3 years ago
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// File Name: Students.cpp #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // Defines class Student class Student { // Data members to store student information string name; string id; string level; public: // Default constructor to assign default values to data members Student() { name = id = level = ""; } // Parameterized constructor to assign parameter values to data members Student(string name, string id, string level) { this->name = name; this->id = id; this->level = level; } // Getter functions string getName() { return name; } string getID() { return id; } string getLevel() { return level; } // Setter functions void setName(string name) { this->name = name; } void setID(string id) { this->id = id; } void setLevel(string level) { this->level = level; } // Function to display student information void showStudent() { cout<<"\n Student ID: "<<id<<"\n Name: "<<name<<"\n Level: "<<level; } };// End of class Student // Defines class Teacher class Teacher { // Data members to store teacher information string name; string specialty; public: // Default constructor to assign default values to data members Teacher() { name = specialty = ""; } // Parameterized constructor to assign parameter values to data members Teacher(string name, string specialty) { this->name = name; this->specialty = specialty; } // Getter functions string getName() { return name; } string getSpecialty() { return specialty; } // Setter functions void setName(string name) { this->name = name; } void setSpecialty(string specialty) { this->specialty = specialty; } // Function to display teacher information void showTeacher() { cout<<"\n Teacher Name: "<<name<<"\n Specialty: "<<specialty; } };// End of class Teacher // Defines sub class TA derived from base class Teacher class TA : public Teacher { // Creates an object of class Teacher Teacher supervisor; public: // Default constructor TA() { supervisor = Teacher(); } // Parameterized constructor TA(Teacher supervisor) : Teacher(supervisor.getName(), supervisor.getSpecialty()) { this->supervisor = supervisor; } // Function to return teacher Teacher getSupervisor() { return supervisor; } // Function to display TA teacher information void show() { supervisor.showTeacher(); } };// End of class TA // Defines class CourseClass class CourseClass { // Data members to store course information string courseName; int maxStud; int nbStud; // Creates a pointer of type student Student *stud; // Creates an object of class Teacher for course teacher Teacher courseTeacher; // Creates an object of class TA for lab teacher TA labTA; public: // Parameterized constructor CourseClass(string courseName, Teacher courseTeacher, TA labTA) { this->courseName = courseName; maxStud = 10; // Creates the array of size maxStud stud = new Student[maxStud]; nbStud = 0; this->courseTeacher = courseTeacher; this->labTA = labTA; } // Overloads ++ operator to add a student void operator += (Student s) { // Checks if current number of students is equals to maximum number of students // then displays error message if(nbStud == maxStud) cout<<"\n No student can be added. Full."; // Otherwise not reached maximum limit else // Assigns the parameter Student object to nbStud index position // increase the counter by one stud[nbStud++] = s; } // Function to search the parameter student name in the student list // If found then display the student information // Otherwise display error message void find(string studentName) { // Initially found status is -1 for not found int found = -1; // Loops till number of students registered for(int c = 0; c < nbStud; c++) { // Checks if parameter student name is equals to current student name if(studentName.compare(stud[c].getName()) == 0) { // Sets the found status to loop variable found = c; // Come out of the loop break; } } // Checks if found status is -1 then not found if(found == -1) cout<<"\n ERROR: Student: "<<studentName<<" not found."; // Otherwise found else { cout<<"\n\n Student Found \n"; // Displays the found index position student information // by calls the function stud[found].showStudent(); } } // Function to display course information void show() { cout<<"\n\n ************* Course Information ************* "; cout<<"\n Course Name: "<<courseName; cout<<"\n Course Teacher: "; courseTeacher.showTeacher(); cout<<"\n Lab Teacher: "; labTA.showTeacher(); cout<<"\n Students Registered: \n"; // Loops till number of students for(int c = 0; c < nbStud; c++) // Calls the function to display current student information stud[c].showStudent(); } };// End of class CourseClass // Defines main function int main() { // To store the name to search string name; // Creates 3 students object using parameterized constructor Student s1("Tanvi", "S111", "XII"); Student s2("Manvi", "S222", "XI"); Student s3("Trinav", "S333", "X"); // Creates a teacher object using parameterized constructor Teacher t("Pyari Sahu", "Programming"); // Creates a TA teacher using parameterized constructor TA ta(t); // Creates a CourseClass object using parameterized constructor CourseClass cc("Java", t, ta); // Using += operator add a student cc += (s1); cc += (s2); cc += (s3); // Accepts a name to search cout<<"\n Enter a student name to search: "; cin>>name; // Calls the function to search cc.find(name); // Accepts a name to search cout<<"\n Enter a student name to search: "; cin>>name; // Calls the function to search cc.find(name); // Calls the function to display course information cc.show(); return 0; } Sample Output: Enter a student name to search: Sasmita ERROR: Student: Sasmita not found. Enter a student name to search: Tanvi Student Found Student ID: S111 Name: Tanvi Level: XII ************* Course Information ************* Course Name: Java Course Teacher: Teacher Name: Pyari Sahu Specialty: Programming Lab Teacher: Teacher Name: Pyari Sahu Specialty: Programming Students Registered: Student ID: S111 Name: Tanvi Level: XII Student ID: S222 Name: Manvi Level: XI Student ID: S333 Name: Trinav Level: X
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