Save Sent and In to google contacts
function syncInboxToContacts() { try { const processedEmails = new Set(); let addedContacts = 0; const threads = GmailApp.getInboxThreads(0, 500); threads.forEach(thread => { const messages = thread.getMessages(); messages.forEach(message => { const from = message.getFrom(); const matches = from.match(/(?:"?([^"]*)"?\s)?(?:<?(.+@[^>]+)>?)/); if (matches) { const [, name, email] = matches; if (processedEmails.has(email)) return; processedEmails.add(email); const contacts = ContactsApp.getContactsByEmailAddress(email); const contactName = name || email.split('@')[0]; if (contacts.length === 0 && email) { try { const myContactsGroup = ContactsApp.getContactGroup('System Group: My Contacts'); const contact = ContactsApp.createContact(contactName, "", ""); contact.addEmail(ContactsApp.Field.WORK_EMAIL, email); myContactsGroup.addContact(contact); addedContacts++; } catch (error) { Logger.log(`Error adding contact ${email}: ${error.toString()}`); } } } }); }); Logger.log(`Added ${addedContacts} new contacts from inbox`); } catch (error) { Logger.log(`Error: ${error.toString()}`); } } function syncSentToContacts() { try { const processedEmails = new Set(); let addedContacts = 0; const threads ='in:sent', 0, 500); Logger.log(`Found ${threads.length} sent threads`); threads.forEach(thread => { const messages = thread.getMessages(); messages.forEach(message => { // Log raw headers for debugging Logger.log('Raw headers:'); Logger.log(message.getHeader('To')); Logger.log(message.getHeader('Reply-To')); const recipients = message.getTo().split(','); recipients.forEach(recipient => { const matches = recipient.trim().match(/([^<]+)<([^>]+)>|([^<\s]+)/); if (matches) { const email = matches[2] || matches[3]; const name = (matches[1] || '').trim(); if (!email) return; if (processedEmails.has(email)) return; processedEmails.add(email); const contacts = ContactsApp.getContactsByEmailAddress(email); const contactName = name || email.split('@')[0]; if (contacts.length === 0) { try { const myContactsGroup = ContactsApp.getContactGroup('System Group: My Contacts'); const contact = ContactsApp.createContact(contactName, "", ""); contact.addEmail(ContactsApp.Field.WORK_EMAIL, email); myContactsGroup.addContact(contact); addedContacts++; Logger.log(`Added contact: ${contactName} (${email})`); } catch (error) { Logger.log(`Error adding contact ${email}: ${error.toString()}`); } } } }); }); }); Logger.log(`Added ${addedContacts} new contacts from sent mail`); } catch (error) { Logger.log(`Error: ${error.toString()}`); } } function onOpen() { const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi(); ui.createMenu('Email Sync') .addItem('Sync Inbox to Contacts', 'syncInboxToContacts') .addItem('Sync Sent Mail to Contacts', 'syncSentToContacts') .addToUi(); } function createTrigger() { ScriptApp.newTrigger('syncInboxToContacts') .timeBased() .everyDays(1) .atHour(1) .create(); ScriptApp.newTrigger('syncSentToContacts') .timeBased() .everyDays(1) .atHour(2) .create(); }
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