a year ago
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import java.util.Scanner; public class AbleCounterApp { public static void main(String[] args) { AbleCounter counter = new AbleCounter(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { System.out.println("1. Add Able"); System.out.println("2. Remove Able"); System.out.println("3. Get Total Able Count"); System.out.println("4. Exit"); System.out.print("Enter your choice: "); int choice = scanner.nextInt(); switch (choice) { case 1: System.out.print("Enter the count of able to add: "); int addCount = scanner.nextInt(); counter.addAble(addCount); break; case 2: System.out.print("Enter the count of able to remove: "); int removeCount = scanner.nextInt(); counter.removeAble(removeCount); break; case 3: System.out.println("Total Able Count: " + counter.getTotalAbleCount()); break; case 4: System.exit(0); default: System.out.println("Invalid choice. Please try again."); } } } } class AbleCounter { private int totalAbleCount; public AbleCounter() { this.totalAbleCount = 0; } public void addAble(int count) { totalAbleCount += count; } public void removeAble(int count) { if (totalAbleCount >= count) { totalAbleCount -= count; } else { System.out.println("Insufficient able count."); } } public int getTotalAbleCount() { return totalAbleCount; } }