using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Moq; using NUnit.Framework; using Product_Stock_Maintenance.models; using ProductStockMaintenance.Repo; namespace UnitTest { [TestFixture] public class RepoTest { private string ConnectionStrings = "Server=localhost;Database=Template;User=root;Password=Psnumber#2023;"; [Test] [TestCase("pavan", "pavan@123")] [TestCase("bharadwaj", "bharadwaj@123")] [TestCase("invalidUser", "invalidPassword")] public async Task ValidateUserTest(string username, string password) { //Arrange var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TemplateContext>() .UseMySql(ConnectionStrings, new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8, 0, 23))) .Options; using (var dbContext = new TemplateContext(options)) { // Act var repo = new Repo(dbContext); var result = await repo.ValidateUser(username, password); // Assert switch (result) { case "admin": case "users": case "Invalid login Credentials ": Assert.Pass(); break; default: Assert.Fail(); break; } } } [Test] [TestCase("pavan", "pavan@123")] public async Task catchValidateUserTest(string username, string password) { //Arrange var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TemplateContext>() .UseMySql(ConnectionStrings, new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8, 0, 23))) .Options; using (var dbContext = new TemplateContext(options)) { // Act var repo = new Repo(dbContext); try { var result = await repo.ValidateUser(username, password); throw new Exception(" "); } catch(Exception){ Assert.Pass(); } } } [Test] public async Task ProductsTest() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TemplateContext>() .UseMySql(ConnectionStrings, new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8, 0, 23))) .Options; using (var dbContext = new TemplateContext(options)) { var repo = new Repo(dbContext); try { var result = await repo.Products(); if (result != null) { Assert.Pass(); } } catch (Exception) { Assert.Pass(); } } } [Test] public async Task catchProductsTest() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TemplateContext>() .UseMySql(ConnectionStrings, new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8, 0, 23))) .Options; using (var dbContext = new TemplateContext(options)) { var repo = new Repo(dbContext); try { var result = await repo.Products(); throw new Exception(" "); } catch (Exception) { Assert.Pass(); } } } [Test] [TestCase(102, 46)] [TestCase(110, 5)] public async Task AddQuantityTest(int id, int quantity) { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TemplateContext>() .UseMySql(ConnectionStrings, new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8, 0, 23))) .Options; using (var dbContext = new TemplateContext(options)) { var repo = new Repo(dbContext); try { var result = await repo.AddQuantity(id, quantity); var output = result.value as Inventory; Console.WriteLine(output); /*switch(result){ case "product not existed in the inevntory": case (result.Quantity >= 46): Assert.Pass(); break; default: Assert.Fail(); break; }*/ } catch (Exception) { Assert.Pass(); } } } [Test] [TestCase(110, 5)] public async Task catchAddQuantityTest(int id, int quantity) { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TemplateContext>() .UseMySql(ConnectionStrings, new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8, 0, 23))) .Options; using (var dbContext = new TemplateContext(options)) { var repo = new Repo(dbContext); try { var result = await repo.AddQuantity(id, quantity); throw new Exception(" "); } catch (Exception) { Assert.Pass(); } } } [Test] [TestCase(102)] [TestCase(102)] public async Task DeleteProductTest(int id) { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TemplateContext>() .UseMySql(ConnectionStrings, new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8, 0, 23))) .Options; using (var dbContext = new TemplateContext(options)) { var repo = new Repo(dbContext); try { var result = await repo.DeleteProduct(id); if (result != null) { Assert.Pass(); } } catch (Exception) { Assert.Pass(); } } } [Test] public async Task catchDeleteProductTest() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TemplateContext>() .UseMySql(ConnectionStrings, new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8, 0, 23))) .Options; using (var dbContext = new TemplateContext(options)) { var repo = new Repo(dbContext); try { var result = await repo.DeleteProduct(12); throw new Exception(" "); } catch (Exception) { Assert.Pass(); } } } [Test] public async Task AddNewProductsTest() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TemplateContext>() .UseMySql(ConnectionStrings, new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8, 0, 23))) .Options; var newproduct = new Inventory { ProductId = 01, ProductName = "iphone15", Price = 100000, Quantity = 2, CreatedBy = "pavan" }; using (var dbContext = new TemplateContext(options)) { var repo = new Repo(dbContext); try { var result = await repo.AddNewProducts(newproduct); if (result == newproduct) { Assert.Pass(); } else { Assert.Fail(); } } catch (Exception) { Assert.Pass(); } } } [Test] public async Task catchAddNewProductsTest() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TemplateContext>() .UseMySql(ConnectionStrings, new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8, 0, 23))) .Options; var newproduct = new Inventory { ProductId = 01, ProductName = "iphone15", Price = 100000, Quantity = 2, CreatedBy = "pavan" }; using (var dbContext = new TemplateContext(options)) { var repo = new Repo(dbContext); try { var result = await repo.AddNewProducts(newproduct); throw new Exception(" "); } catch (Exception) { Assert.Pass(); } } } } } repo using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Product_Stock_Maintenance.models; namespace ProductStockMaintenance.Repo { public class Repo:IRepo { private readonly TemplateContext _context; public Repo(TemplateContext db) { _context = db; } public async Task<string> ValidateUser(string username,string password) { try { var users = await (from data in _context.Logins where data.Username==username && data.Password==password select data).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if(users != null ) { return (bool)users.AdminAccess ? "admin" : "users"; } else { return "Invalid login Credentials "; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("error occured",ex); } } public async Task<Object> Products() { try { var inventory =await(from i in _context.Inventories from c in _context.Categorynames where i.CategoryId==c.CategoryId && i.IsDelete==true select new {i.ProductId,i.ProductName,i.Price,i.Quantity,c.Category,i.ProductImage} ).ToListAsync(); return inventory; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("No product Found ",ex); } } public async Task<object> AddQuantity(int Product_Id, int quantity) { try { var res = _context.Inventories.Where(x => x.ProductId == Product_Id) ; res.ExecuteUpdate(setters => setters.SetProperty(x => x.Quantity, x => x.Quantity + quantity)); bool var=res.Any(); if(var) { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return res; } return "product not existed in the inevntory"; } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception(" " ,ex); } } public async Task<object> DeleteProduct(int productId) { try { _context.Database.EnsureCreated(); var delete = await (from s in _context.Inventories where s.ProductId == productId && s.IsDelete==true select s).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (delete != null) { delete.IsDelete = false; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return delete; } return "Invalid ProductId OR This product already deleted"; } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception(" " ,ex); } } public async Task<object> AddNewProducts(Inventory inventory) { try { _context.Database.EnsureCreated(); inventory.IsDelete=true; var newobject= await(from s in _context.Inventories select new{ s.ProductName,s.Quantity,s.Price,s.CreatedBy,s.CategoryId}).ToListAsync(); if (newobject.Any(obj =>obj.ProductName==inventory.ProductName)) { return "Dupliate Entry"; } _context.SaveChanges(); return inventory; } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception(" " ,ex); } }
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