-- DROP PROCEDURE master.prc_empl_out_update(in varchar, in varchar, inout varchar); CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE master.prc_empl_out_update(p_user_id character varying, p_empl_out_id character varying, INOUT o_result character varying DEFAULT 'SUCCESS'::character varying) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $procedure$ declare v_end_date date; v_latest_att date; v_company_id varchar; begin select end_date, company_id into v_end_date, v_company_id from master.empl_outsource where empl_out_id=p_empl_out_id; select "date" into v_latest_att from "transaction".trx_att_daily tad where empl_id =p_empl_out_id order by "date" desc limit 1 ; update eksad_auth."user" set company_id = v_company_id, is_active = case when (v_end_date > current_date) then 1 else is_active end , modified_dt = now(), modified_by = p_user_id where empl_id = p_empl_out_id ; if v_latest_att < current_date and v_end_date > current_date then INSERT INTO "transaction".trx_att_daily (company_id,company_group_id , empl_id, "date", work_shift_id, status, created_by, created_date, work_in, work_out, break_time, work_location_id, att_status, att_status_category,"day", work_shift_in, work_shift_out, work_shift_name, time_type_id, company_code, empl_name, nip, org_1, org_2, org_3, job_id, job_code, job_title, level_id, level_code, level_description, location_id, location_name, location_group_id, location_group_name, grade_id, grade, empl_status_id, empl_status) select distinct a.company_id, a.company_group_id , a.empl_id, a.last_att as date, case when b.work_shift_id is not null and b.work_shift_id !='F' then b.work_shift_id when b.work_shift_id is not null and b.work_shift_id ='F' then c.work_shift_default_id when b.work_shift_id is null and c.work_shift_default_id is not null then c.work_shift_default_id else d.work_shift_id end work_shift_id, case when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-001' and e.holiday_type_id ='HOLYTYPE_1' then 'ATT_LIBUR_NATIONAL' when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-001' and e.holiday_type_id ='HOLYTYPE_2' then 'ATT_LIBUR' when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-001' and e.holiday_type_id ='HOLYTYPE_3' and e.location_type_id='HOLYLOC_1' then 'ATT_LIBUR' when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-001' and e.holiday_type_id ='HOLYTYPE_3' and e.location_type_id='HOLYLOC_2' and a.location_id=f.location_id then 'ATT_LIBUR' when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-001' and e.location_type_id = 'HOLYLOC_2' and f.location_id = a.location_id then 'ATT_LIBUR' when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-002' and b.work_shift_id ='F' then 'ATT_LIBUR' when h.status = 'OFF' then 'ATT_LIBUR' else 'ATT_MASUK' end status, p_user_id as created_by, now() as created_date, h.work_in, h.work_out, h.break as break_time , case when (c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-002' and b.work_shift_id ='F') then 'WFH' when h.status = 'OFF' then 'WFH' else j.work_location_id end work_location_id, case when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-001' and e.holiday_type_id ='HOLYTYPE_1' then 'ATT_LIBUR_NATIONAL' when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-001' and e.holiday_type_id ='HOLYTYPE_2' then 'ATT_LIBUR' when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-001' and e.holiday_type_id ='HOLYTYPE_3' and e.location_type_id='HOLYLOC_1' then 'ATT_LIBUR' when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-001' and e.holiday_type_id ='HOLYTYPE_3' and e.location_type_id='HOLYLOC_2' and a.location_id=f.location_id then 'ATT_LIBUR' when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-001' and e.location_type_id = 'HOLYLOC_2' and f.location_id = a.location_id then 'ATT_LIBUR' when c.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-002' and b.work_shift_id ='F' then 'ATT_LIBUR' when h.status = 'OFF' then 'ATT_LIBUR' when k.att_condition_id is not null then 'ATT_HADIR' else 'ATT_TIDAK_HADIR' end att_status, case when k.att_condition_id is not null then 'BUSINESS_TRIP' when g.att_condition_id is not null then 'CUTI' end att_status_category, trim(to_char(current_date + 1 ,'Day')) as day, case when h.work_in is not null then concat(current_date + 1, ' ',h.work_in)::timestamp end as work_shift_in, case when h.work_out is not null and h.work_out < h.work_in then concat(a.last_att + 1, ' ',h.work_out)::timestamp when h.work_out is not null and h.work_out > h.work_in then concat(a.last_att, ' ',h.work_out)::timestamp end as work_shift_out, h.work_shift_name , h.time_type_id , l.company_code , a.empl_name , a.nip , org2.name_3 AS org_1, org2.name_4 AS org_2, org2.name_5 AS org_3, a.job_id , m.job_code , m.job_title , a.empl_level_id as level_id, n.level_code, n.description as level_description, a.location_id , o.location_name , o.location_group_id , p.location_group_name , a.grade_id, a.grade, a.empl_status_id, q.value as empl_status from ( select a.company_id, a.company_group_id , a.empl_id, a.job_id, a.status, a.end_date, a.location_id , a.empl_name, a.nip, a.position_id, a.grade_id, a.empl_level_id, a.empl_status_id , b.grade , generate_series(v_latest_att::date+1,current_date, '1 day'::interval)::date as last_att from master.empl a left join master.mst_grade b on a.grade_id =b.grade_id union select a.company_id, a.company_group_id , a.empl_out_id, a.job_id, a.status, a.end_date, a.location_id , a.empl_name, a.nip, a.position_id, null as grade_id, a.empl_level_id, 'EMPLSTS_8' as empl_status_id, null as grade, generate_series(v_latest_att::date+1,current_date, '1 day'::interval)::date as last_att from master.empl_outsource a ) a left join master.mst_work_shift_schedule b on a.empl_id = b.empl_id and a.last_att = b."date" left join ( select a.work_assignment_id, a.work_shift_type_id, a.work_shift_default_id, b.job_id, c.location_id from master.mst_work_assignment a join master.mst_job b on a.company_id = b.company_id and b.status = 'Active' join master.mst_position c on a.company_id = c.company_id and b.job_id=c.job_id and c.status = 'Active' where a.job_id = 'ALL' and a.location_id = 'ALL' union all select a.work_assignment_id, a.work_shift_type_id, a.work_shift_default_id, b.job_id, c.location_id from master.mst_work_assignment a join master.mst_job b on a.company_id = b.company_id and a.job_id = b.job_id and b.status = 'Active' join master.mst_position c on a.company_id = c.company_id and b.job_id=c.job_id and c.status = 'Active' where a.job_id != 'ALL' and a.location_id = 'ALL' union all select a.work_assignment_id, a.work_shift_type_id, a.work_shift_default_id, b.job_id, c.location_id from master.mst_work_assignment a join master.mst_job b on a.company_id = b.company_id and b.status = 'Active' join master.mst_position c on a.company_id = c.company_id and b.job_id = c.job_id and a.location_id=c.location_id and c.status = 'Active' where a.job_id = 'ALL' and a.location_id != 'ALL' union all select a.work_assignment_id, a.work_shift_type_id, a.work_shift_default_id, a.job_id, a.location_id from master.mst_work_assignment a where a.job_id != 'ALL' and a.location_id != 'ALL') c on a.job_id = c.job_id and a.location_id = c.location_id left join master.mst_work_shift d on a.company_id = d.company_id and d.work_shift_type_id = 'WORKSTYPE-001' and d.is_lock = 1 left join master.mst_holiday e on a.company_id = e.company_id and e.holiday_date = a.last_att left join master.mst_holiday_location f on e.holiday_id = f.holiday_id left join "transaction".trx_att_condition g on a.empl_id = g.empl_id and a.last_att = g."date" and g.category_id = 'LEAVE' and g.decision ='Approved' left join master.mst_work_shift_schedule_log h on h.work_shift_id = ( case when b.work_shift_id is not null and b.work_shift_id !='F' then b.work_shift_id when b.work_shift_id is not null and b.work_shift_id ='F' then c.work_shift_default_id when b.work_shift_id is null and c.work_shift_default_id is not null then c.work_shift_default_id else d.work_shift_id end ) and h.day = trim(to_char(a.last_att, 'Day')) and h."date" = a.last_att left join master.mst_work_wfh_schedule j on a.empl_id=j.empl_id and a.last_att = j.date left join "transaction".trx_att_condition k on a.empl_id = k.empl_id and a.last_att= k."date" and k.category_id = 'BUSINESS' and k.decision ='Approved' join master.mst_company l on a.company_id =l.company_id left JOIN master.mst_position org1 ON org1.position_id::text = a.position_id::text LEFT JOIN master.mst_org_template_unit org2 ON org2.org_template_id::text = org1.org_template_id::text AND org2.parent_code::text = org1.parent_code::text left join master.mst_job m on a.job_id =m.job_id left join master.mst_level n on a.empl_level_id =n.level_id left join master.mst_location o on a.location_id =o.location_id left join master.mst_location_group p on o.location_group_id =p.location_group_id left join master.adm_param_value q on a.empl_status_id=q.param_value_id where --a.status='Active' and (a.end_date is null or a.end_date >= current_date + 1 ) a.empl_id=p_empl_out_id; INSERT INTO "transaction".trx_att_daily_photo (company_group_id, company_id, empl_id, att_daily_id, "date", status, created_by, created_date) select a.company_group_id , a.company_id , a.empl_id , a.att_daily_id , a."date" , 'Active', p_user_id, now() from "transaction".trx_att_daily a where a.empl_id =p_empl_out_id and a."date" between v_latest_att::date+1 and current_date; o_result := 'SUCCESS'; end if; END; $procedure$ ;
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