a year ago
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// See LICENSE for license details. #include "cachesim.h" #include "common.h" #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> cache_sim_t::cache_sim_t(size_t _sets, size_t _ways, size_t _linesz, const char* _name) : sets(_sets), ways(_ways), linesz(_linesz), name(_name), log(false) { init(); } static void help() { std::cerr << "Cache configurations must be of the form" << std::endl; std::cerr << " sets:ways:blocksize" << std::endl; std::cerr << "where sets, ways, and blocksize are positive integers, with" << std::endl; std::cerr << "sets and blocksize both powers of two and blocksize at least 8." << std::endl; exit(1); } cache_sim_t* cache_sim_t::construct(const char* config, const char* name) { const char* wp = strchr(config, ':'); if (!wp++) help(); const char* bp = strchr(wp, ':'); if (!bp++) help(); size_t sets = atoi(std::string(config, wp).c_str()); size_t ways = atoi(std::string(wp, bp).c_str()); size_t linesz = atoi(bp); if (ways > 8 /* empirical */ && sets == 1) return new fa_cache_sim_t(ways, linesz, name); return new cache_sim_t(sets, ways, linesz, name); } void cache_sim_t::init() { if (sets == 0 || (sets & (sets-1))) help(); if (linesz < 8 || (linesz & (linesz-1))) help(); idx_shift = 0; for (size_t x = linesz; x>1; x >>= 1) idx_shift++; tags = new uint64_t[sets*ways](); read_accesses = 0; read_misses = 0; bytes_read = 0; write_accesses = 0; write_misses = 0; bytes_written = 0; writebacks = 0; miss_handler = NULL; } cache_sim_t::cache_sim_t(const cache_sim_t& rhs) : sets(rhs.sets), ways(rhs.ways), linesz(rhs.linesz), idx_shift(rhs.idx_shift), name(rhs.name), log(false) { tags = new uint64_t[sets*ways]; memcpy(tags, rhs.tags, sets*ways*sizeof(uint64_t)); } cache_sim_t::~cache_sim_t() { print_stats(); delete [] tags; } void cache_sim_t::print_stats() { if (read_accesses + write_accesses == 0) return; float mr = 100.0f*(read_misses+write_misses)/(read_accesses+write_accesses); std::cout << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed; std::cout << name << " "; std::cout << "Bytes Read: " << bytes_read << std::endl; std::cout << name << " "; std::cout << "Bytes Written: " << bytes_written << std::endl; std::cout << name << " "; std::cout << "Read Accesses: " << read_accesses << std::endl; std::cout << name << " "; std::cout << "Write Accesses: " << write_accesses << std::endl; std::cout << name << " "; std::cout << "Read Misses: " << read_misses << std::endl; std::cout << name << " "; std::cout << "Write Misses: " << write_misses << std::endl; std::cout << name << " "; std::cout << "Writebacks: " << writebacks << std::endl; std::cout << name << " "; std::cout << "Miss Rate: " << mr << '%' << std::endl; } size_t arr[8][8] = {0}; void add_all(){ for(size_t i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++){ for (size_t j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++){ if (arr[i][j] != 0){ arr[i][j] += 1; } } } } uint64_t* cache_sim_t::check_tag(uint64_t addr) { size_t idx = (addr >> idx_shift) & (sets-1); size_t tag = (addr >> idx_shift) | VALID; for (size_t i = 0; i < ways; i++) if (tag == (tags[idx*ways + i] & ~DIRTY)){ add_all(); return &tags[idx*ways + i]; } return NULL; } size_t find_max(){ size_t pos = 0; size_t posi = 0; size_t maxval = 0; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++){ for (size_t j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++){ if (arr[i][j] > maxval){ pos = j; posi = i; } } } arr[posi][pos] = 0; return pos; } uint64_t cache_sim_t::victimize(uint64_t addr) { size_t idx = (addr >> idx_shift) & (sets-1); size_t way = find_max(); uint64_t victim = tags[idx*ways + way]; tags[idx*ways + way] = (addr >> idx_shift) | VALID; return victim; } void cache_sim_t::access(uint64_t addr, size_t bytes, bool store) { store ? write_accesses++ : read_accesses++; (store ? bytes_written : bytes_read) += bytes; uint64_t* hit_way = check_tag(addr); if (likely(hit_way != NULL)) { if (store) *hit_way |= DIRTY; return; } store ? write_misses++ : read_misses++; if (log) { std::cerr << name << " " << (store ? "write" : "read") << " miss 0x" << std::hex << addr << std::endl; } uint64_t victim = victimize(addr); if ((victim & (VALID | DIRTY)) == (VALID | DIRTY)) { uint64_t dirty_addr = (victim & ~(VALID | DIRTY)) << idx_shift; if (miss_handler) miss_handler->access(dirty_addr, linesz, true); writebacks++; } if (miss_handler) miss_handler->access(addr & ~(linesz-1), linesz, false); if (store) *check_tag(addr) |= DIRTY; } void cache_sim_t::clean_invalidate(uint64_t addr, size_t bytes, bool clean, bool inval) { uint64_t start_addr = addr & ~(linesz-1); uint64_t end_addr = (addr + bytes + linesz-1) & ~(linesz-1); uint64_t cur_addr = start_addr; while (cur_addr < end_addr) { uint64_t* hit_way = check_tag(cur_addr); if (likely(hit_way != NULL)) { if (clean) { if (*hit_way & DIRTY) { writebacks++; *hit_way &= ~DIRTY; } } if (inval) *hit_way &= ~VALID; } cur_addr += linesz; } if (miss_handler) miss_handler->clean_invalidate(addr, bytes, clean, inval); } fa_cache_sim_t::fa_cache_sim_t(size_t ways, size_t linesz, const char* name) : cache_sim_t(1, ways, linesz, name) { } uint64_t* fa_cache_sim_t::check_tag(uint64_t addr) { auto it = tags.find(addr >> idx_shift); return it == tags.end() ? NULL : &it->second; } uint64_t fa_cache_sim_t::victimize(uint64_t addr) { uint64_t old_tag = 0; if (tags.size() == ways) { auto it = tags.begin(); std::advance(it, lfsr.next() % ways); old_tag = it->second; tags.erase(it); } tags[addr >> idx_shift] = (addr >> idx_shift) | VALID; return old_tag; }