2 years ago
11 kB
<template> <div class="electricity-pricing-chart__inner"> <div class="electricity-pricing-chart__options"> <div class="electricity-pricing-chart__filler"></div> <div class="electricity-pricing-chart__date"><button @click="decreaseDateOffset">-</button><span>{{ currentDate }}</span><button @click="increaseDateOffset" :disabled="dateOffset == 0">+</button> </div> <div class="electricity-pricing-chart__datasets"> <input @change="getPricingData" type="radio" id="dk1" name="currentDataset" value="DK1" v-model="deliveryArea" /> <label for="dk1">{{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartWestLabel }}</label> <input @change="getPricingData" type="radio" id="dk2" name="currentDataset" value="DK2" v-model="deliveryArea" /> <label for="dk2">{{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartEastLabel }}</label> </div> </div> <div class="electricity-pricing-chart__current-price" :class="{'electricity-pricing-chart__current-price--hidden' : dateOffset != 0}" > <small>{{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartCurrentPriceLabel }}</small> <p>{{ currentPrice }} <span>{{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartPriceLabel }}</span></p> </div> <Chart type="bar" :data="chartData" :options="chartOptions" /> <p class="electricity-pricing-chart__price-info">{{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartPriceInfo }}</p> <div class="electricity-pricing-chart__price-boxes"> <div v-if="highestPrice != null" class="electricity-pricing-chart__price-box electricity-pricing-chart__price-box--cheap"> <p><span class="electricity-pricing-chart__price-box-title">{{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartLowestPriceLabel }}</span> <br /> {{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartTimeLabel }} {{ lowestPrice.timespan }} <br /> @ <br /> {{ lowestPrice.value }} {{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartPriceLabel }}</p> </div> <div v-if="highestPrice != null" class="electricity-pricing-chart__price-box electricity-pricing-chart__price-box--expensive"> <p><span class="electricity-pricing-chart__price-box-title">{{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartHighestPriceLabel }}</span><br /> {{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartTimeLabel }} {{ highestPrice.timespan }}<br /> @<br /> {{ highestPrice.value }} {{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartPriceLabel }}</p> </div> <div class="electricity-pricing-chart__price-box"> <p><span class="electricity-pricing-chart__price-box-title">{{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartAveragePriceLabel }}</span><br /> {{ currentDate }}<br /> @<br /> {{ averagePrice }} {{ dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartPriceLabel }}</p> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Chart from 'primevue/chart'; export default { name: "electricityPricingChart", components: { Chart }, data() { return { dictionary: [], deliveryArea: 'DK1', dateOffset: 0, currentDateRaw: null, lowestPrice: null, highestPrice: null, averagePrice: null, currentPrice: null, chartData: { labels: [], datasets: [ ] } }; }, computed: { chartOptions() { var vm = this; return { responsive: true, elements: { }, scales: { y: { display: true, title: { display: true, text: vm.dictionary.YAxisLabel }, grid: { display: false } }, x: { grid: { display: false } } }, plugins: { legend: { display: false }, tooltip: { displayColors: false, callbacks: { title: function (context) { return vm.dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartTimeLabel + " " + context[0].label; }, label: function (context) { return context.formattedValue + " " + vm.dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartPriceLabel; } } } } } }, currentDate() { const vm = this; if (vm.currentDateRaw != null) { const dateObject = new Date(this.currentDateRaw); let prefix = ''; if (vm.dateOffset == 0) { prefix = vm.dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartCurrentDatePrefix; } else if (this.dateOffset == -1) { prefix = vm.dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartLastDayPrefix; } return `${prefix}${dateObject.getDate()}. ${vm.getMonthString(dateObject.getMonth())} ${dateObject.getFullYear()}`; } return ''; } }, created() { this.dictionary = JSON.parse(this.$parent.dictionary); }, mounted() { this.getPricingData() }, methods: { getMonthString: function (monthIndex) { const months = this.dictionary.ElectricityPricingChartMonths.split(','); return months[monthIndex]; }, getPricingData: function () { const vm = this; vm.toggleSpinner(true); fetch(`/umbraco/api/NordpoolApi/GetMarketDataDayAhead?deliveryArea=${vm.deliveryArea}&offset=${vm.dateOffset}`).then(response => response.json()).then(data => { vm.chartData.datasets = []; //The API returns two datasets, get the newest one data.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.createdTime > b.createdTime) { return -1; } if (a.createdTime < b.createdTime) { return 1; } return 0; }); vm.currentDateRaw = Date.parse(data[0].startTime); //Generate bar colors and transform the values of the dataset and add them to the model const hourOfTheDay = new Date(Date.now()).getHours(); const rawDatasetValues = data[0].values.map(val => val.value); const indexOflowestPrice = rawDatasetValues.indexOf(Math.min(...rawDatasetValues)); const indexOfhighestPrice = rawDatasetValues.indexOf(Math.max(...rawDatasetValues)); const backgroundColors = []; for (let i = 0; i < rawDatasetValues.length; i++) { //For some reason, a switch didnt work.. if (i == hourOfTheDay) { backgroundColors.push('rgba(0, 66, 95,0.8)'); continue; } if (i == indexOfhighestPrice) { backgroundColors.push('rgba(186, 84, 84,0.5)'); continue; } if (i == indexOflowestPrice) { backgroundColors.push('rgba(126, 186, 84,0.5)'); continue; } backgroundColors.push('rgba(225, 227, 228,1)'); continue; } const dataset = { data: rawDatasetValues.map(val => (val / 10).toFixed(2)), backgroundColor: backgroundColors } vm.highestPrice = { timespan: vm.getTimespanString(indexOfhighestPrice, true), value: (rawDatasetValues[indexOfhighestPrice] / 10).toFixed(2) }; vm.lowestPrice = { timespan: vm.getTimespanString(indexOflowestPrice, true), value: (rawDatasetValues[indexOflowestPrice] / 10).toFixed(2) } vm.averagePrice = ((rawDatasetValues.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / rawDatasetValues.length) / 10).toFixed(2); vm.currentPrice = (rawDatasetValues[hourOfTheDay] / 10).toFixed(2); vm.chartData.datasets.push(dataset); //Generate labels based on dataset content and add them to the model vm.chartData.labels = []; for (let i = 0; i < dataset.data.length; i++) { vm.chartData.labels.push(vm.getTimespanString(i, false)); } vm.toggleSpinner(false); }).catch(error => { console.log(error); vm.toggleSpinner(false); }); }, getTimespanString(value, longVersion) { let prefix = ''; if (value < 10) { prefix = '0'; } if (longVersion) { return `${prefix}${value}.00 - ${prefix}${value}.59`; } else { return prefix + value; } }, decreaseDateOffset: function () { this.dateOffset--; this.getPricingData(); }, increaseDateOffset: function () { if (this.dateOffset < 0) { this.dateOffset++; this.getPricingData(); } }, toggleSpinner: function (isLoading) { this.isLoading = isLoading; const bodyElement = document.querySelector("body"); if (isLoading) { bodyElement.classList.add("is-loading"); } else { bodyElement.classList.remove("is-loading"); } }, }, }; </script>