2 years ago
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Secret rotation Increase User deletion Reactive on customer problem Sharing and mentor on the Pigeon project Follow the scala community for new initiatives Taking the ownership of the Pigeon Jira Ticket migliorando the detail of the ticket and performing initial analysis for a stronger forecast of the work Light up possible problem into the daily activities and proactively find for solutions Improving the knowledge of the monitoring system and build up a plan for improve it for integrate and monitor not covered aspect SBI Update the monitor based on the knowledge from the incident, understanding which are the not covered aspect that could cause other incident to other customer Improving the knowledge of the code for fastening the development of new features Pekko migration Area da migliorare: Migliorare la conoscenza degli altri software all'interno del team Lir, non solo pigeon Manage the automatic update of dependencies Improving the knowledge about smoke tests Improving the security of the scala libraries Communication with others team for the resolution of all the zendesk initiatives SBI For the resolution of problem and implementation of the new feature, I will keep an eye on the other scala project into the company, this is done for take ispiration from the scala community for having project that using common internal library and improving the manutenibility of Pigeon and when I found something useful I will share it with the rest of the team for build up knowledge about common library and future refactoring Overall sono soddisfatto del quarter, abbiamo lavorato su molte attivita' ed abbiamo avuto il tempo di fermarci con il Pigeon freeze per priorizzare quelli che potevano essere i problemi legati al customer. Sfortunatamente il quarter e' stato direzionato molto da elementi in backlog che avevano un'importante scadenza temporale, quindi abbiamo dovuto gestire le altre priorite in accordo, ma a termine del Q3 avremmo modo di concentrarci sul miglioramento di Pigeon in termini di Performance, sicurezza e manutenibilita'
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