7 months ago
5.8 kB
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function (e, jqxhr, settings) { if (typeof settings.data === 'string') { var data = settings.data.split('&').reduce(function (obj, param) { var parts = param.split('='); obj[decodeURIComponent(parts[0])] = decodeURIComponent(parts[1]); return obj; }, {}); // Check if the 'module' key is 'pterosync' if (data.module === 'pterosync') { if (settings.url.includes('configproducts.php')) { loadAdminConfigProducts(); } } } }); function loadSelect2(element, intSelect2) { const cNestIdElement = $(`#${element}`); if (cNestIdElement.length) { let tdParent = cNestIdElement.closest('td'); const fieldareaElement = tdParent.next('td'); if (fieldareaElement.length && fieldareaElement.hasClass('fieldarea')) { const selectElement = fieldareaElement.find('select'); if (selectElement.length) { if (intSelect2) { const selectName = selectElement.attr('name'); $(`[name="${selectName}"]`).select2(); } return selectElement; } } } return false; } function filterEggs(eggElement, nestId) { eggElement.find('option').each(function () { const optionName = $(this).text(); // Check if the optionValue contains the selectedValue in parentheses if (optionName.includes(`(${nestId})`)) { $(this).show(); // Show the option } else { $(this).attr('selected', false) $(this).hide(); // Hide the option if it doesn't match } }); // Check if there's already a selected option within eggElement if (!eggElement.find('option:selected').length) { eggElement.find('option').each(function () { // Check if the option is visible if ($(this).css('display') !== 'none') { // Set the first visible option as selected $(this).prop("selected", true); return false; // Exit the loop after setting the first visible option } }); } } function loadAdminConfigProducts() { const nestElement = loadSelect2('cNestId', true); const eggElement = loadSelect2('cEggId', false); let selectedValue = nestElement.find('option:selected').val(); filterEggs(eggElement, selectedValue) nestElement.on('change', function () { selectedValue = $(this).val(); filterEggs(eggElement, selectedValue) }) } function disableButtons(state) { var startButton = $('#startButton'); var rebootButton = $('#rebootButton'); var stopButton = $('#stopButton'); currentState = state; switch (state) { case "running": startButton.prop('disabled', true); rebootButton.prop('disabled', false); stopButton.prop('disabled', false); break; case "offline": startButton.prop('disabled', false); rebootButton.prop('disabled', true); stopButton.prop('disabled', true); break; case "starting": case "stopping": startButton.prop('disabled', true); rebootButton.prop('disabled', true); stopButton.prop('disabled', true); break; default: startButton.prop('disabled', true); rebootButton.prop('disabled', true); stopButton.prop('disabled', true); break; } } function sendRequest(url) { disableButtons('request') var $button = $(event.currentTarget); var originalHtml = $button.html(); $button.html('<i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin"></i> ' + originalHtml); $.post(url, function (data, status) { disableButtons(data.state) const interval = setInterval(function () { $.post(serverStateUrl, function (data, status) { if (data.state === 'running') { $button.html(originalHtml); // Restore original content after completion clearInterval(interval) } disableButtons(data.state) }) }, 2000); }); } $(document).ready(function () { currentState = 1; if (typeof currentState !== 'undefined') return; disableButtons(currentState) // $('[href="#tabChangepw"]').click() $(document).on('click', '.copy-text', function () { // Get the text from data-text attribute const text = $(this).data('clipboard-text'); if (!text) alert('clipboard-text missing') navigator.clipboard.writeText(text); const changeTextId = $(this).data('id') if (!changeTextId) alert('data-id missing') const newText = $(this).data('new-text') if (!newText) alert('new-text missing') const findElement = $(`#${changeTextId}`) if (!findElement.length) alert(`element ${findElement} not found!`) let timer = 2000; if ($(this).data('timer')) { timer = $(this).data('timer'); } // Check if the element is an input field if (findElement.is('input')) { // It's an input field, change the value const originalValue = findElement.val(); findElement.val(newText); setTimeout(function () { findElement.val(originalValue); }, timer); } else { // It's not an input field, change the HTML content const originalContent = findElement.html(); findElement.html(newText); setTimeout(function () { findElement.html(originalContent); }, timer); } }) });
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