from tkinter import * import time import random class TikTokApp: def __init__(self, root): self.root = root self.root.title("TikTok Clone") self.root.geometry("500x600") # Create video frame self.video_frame = Frame(self.root, width=500, height=500) self.video_frame.pack(pady=20) # Placeholder for video display (replace with actual video player) self.video_label = Label(self.video_frame, text="Video Placeholder", font=("Arial", 16)) self.video_label.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) # Create controls frame self.controls_frame = Frame(self.root) self.controls_frame.pack() # Create buttons self.like_button = Button(self.controls_frame, text="❤️", command=self.like_video) self.like_button.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10) self.comment_button = Button(self.controls_frame, text="💬", command=self.comment_video) self.comment_button.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10) self.share_button = Button(self.controls_frame, text="📤", command=self.share_video) self.share_button.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=10) # Create user information self.user_info = Label(self.root, text="Username: @example_user", font=("Arial", 12)) self.user_info.pack(pady=10) # Start video playback (replace with actual video playback logic) self.play_video() def play_video(self): # Simulate video playback by changing placeholder text self.video_label.config(text="Video Playing...") self.root.after(3000, self.next_video) def next_video(self): # Simulate fetching a new video # (Replace with logic to fetch and display actual videos) self.video_label.config(text="Video Placeholder") self.play_video() def like_video(self): print("Liked!") def comment_video(self): print("Commenting...") def share_video(self): print("Sharing...") if __name__ == "__main__": root = Tk() app = TikTokApp(root) root.mainloop()
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