DEDOMENA SEGMENT debug dw 0 digit db 3 dup(0) DEDOMENA ENDS KWDIKAS SEGMENT ARXH: MOV AX, DEDOMENA MOV DS, AX ; Prompt the user to enter a decimal number MOV DX, OFFSET digit MOV AH, 09h INT 21H ; Convert the entered decimal number to binary and print CALL input_and_print_binary ; Exit the program MOV AH, 4Ch INT 21H input_and_print_binary PROC ; Convert the entered decimal number to binary and print CALL get_one_decimal_digit MOV digit[2], AL ; Store the first digit CALL get_one_decimal_digit MOV digit[1], AL ; Store the second digit CALL get_one_decimal_digit MOV digit[0], AL ; Store the third digit ; Print the entered decimal number CALL output_value_to_display ; Print the binary representation of the number MOV CX, 3 MOV SI, 0 PRINT_BINARY_LOOP: CALL output_binary_digit INC SI LOOP PRINT_BINARY_LOOP RET input_and_print_binary ENDP output_value_to_display PROC PUSH SI PUSH AX PUSH CX PUSH BX MOV CX, 0 MOV SI, 0 MOV AL, digit[SI] MOV BL, 100 MUL BL ADD CL, AL INC SI MOV AL, digit[SI] MOV BL, 10 MUL BL ADD CL, AL MOV AL, digit[SI] ADD CL, AL MOV AX, CX ; Assuming that 199 is the port for output OUT 199, AX POP BX POP CX POP AX POP SI RET output_value_to_display ENDP output_binary_digit PROC MOV AL, digit[SI] CALL binary_conversion MOV AH, 02h INT 21H RET output_binary_digit ENDP binary_conversion PROC MOV CX, 8 ; 8 bits MOV BX, 0000_0001b ; Mask for checking each bit binary_conversion_loop: AND AL, BX JZ zero_bit MOV DL, '1' MOV AH, 02h INT 21H JMP next_bit zero_bit: MOV DL, '0' MOV AH, 02h INT 21H next_bit: SHR BX, 1 LOOP binary_conversion_loop RET binary_conversion ENDP get_one_decimal_digit PROC PUSH AX PUSH BP MOV BP, SP AGAININPUT: MOV AH, 01h INT 21H CMP AL, '0' JB AGAININPUT CMP AL, '9' JA AGAININPUT MOV AH, 0 SUB AL, 30H MOV [BP-2], AL POP BP POP AX RET get_one_decimal_digit ENDP KWDIKAS ENDS SOROS SEGMENT STACK db 256 dup(0) SOROS ENDS END ARXH
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