; end; if did_reentry[1] = true then Begin num_long_dvts = 1; end; Value1 = bptMaDeluxe2( MA_1_Price, MA_1_Type, MA_1_Length, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, 0, 0.1, false, false, false, 3, 3, color_val); Value2 = bptMaDeluxe2( MA_2_Price, MA_2_Type, MA_2_Length, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, 0, 0.1, false, false, false, 3, 3, color_val_2); Value3 = bptMaDeluxe2( MA_3_Price, MA_3_Type, MA_3_Length, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, 0, 0.1, false, false, false, 3, 3, color_val_3); Value4 = bptMaDeluxe2( MA_4_Price, MA_4_Type, MA_4_Length, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, 0, 0.1, false, false, false, 3, 3, color_val_4); CalcATR(); CalcATR_3(); CalcATR_4(); Plot_ATRS(); calc_low_for_trailing(); calc_BPT_MACDi(); check_inversion(); how_many_color_changes(); how_many_color_changes_2(); place_trailing_stops(); //commentarycl("Last Tracked Price: ", last_tracked); inputs: reentry_vertical_color( "cyan" ), reentry_line_weight( .5 ), trending_reentry_vertical_color( "cyan" ), trending_reentry_line_weight( .5 ); vars: isLastBarOfDay(false); // Check if the current bar's time is equal to the session end time if Time = sessionEndTime(1, Regularsession) then begin isLastBarOfDay = true; end else begin isLastBarOfDay = false; end; if mpos = 0 and do_index_reentry = 1 and use_cash = false then Begin if c < highest(h, num_bars_back_for_high) * (1 - (percent_decline_for_reentry/100)) then Begin if buy_on_close = 0 or (buy_next_bar_market_EOD = 1 and isLastBarOfDay) then begin if use_cash then begin buy ("reentry ma") shares_to_buy shares next bar market; end else Begin buy ("reentry ma nc") next bar market; end; BOC = 4; end else Begin if use_cash then begin buy ("reentry") shares_to_buy shares this bar on close; end else Begin buy ("reentry nc") this bar on close; end; BOC = 3; end; num_sts_out = 1; draw_vertical_line(reentry_vertical_color, reentry_line_weight); did_reentry = true; end; end; if num_long_dvts = 1 and num_long_dvts[1] = 0 and manage_trades_with_STS = false then Begin changed_stops = 0; if ues_limit_entries = 1 then Begin trying_to_enter = true; limit_entry_price = high * (1 + limit_entry_percent_padding/100); end else begin if use_cash then begin if buy_on_close = 0 or (buy_next_bar_market_EOD = 1 and isLastBarOfDay) then begin if use_cash then begin buy shares_to_buy shares next bar market; end else Begin buy next bar market; end; BOC = 2; end else begin if use_cash then begin buy shares_to_buy shares this bar on close; end else Begin buy this bar on close; end; BOC = 1; end; end else Begin if buy_on_close = 0 or (buy_next_bar_market_EOD = 1 and isLastBarOfDay) then begin if use_cash then begin buy shares_to_buy shares next bar market; end else Begin buy next bar market; end; BOC = 2; end else begin if use_cash then begin buy shares_to_buy shares this bar on close; end else Begin buy this bar on close; end; BOC = 1; end; end; end; end; if trying_to_enter then Begin buy ("limit entry") next bar at limit_entry_price stop; end; if (mpos = 0 and mpos[1] = 1) or mpos = 1 then Begin trying_to_enter = false; end; if use_wider_DVT_for_first_2 = 1 then Begin if last_tracked > 0 and last_tracked < last_text_price then begin wider_dvt = last_tracked; end; if last_text_price > 0 and (last_text_price < last_tracked or last_tracked = 0) then Begin wider_dvt = last_text_price; end; if (num_long_dvts = 2 or num_long_dvts = 0) and wider_dvt[1] < wider_dvt then Begin wider_dvt = wider_dvt[1]; end; if num_long_dvts = 0 and num_long_dvts[1] = 2 and c > wider_dvt then begin num_long_dvts = 2; end; end; //commentarycl("last_tracked: ", last_tracked); //commentarycl("last_text_price: ", last_text_price); //commentarycl("num_long_dvts: ", num_long_dvts); //commentarycl("did_reentry: ", did_reentry); //commentarycl("wider_dvt: ", wider_dvt); //commentarycl("mpos: ", mpos); //commentarycl("num_long_dvts: ", num_long_dvts); //commentarycl("num_long_dvts[1]: ", num_long_dvts[1]); //commentarycl("allow_trending_reentry: ", allow_trending_reentry); if mpos = 0 and num_long_dvts > num_long_dvts[1] and allow_trending_reentry = 1 and trying_to_enter = false then Begin if buy_on_close = 0 or (buy_next_bar_market_EOD = 1 and isLastBarOfDay) then begin if use_cash then begin buy ("trend reentry market") shares_to_buy shares next bar market; end else Begin buy ("trend reentry mrktnc") next bar market; end; BOC = 2; changed_stops = 0; end else Begin if use_cash then begin buy ("trending reentry") shares_to_buy shares this bar on close; end else Begin buy ("trending reentry nc") this bar on close; end; BOC = 1; changed_stops = 0; end; draw_vertical_line(trending_reentry_vertical_color, reentry_line_weight); end; commentarycl("last_tracked: ", last_tracked); commentarycl("last_text_price: ", last_text_price); commentarycl("wider_dvt: ", wider_dvt); If (last_tracked > 0 and above_200_ok) then begin commentarycl("Setting above 200"); exit_stop_price = last_tracked * (1 - stop_padding_percent/100); end; if (last_tracked = 0 or above_200_ok = false) then begin commentarycl("Setting below 200"); if atrs_3 = 1 and num_long_dvts_3 > 0 and use_wider_dvt_patch > 0 then begin exit_stop_price = last_tracked * (1 - stop_padding_percent/100); end else begin exit_stop_price = last_text_price * (1 - stop_padding_percent/100); end; end; if use_wider_DVT_for_first_2 = 1 then Begin exit_stop_price = wider_dvt * (1 - stop_padding_percent/100); end; if use_stop_for_exit =0 then begin if num_long_dvts = 0 and num_long_dvts[1] > 0 then Begin sell this bar on close; end; end else Begin commentarycl("Trying to set stop price"); commentarycl("exit_stop_price: ", exit_stop_price); commentarycl("num_long_dvts: ", num_long_dvts); commentarycl("num_long_dvts_3: ", num_long_dvts_3); if atrs = -1 and c < exit_stop_price and use_exit_stop_patch = 1 then Begin exit_stop_price = exit_stop_price[1]; end; if ((did_reentry = false or num_long_dvts > 0) and (manage_trades_with_STS = false or mpos[1] = 1) and c > exit_stop_price) Or (mpos = 1 and use_wider_dvt_patch > 0 and c > exit_stop_price) then begin commentarycl("exit_stop_price: ", exit_stop_price); if round_to_big_point_for_stops = 1 then Begin TickSize = MinMove / PriceScale * BigPointValue; NumberOfTicks = exit_stop_price / TickSize; NearestTick = Round(NumberOfTicks, 0); NearestValidPrice = NearestTick * TickSize; sell ("stop exit BP") next bar at NearestValidPrice stop; if NearestValidPrice <> NearestValidPrice[1] or changed_stops = 0 then Begin changed_stops = changed_stops + 1; end; draw_DVT(NearestValidPrice, changed_stops, changed_stops[1], NearestValidPrice, "White"); exit_stop_price_out = NearestValidPrice; end else begin sell ("stop exit") next bar at exit_stop_price stop; if exit_stop_price <> exit_stop_price[1] or changed_stops = 0 then Begin changed_stops = changed_stops + 1; end; draw_DVT(exit_stop_price, changed_stops, changed_stops[1], exit_stop_price[1], "White"); exit_stop_price_out = exit_stop_price; commentarycl("Set Stop Exit at: ", exit_stop_price); end; end; end; if mpos = 1 then Begin if Barssinceentry >= use_targets_after_x_bars then Begin if use_percent_targets = 1 then Begin sell ("percent target") Currentshares * percent_shares_for_target/100 shares next bar at Entryprice * (1 + (percent_target/100)) limit; end; if use_points_targets = 1 then Begin sell ("points target") Currentshares * percent_shares_for_target/100 shares next bar at entryprice + points_target limit; end; end; end; if exit_stop_price_out <> exit_stop_price_out[1] and can_draw() then Begin commentarycl("Drawing STS text"); if num_long_dvts_3 = 0 and exit_stop_price_out <> exit_stop_price_out[1] then begin //commentarycl("Setting Exit Stop Label"); //commentarycl("exit_stop_price_out: ", exit_stop_price_out); commentarycl("Drawing STS"); id = draw_text( "STS: " +numtostr(exit_stop_price_out, 2), exit_stop_price_out); end; if num_long_dvts_3 > 0 and exit_stop_price_out <> exit_stop_price_out[1] then begin //commentarycl("Setting Exit Stop Label"); //commentarycl("exit_stop_price_out: ", exit_stop_price_out); commentarycl("Drawing 2vt"); id_2 = draw_text( "2vt: " +numtostr(exit_stop_price_out, 2), exit_stop_price_out); Text_setcolor(id_2, White); end; end; if mpos = 0 and trying_to_enter and c < exit_stop_price_out then Begin trying_to_enter = false; end; if mpos = 0 then Begin exit_stop_price_previous = 0; end; if mpos = 1 and exit_stop_price_previous <> exit_stop_price_out then Begin exit_stop_price_previous = exit_stop_price_out; end; //commentarycl("mpos[1]: ", mpos[1]); //commentarycl("manage_trades_with_STS: ", manage_trades_with_STS); if getappinfo(aiOptimizing) < 1 then begin if manage_trades_with_STS and mpos > 0 and num_long_dvts > 0 then Begin GD.Items["sts_active_"+Chart_Prefix+symbol] = true astype bool; end else Begin GD.Items["sts_active_"+Chart_Prefix+symbol] = false astype bool; end; end; end; //if getappinfo(aiOptimizing) < 1 and (mod(CurrentTime, 10) = 0 or Barstatus(1) = 2) then begin if getappinfo(aiOptimizing) < 1 then begin write_file(); end;
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