hiu cho
2 years ago
92 kB
import * as Types from '../../graphql/types.generated'; import { gql } from '@apollo/client'; import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client'; export type Maybe<T> = T | null | undefined; export type InputMaybe<T> = T | null | undefined; export type Exact<T extends { [key: string]: unknown }> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] }; export type MakeOptional<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & { [SubKey in K]?: Maybe<T[SubKey]> }; export type MakeMaybe<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & { [SubKey in K]: Maybe<T[SubKey]> }; const defaultOptions = {} as const; /** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */ export type Scalars = { ID: string; String: string; Boolean: boolean; Int: number; Float: number; /** * Represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Since the value may * exceed the size of a 32-bit integer, it's encoded as a string. */ BigInt: any; /** An ISO 8601-encoded date */ ISO8601Date: any; /** An ISO 8601-encoded datetime */ ISO8601DateTime: any; /** Represents untyped JSON */ JSON: any; }; export type AddToListInput = { listId: Scalars['ID']; orderItemIds: Array<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type Address = { addressType: Scalars['String']; body: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; customer: Customer; id: Scalars['ID']; receiver?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; receiverPhoneNumber?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type ApplyListToCartInput = { listId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type Authentication = { token: Scalars['String']; user: User; }; export type Balance = { amount: Scalars['BigInt']; incurredDebt?: Maybe<Scalars['BigInt']>; nextPaymentDate?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601Date']>; }; export type BankAccount = { accountName: Scalars['String']; accountNo: Scalars['String']; bankName: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type Banner = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; fromDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']; id: Scalars['ID']; imageUrl?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; order?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; position?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; toDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; url?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type Brand = { code: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type BuildOrderItemsInWarehouseInput = { orderId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type CampaignPropratedPrice = { id: Scalars['ID']; propratedPrice: Scalars['Int']; }; export type CancelOrderInput = { orderId: Scalars['ID']; reasons: Array<Scalars['String']>; }; export type Category = { children?: Maybe<Array<Category>>; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; id: Scalars['ID']; imageUrl?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; isDeepestChild?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; name: Scalars['String']; parent?: Maybe<Category>; products?: Maybe<ProductConnection>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type CategoryProductsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; attributes?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; brandIds?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['ID']>>; categoryIds?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['ID']>>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; optionValueIds?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['ID']>>; priceGte?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; priceLte?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type CategoryDiscount = { appliedVariants?: Maybe<VariantConnection>; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; type?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type CategoryDiscountAppliedVariantsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; categoryId: Scalars['ID']; discountProgramId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type ChangePasswordInput = { otp: Scalars['String']; password: Scalars['String']; passwordConfirmation: Scalars['String']; resetPasswordToken: Scalars['String']; }; export type ChangeUserStatusInput = { selectedUserId: Scalars['ID']; status: Scalars['String']; }; export type ChangeUserTypeInput = { selectedUserId: Scalars['ID']; userType: Scalars['String']; }; export type CheckoutGiftInput = { note?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; selectedGiftIds?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['ID']>>; shippingAddressId: Scalars['ID']; slocId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type CheckoutInput = { estimateDeliveredAt: Scalars['String']; note?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; orderId: Scalars['ID']; selectedGiftIds?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['ID']>>; shippingAddressId: Scalars['ID']; slocId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type Company = { address?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; id: Scalars['ID']; name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; sapCode: Scalars['String']; }; export type Country = { code: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type CreatePasswordInput = { createPasswordToken: Scalars['String']; password: Scalars['String']; passwordConfirmation: Scalars['String']; userId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type CreateShippingAddressInput = { body: Scalars['String']; receiver: Scalars['String']; receiverPhoneNumber: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateUserInput = { companyDepartment?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; function?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; name: Scalars['String']; phoneNumber: Scalars['String']; userType: Scalars['String']; }; export type Customer = { billingAddress?: Maybe<Address>; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; emails: Array<Scalars['String']>; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; phoneNumbers?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>; salesOrg?: Maybe<SalesOrg>; sapId: Scalars['String']; shippingAddresses: Array<Address>; shortName: Scalars['String']; taxNumber?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; users?: Maybe<Array<User>>; }; /** The connection type for Customer. */ export type CustomerConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<CustomerEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Customer>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type CustomerEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<Customer>; }; export type DeleteItemsInListInput = { itemIds: Array<Scalars['ID']>; listId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type DeleteSelectedGiftsInput = { campaignIds: Array<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type DeleteShoppingListsInput = { shoppingListIds: Array<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type Discount = { discountType?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; discountValue?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; vatDiscountValue?: Maybe<Scalars['Float']>; }; export type DiscountDetails = { adjustment: Scalars['Float']; applied?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; flatAmount?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; fromDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; percent?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; requirements?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']>; sapCode?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; toDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']; type?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; vatAdjustment: Scalars['Float']; }; export type DispatchCheckoutInput = { note?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; orderId: Scalars['ID']; selectedGiftIds?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['ID']>>; shippingAddressId: Scalars['ID']; slocId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type EmptyInput = { emptyInput: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type EstimateDetails = { availableQuantity?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; dateArrival?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601Date']>; dispatchedQuantity?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; eta?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601Date']>; id: Scalars['ID']; notEnoughInventory?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; priority?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; totalDayDispatch?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; warehouseDelivery?: Maybe<Sloc>; }; export type EstimateTimeArrival = { estimateTimeArrivalItems: Array<EstimateTimeArrivalItem>; id: Scalars['ID']; warehouseReceipt: Sloc; }; export type EstimateTimeArrivalItem = { availableInBranch?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; availableInWarehouse?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; availableQuantity?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; dispatchedQuantity?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; estimateDetails: Array<EstimateDetails>; eta?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601Date']>; giftQuantity: Scalars['Int']; notEnoughInventory?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; orderQuantity: Scalars['Int']; variant: Variant; }; export type ExecutionOrder = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; eta?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601Date']>; executionOrderGiftItems: Array<ExecutionOrderGiftItem>; executionOrderItems: Array<ExecutionOrderItem>; id: Scalars['ID']; order: Order; orderIdInWarehouse?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; selectedGiftsTypeBInWarehouse?: Maybe<Array<SelectedGift>>; total: Scalars['BigInt']; totalQuantity: Scalars['Int']; type?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type ExecutionOrderGiftItem = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; eta?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601Date']>; executionOrder: ExecutionOrder; id: Scalars['ID']; quantity: Scalars['Int']; status: Scalars['String']; typeACampaignId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; variant: Variant; }; export type ExecutionOrderItem = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; eta?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601Date']>; executionOrder: ExecutionOrder; id: Scalars['ID']; quantity: Scalars['Int']; retailPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; status: Scalars['String']; totalPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; totalPriceBeforeVat: Scalars['BigInt']; typeACampaignId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; variant: Variant; vatRetailPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; vatWholesalePrice: Scalars['BigInt']; wholesalePrice: Scalars['BigInt']; }; export type ExtraDataFile = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; fileUrl?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; id: Scalars['ID']; title?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type ForgotPasswordInput = { phoneNumber: Scalars['String']; }; export type GiftCampaign = { applied: Scalars['Boolean']; bestDeal: Scalars['Boolean']; campaignName: Scalars['String']; canCheckOutRewards: Scalars['Int']; checkedOutRewards: Scalars['Int']; conditionCount: Scalars['Int']; confirmedData?: Maybe<GiftCampaignProgress>; confirmedProgressData?: Maybe<Array<GiftCampaignProgressItem>>; description: Scalars['String']; duplicatedFrom?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; fromDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']; giftInvoiceType?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; gifts: Array<GiftSelection>; id: Scalars['ID']; importableSameOrder: Scalars['Boolean']; level?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; multiplyBy: Scalars['Int']; multiplyByTypeB?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; noncombinable: Scalars['Boolean']; noncombinableParentId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; parentId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; progressData?: Maybe<Array<GiftCampaignProgressItem>>; progressDataWithoutCart?: Maybe<Array<GiftCampaignProgressItem>>; remainingRewardTimes: Scalars['Int']; remainingRewardTimesInCart?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; requirements: Array<VariantGiftCondition>; selectedGift?: Maybe<SelectedGift>; selectedGifts?: Maybe<Array<SelectedGift>>; selectedGiftsInCart?: Maybe<Array<SelectedGift>>; selectedGiftsTypeBInWarehouse?: Maybe<Array<SelectedGift>>; toDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']; totalConfirmedRewards: Scalars['Int']; totalRewardsInCart?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; totalRewardsWithCart: Scalars['Int']; totalRewardsWithoutCart?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; totalUnconfirmedRewards: Scalars['Int']; type: Scalars['String']; typeDescription: Scalars['String']; unconfirmedRewardTimesInCart?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; /** The connection type for GiftCampaign. */ export type GiftCampaignConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<GiftCampaignEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<GiftCampaign>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type GiftCampaignEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<GiftCampaign>; }; export type GiftCampaignProgress = { confirmedQuantity?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; confirmedRevenue?: Maybe<Scalars['BigInt']>; confirmedRewards?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; id: Scalars['ID']; totalQuantity?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; totalRevenue?: Maybe<Scalars['BigInt']>; totalRewards?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; unconfirmedQuantity?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; unconfirmedRevenue?: Maybe<Scalars['BigInt']>; }; export type GiftCampaignProgressItem = { confirmedQuantity: Scalars['Int']; confirmedRevenue: Scalars['BigInt']; id: Scalars['ID']; materialNumber?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; name: Scalars['String']; quantity: Scalars['Int']; revenue: Scalars['BigInt']; }; export type GiftConditionItem = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; id: Scalars['ID']; materialNumber: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; propratedPrice?: Maybe<Scalars['BigInt']>; quantityThreshold?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; revenueThreshold?: Maybe<Scalars['BigInt']>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; variant: Variant; variantId: Scalars['ID']; wholesalePrice: Scalars['BigInt']; }; /** The connection type for GiftConditionItem. */ export type GiftConditionItemConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<GiftConditionItemEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<GiftConditionItem>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type GiftConditionItemEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<GiftConditionItem>; }; export type GiftSelection = { description?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; giftSelectionItemGroups: Array<GiftSelectionItemGroup>; id: Scalars['ID']; name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type GiftSelectionItem = { groupId?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; id: Scalars['ID']; occupiedQuantity?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; quantity?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; quantityInWarehouse?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; totalValue?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; variant: Variant; }; export type GiftSelectionItemOccupiedQuantityArgs = { orderId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type GiftSelectionItemGroup = { giftSelectionItems: Array<GiftSelectionItem>; groupId: Scalars['ID']; itemCount: Scalars['Int']; quantity: Scalars['Int']; }; export type GroupedDiscount = { applicableDiscounts: Array<Discount>; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; type?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type InventoryByVariant = { available?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; dateList: Array<Scalars['ISO8601Date']>; internalTransfer?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; lockedTimeTo?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; totalStock?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type ItemCategory = { codeItemCategory?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; giftItemCategory?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; id: Scalars['ID']; name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; orderType?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type LevelableGiftCampaign = { applied: Scalars['Boolean']; bestDeal: Scalars['Boolean']; campaignName: Scalars['String']; canCheckOutRewards: Scalars['Int']; checkedOutRewards: Scalars['Int']; conditionCount: Scalars['Int']; confirmedData?: Maybe<GiftCampaignProgress>; confirmedProgressData?: Maybe<Array<GiftCampaignProgressItem>>; description: Scalars['String']; duplicatedFrom?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; fromDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']; giftCampaignChildren?: Maybe<Array<GiftCampaign>>; giftInvoiceType?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; gifts: Array<GiftSelection>; id: Scalars['ID']; importableSameOrder: Scalars['Boolean']; level?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; multiplyBy: Scalars['Int']; multiplyByTypeB?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; noncombinable: Scalars['Boolean']; noncombinableParentId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; parentId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; progressData?: Maybe<Array<GiftCampaignProgressItem>>; progressDataWithoutCart?: Maybe<Array<GiftCampaignProgressItem>>; remainingRewardTimes: Scalars['Int']; remainingRewardTimesInCart?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; requirements: Array<VariantGiftCondition>; selectedGift?: Maybe<SelectedGift>; selectedGifts?: Maybe<Array<SelectedGift>>; selectedGiftsInCart?: Maybe<Array<SelectedGift>>; selectedGiftsTypeBInWarehouse?: Maybe<Array<SelectedGift>>; toDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']; totalConfirmedRewards: Scalars['Int']; totalRewardsInCart?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; totalRewardsWithCart: Scalars['Int']; totalRewardsWithoutCart?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; totalUnconfirmedRewards: Scalars['Int']; type: Scalars['String']; typeDescription: Scalars['String']; unconfirmedRewardTimesInCart?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type ListBillings = { billings: SapBillingConnection; totalBillingAmount: Scalars['BigInt']; }; export type ListBillingsBillingsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type ListNotification = { /** filter argument can be 'unread', 'read', '' == all */ notifications: NotificationConnection; unreadCount: Scalars['Int']; }; export type ListNotificationNotificationsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; filter?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type ListPaymentHistories = { paymentHistories: PaymentHistoryConnection; totalPaidAmount: Scalars['BigInt']; totalReturnedAmount: Scalars['BigInt']; }; export type ListPaymentHistoriesPaymentHistoriesArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type LoginInput = { password: Scalars['String']; phoneNumber: Scalars['String']; }; export type MarkNotificationsAsReadInput = { readNotificationIds: Array<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type MarkPopupBannerAsShownInput = { popupBannerId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type Mutation = { addToList?: Maybe<ShoppingList>; applyListToCart?: Maybe<Order>; buildOrderItemsInWarehouse?: Maybe<Order>; cancelOrder?: Maybe<Order>; changePassword?: Maybe<User>; changeUserStatus?: Maybe<User>; changeUserType?: Maybe<User>; checkout?: Maybe<Order>; checkoutGift?: Maybe<Order>; checkoutWithInternalDispatch?: Maybe<Array<Order>>; createPassword?: Maybe<User>; createShippingAddress?: Maybe<Address>; createShoppingList?: Maybe<ShoppingList>; createUser?: Maybe<User>; deleteItemsInList?: Maybe<ShoppingList>; deleteSelectedGifts?: Maybe<Array<SelectedGift>>; deleteShoppingLists?: Maybe<Array<ShoppingList>>; forgotPassword?: Maybe<User>; login?: Maybe<Authentication>; markAllNotificationsAsRead?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']>; markNotificationsAsRead?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']>; markPopupBannerAsShown?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']>; register?: Maybe<User>; removeOrderItems?: Maybe<Order>; removeSelectedGiftsTypeBInWarehouse?: Maybe<RemoveSelectedGiftsTypeBInWarehousePayload>; removeUser?: Maybe<RemoveUserMutationPayload>; reorder?: Maybe<Order>; resendOtp?: Maybe<User>; resetPassword?: Maybe<User>; saveProduct?: Maybe<Product>; searchConversion?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']>; selectGift?: Maybe<SelectedGift>; selectGiftItem?: Maybe<SelectedGiftItem>; unsaveProduct?: Maybe<Product>; updateCart?: Maybe<Order>; updateExecutionOrderItem?: Maybe<Array<ExecutionOrder>>; updateOrderItem?: Maybe<OrderItem>; verifyPhoneLogin?: Maybe<Authentication>; verifyPhoneRegistration?: Maybe<User>; webpushTokens?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']>; }; export type MutationAddToListArgs = { input: AddToListInput; }; export type MutationApplyListToCartArgs = { input: ApplyListToCartInput; }; export type MutationBuildOrderItemsInWarehouseArgs = { input: BuildOrderItemsInWarehouseInput; }; export type MutationCancelOrderArgs = { input: CancelOrderInput; }; export type MutationChangePasswordArgs = { input: ChangePasswordInput; }; export type MutationChangeUserStatusArgs = { input: ChangeUserStatusInput; }; export type MutationChangeUserTypeArgs = { input: ChangeUserTypeInput; }; export type MutationCheckoutArgs = { input: CheckoutInput; }; export type MutationCheckoutGiftArgs = { input: CheckoutGiftInput; }; export type MutationCheckoutWithInternalDispatchArgs = { input: DispatchCheckoutInput; }; export type MutationCreatePasswordArgs = { input: CreatePasswordInput; }; export type MutationCreateShippingAddressArgs = { input: CreateShippingAddressInput; }; export type MutationCreateShoppingListArgs = { input: ShoppingListInput; }; export type MutationCreateUserArgs = { input: CreateUserInput; }; export type MutationDeleteItemsInListArgs = { input: DeleteItemsInListInput; }; export type MutationDeleteSelectedGiftsArgs = { input: DeleteSelectedGiftsInput; }; export type MutationDeleteShoppingListsArgs = { input: DeleteShoppingListsInput; }; export type MutationForgotPasswordArgs = { input: ForgotPasswordInput; }; export type MutationLoginArgs = { input: LoginInput; }; export type MutationMarkAllNotificationsAsReadArgs = { input: EmptyInput; }; export type MutationMarkNotificationsAsReadArgs = { input: MarkNotificationsAsReadInput; }; export type MutationMarkPopupBannerAsShownArgs = { input: MarkPopupBannerAsShownInput; }; export type MutationRegisterArgs = { input: RegistrationInput; }; export type MutationRemoveOrderItemsArgs = { input: RemoveOrderItemsInput; }; export type MutationRemoveSelectedGiftsTypeBInWarehouseArgs = { input: RemoveSelectGiftsTypeBInWarehouseInput; }; export type MutationRemoveUserArgs = { input: RemoveUserInput; }; export type MutationReorderArgs = { input: ReorderInput; }; export type MutationResendOtpArgs = { input: ResendOtpInput; }; export type MutationResetPasswordArgs = { input: ResetPasswordInput; }; export type MutationSaveProductArgs = { input: SaveProductInput; }; export type MutationSearchConversionArgs = { input: SearchConversionInput; }; export type MutationSelectGiftArgs = { input: SelectGiftInput; }; export type MutationSelectGiftItemArgs = { input: SelectGiftItemInput; }; export type MutationUnsaveProductArgs = { input: UnsaveProductInput; }; export type MutationUpdateCartArgs = { input: UpdateCartInput; }; export type MutationUpdateExecutionOrderItemArgs = { input: UpdateExecutionOrderItemInput; }; export type MutationUpdateOrderItemArgs = { input: UpdateOrderItemInput; }; export type MutationVerifyPhoneLoginArgs = { input: VerifyPhoneNumberInput; }; export type MutationVerifyPhoneRegistrationArgs = { input: VerifyPhoneNumberInput; }; export type MutationWebpushTokensArgs = { input: WebpushTokenInput; }; export type NoncombinableGiftCampaign = { giftCampaignGroups?: Maybe<Array<GiftCampaign>>; groupId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type Notification = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; id: Scalars['ID']; message: Scalars['String']; params: Scalars['JSON']; readAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; title: Scalars['String']; type: Scalars['String']; }; /** The connection type for Notification. */ export type NotificationConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<NotificationEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Notification>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type NotificationEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<Notification>; }; export type OptionType = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; optionValues: Array<OptionValue>; optionValuesByCategory: Array<OptionValue>; optionValuesByProduct: Array<OptionValue>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type OptionTypeOptionValuesByCategoryArgs = { categoryId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type OptionTypeOptionValuesByProductArgs = { productId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type OptionValue = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; id: Scalars['ID']; optionType: OptionType; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type Order = { canceledAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; checkedOutAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; completedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; confirmedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; customer: Customer; dispatchedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; eoTotal?: Maybe<Scalars['BigInt']>; eoTotalQuantity?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; estimateDeliveredAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; eta?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601Date']>; fromExportGift?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; id: Scalars['ID']; invoiceNumbers: Array<Scalars['String']>; isReturn: Scalars['Boolean']; itemCount: Scalars['Int']; note?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; orderGifts?: Maybe<OrderGiftConnection>; orderItems?: Maybe<OrderItemConnection>; orderType?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; returnedGifts?: Maybe<ReturnedGiftConnection>; returnedItems?: Maybe<ReturnedItemConnection>; salesOrg: SalesOrg; sapId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; shippingAddress?: Maybe<Address>; slocAddress?: Maybe<Sloc>; status: Scalars['String']; total: Scalars['BigInt']; totalQuantity: Scalars['Int']; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; user: User; userCheckout?: Maybe<User>; }; export type OrderOrderGiftsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type OrderOrderItemsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; timeOrder?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type OrderReturnedGiftsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type OrderReturnedItemsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; /** The connection type for Order. */ export type OrderConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<OrderEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Order>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type OrderEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<Order>; }; export type OrderGift = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; giftInvoiceType?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; id: Scalars['ID']; order: Order; price: Scalars['BigInt']; quantity: Scalars['Int']; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; variant: Variant; }; /** The connection type for OrderGift. */ export type OrderGiftConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<OrderGiftEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<OrderGift>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type OrderGiftEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<OrderGift>; }; export type OrderItem = { adjustmentTotal: Scalars['Float']; anyImportableSameOrder: Scalars['Boolean']; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; discounts: Array<DiscountDetails>; firstGiftCampaignId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; firstLevelableCampaignId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; firstNoncombinableCampaignId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; giftCampaigns?: Maybe<Array<GiftCampaign>>; hasAllGiftsSelected: Scalars['Boolean']; id: Scalars['ID']; levelableGiftCampaigns?: Maybe<Array<LevelableGiftCampaign>>; noncombinableGiftCampaigns?: Maybe<Array<NoncombinableGiftCampaign>>; order: Order; ownCampaignTypeA: Scalars['Boolean']; price: Scalars['BigInt']; quantity: Scalars['Int']; retailPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; totalPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; totalPriceBeforeVat: Scalars['BigInt']; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; userCreator?: Maybe<User>; userUpdater?: Maybe<User>; variant: Variant; vat: Scalars['BigInt']; vatRetailPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; vatWholesalePrice: Scalars['BigInt']; wholesalePrice: Scalars['BigInt']; }; /** The connection type for OrderItem. */ export type OrderItemConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<OrderItemEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<OrderItem>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type OrderItemEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<OrderItem>; }; /** Information about pagination in a connection. */ export type PageInfo = { /** When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue. */ endCursor?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; /** When paginating forwards, are there more items? */ hasNextPage: Scalars['Boolean']; /** When paginating backwards, are there more items? */ hasPreviousPage: Scalars['Boolean']; /** When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue. */ startCursor?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type PaymentHistory = { amount: Scalars['BigInt']; documentDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']; documentNumber: Scalars['String']; documentType: Scalars['String']; }; /** The connection type for PaymentHistory. */ export type PaymentHistoryConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<PaymentHistoryEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<PaymentHistory>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type PaymentHistoryEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<PaymentHistory>; }; export type Product = { baseUnit: Unit; brand?: Maybe<Brand>; categories?: Maybe<Array<Category>>; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; defaultVariant: Variant; filterVariant?: Maybe<Variant>; id: Scalars['ID']; isSaved?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; name: Scalars['String']; optionTypes: Array<OptionType>; promotedVariant?: Maybe<Variant>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; variants: Array<Variant>; }; export type ProductFilterVariantArgs = { attributes?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>; priceGte?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; priceLte?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; /** The connection type for Product. */ export type ProductConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<ProductEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Product>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type ProductEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<Product>; }; export type Query = { /** Return list of gift campaigns for User with or without in_progress */ allGiftCampaigns: GiftCampaignConnection; /** Return list of products that are on sale */ allPromotedProducts: ProductConnection; /** Return list of noncombinable gift campaigns in same group */ allSameGroupNcCampaigns: GiftCampaignConnection; /** Return list of applied variant of discount */ appliedVariantsDiscount: VariantConnection; /** Return list of banner */ banners: Array<Banner>; /** Return details of a gift campaign with respect to the provided order */ campaignDetailsByOrder: GiftCampaign; /** query gift campaigns by list of Ids */ campaigns: Array<GiftCampaign>; /** Return cart data for the current user */ cart: Order; /** list all gift campaigns applied to the current cart */ cartGiftCampaigns: Array<GiftCampaign>; /** Return the top level product categories */ categories: Array<Category>; /** Return a specific product category */ category: Category; /** Return list of discounts for a category */ categoryDiscounts: Array<CategoryDiscount>; /** Return list of gift campaigns for a category */ categoryGiftCampaigns: GiftCampaignConnection; /** Return list of condition items for a group condition */ conditionItems: GiftConditionItemConnection; /** Return balance of the current user's customer */ currentBalance?: Maybe<Balance>; /** Return customer details */ customer: Customer; /** Return list customers of a specific sales org */ customers: Array<Customer>; /** Return estimate time arrival for items in order */ estimateTimeArrival: EstimateTimeArrival; /** Return list of execution order of order */ executionOrders: Array<ExecutionOrder>; /** Return ID of unshown banner for expiring promotions */ expiringPromotionsBanner?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; /** Details of a particular shopping list */ fetchListItems: ShoppingList; /** Return all Campaign Group for type B gift campaigns */ getCampaignGroups: Array<ItemCategory>; /** List all shopping lists of current customers */ getLists: ShoppingListConnection; /** Return all Category's option types */ getOptionTypes: Array<OptionType>; /** Details of a particular gift campaign */ giftCampaignDetails: GiftCampaign; /** Return list of orders who concerns with the gift campaigns (only applied for type B) */ giftCampaignOrders: OrderConnection; /** Return list of discount */ groupedDiscounts: Array<GroupedDiscount>; /** Return inventory of all gift selection items */ inventoryByGiftSelection: GiftSelection; /** Return inventory information for variant */ inventoryByVariant?: Maybe<InventoryByVariant>; /** List all billing of the current customer */ listBillings: ListBillings; /** Return all available brands of system */ listBrand: Array<Brand>; /** Return all available colors of system */ listColor: Array<OptionValue>; /** Return list of execution order of order */ listExecutionOrders: Array<ExecutionOrder>; /** Return notifications of current users */ listNotifications: ListNotification; /** Return all Option Type's option values */ listOptionValues: Array<OptionValue>; /** List all payment histories of the current customer */ listPaymentHistories: ListPaymentHistories; /** Return list of noncombinable gift campaigns in the same group with respect to an order */ ncCampaignsByGroupInOrder: GiftCampaignConnection; /** Return notifications from current user with ids */ notifications: Array<Notification>; /** Return data for a particular order by id */ order: Order; /** Return order item by id */ orderItem: OrderItem; /** Return list of condition items ordered by purchase quantity */ orderedConditionItems: GiftConditionItemConnection; /** List all orders of the current user, with optional search/sort query */ orders: OrderConnection; /** Returns a list of products purchased within 90 days ago in sales org */ popularProducts: ProductConnection; /** Return a specific product by id */ product: Product; /** Return list promotions of product */ productPromotions?: Maybe<Array<GiftCampaign>>; /** Return list of type B gift campaigns in progress and the progress does not count in Cart */ progressGiftCampaigns: GiftCampaignConnection; /** Return products that are on sale */ promotedProducts: Array<Product>; /** Returns a list of favorite products or purchased within 90 days ago */ recommendedProducts: ProductConnection; /** List all products related to the current variant */ relatedProducts: ProductConnection; /** Show sales org details */ salesOrgDetails: SalesOrg; /** Return list sales orgs */ salesOrgs: Array<SalesOrg>; /** Return the current user's saved products */ savedProducts: ProductConnection; selectedGiftsTypeBInWarehouse: Array<SelectedGift>; /** Return all shipping addresses of the current user's customer */ shippingAddresses?: Maybe<Array<Address>>; /** List all products of the same categories as the input product */ similarProducts: ProductConnection; /** Return all sloc addresses of sales org of the current user's customer */ slocAddresses?: Maybe<Array<Sloc>>; trip: TmsTrip; /** Return list of trips of order */ trips: Array<TmsTrip>; /** Get user's information */ userProfile?: Maybe<User>; /** Return all users of the current customer */ users: Array<User>; /** Return a Product's variant matching the chosen option values */ variant?: Maybe<Variant>; /** Return the variant with the chosen ID */ variantById?: Maybe<Variant>; /** Return a product's variant matching the chosen option values */ variantByOptionValues?: Maybe<Variant>; /** Return list of gift campaigns for a variant */ variantCampaigns: Array<GiftCampaign>; /** List all variants whose name, category, or brand match the query */ variantSearch: VariantSearch; /** list all type b gift campaigns applied to the order that items is available in warehouse */ warehouseTypeBCampaigns: Array<GiftCampaign>; }; export type QueryAllGiftCampaignsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; inProgress: Scalars['Boolean']; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type QueryAllPromotedProductsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type QueryAllSameGroupNcCampaignsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; id: Scalars['ID']; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type QueryAppliedVariantsDiscountArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; discountProgramId: Scalars['ID']; discountType?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; discountValue: Scalars['Int']; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type QueryCampaignDetailsByOrderArgs = { campaignId: Scalars['ID']; orderId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryCampaignsArgs = { ids: Array<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type QueryCartGiftCampaignsArgs = { filter?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; }; export type QueryCategoryArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryCategoryDiscountsArgs = { categoryId: Scalars['ID']; discountProgramId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type QueryCategoryGiftCampaignsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; categoryId: Scalars['ID']; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type QueryConditionItemsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; id: Scalars['ID']; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type QueryCustomerArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryCustomersArgs = { salesOrgId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryEstimateTimeArrivalArgs = { orderId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryExecutionOrdersArgs = { orderId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryFetchListItemsArgs = { listId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryGetListsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type QueryGetOptionTypesArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryGiftCampaignDetailsArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryGiftCampaignOrdersArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; id: Scalars['ID']; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type QueryInventoryByGiftSelectionArgs = { giftSelectionId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryInventoryByVariantArgs = { count?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; quantity: Scalars['Int']; variantId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryListBillingsArgs = { endDate?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; startDate?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type QueryListExecutionOrdersArgs = { orderId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryListOptionValuesArgs = { categoryId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>; id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryListPaymentHistoriesArgs = { endDate?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; startDate?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type QueryNcCampaignsByGroupInOrderArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; campaignId: Scalars['ID']; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; orderId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryNotificationsArgs = { ids: Array<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type QueryOrderArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryOrderItemArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryOrderedConditionItemsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; id: Scalars['ID']; keyword?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; variantIds: Array<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type QueryOrdersArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; endDate?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; id?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; sapId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; startDate?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; status?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type QueryPopularProductsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type QueryProductArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryProductPromotionsArgs = { productId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryProgressGiftCampaignsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; codeItemCategory?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; filter?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; validDate?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; }; export type QueryRecommendedProductsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type QueryRelatedProductsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; variantId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QuerySalesOrgDetailsArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QuerySavedProductsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type QuerySelectedGiftsTypeBInWarehouseArgs = { orderId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QuerySimilarProductsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; productId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryTripArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryTripsArgs = { orderId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryVariantArgs = { optionValueIds: Array<Scalars['ID']>; productId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryVariantByIdArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryVariantByOptionValuesArgs = { newOptionValueId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>; optionValueIds?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['ID']>>; productId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryVariantCampaignsArgs = { variantId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type QueryVariantSearchArgs = { attributes?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>; brandIds?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['ID']>>; categoryIds?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['ID']>>; optionValueIds?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['ID']>>; priceGte?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; priceLte?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; query: Scalars['String']; source?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type QueryWarehouseTypeBCampaignsArgs = { filter?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; }; export type RegistrationInput = { phoneNumber: Scalars['String']; }; export type RemoveOrderItemsInput = { orderItemIds: Array<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type RemoveSelectGiftsTypeBInWarehouseInput = { orderId: Scalars['ID']; }; /** Autogenerated return type of RemoveSelectedGiftsTypeBInWarehouse */ export type RemoveSelectedGiftsTypeBInWarehousePayload = { /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */ clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; status: Scalars['String']; }; export type RemoveUserInput = { selectedUserId: Scalars['ID']; }; /** Autogenerated return type of RemoveUserMutation */ export type RemoveUserMutationPayload = { /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */ clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; status: Scalars['String']; }; export type ReorderInput = { orderId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type ResendOtpInput = { userId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type ResetPasswordInput = { password: Scalars['String']; passwordConfirmation: Scalars['String']; resetPasswordToken: Scalars['String']; userId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type ReturnedGift = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; giftInvoiceType?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; id: Scalars['ID']; itemCategory: Scalars['String']; order: Order; original?: Maybe<OrderItem>; price: Scalars['BigInt']; progressRevertedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; progressUpdatedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; quantity: Scalars['Int']; retailPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; salesDeal: Scalars['String']; totalPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; variant: Variant; vat: Scalars['BigInt']; vatWholesalePrice: Scalars['BigInt']; wholesalePrice: Scalars['BigInt']; }; /** The connection type for ReturnedGift. */ export type ReturnedGiftConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<ReturnedGiftEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<ReturnedGift>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type ReturnedGiftEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<ReturnedGift>; }; export type ReturnedItem = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; id: Scalars['ID']; itemCategory: Scalars['String']; order: Order; original?: Maybe<OrderItem>; originalCheckoutTime?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; price: Scalars['BigInt']; progressRevertedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; progressUpdatedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; quantity: Scalars['Int']; retailPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; totalPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; variant: Variant; vat: Scalars['BigInt']; vatWholesalePrice: Scalars['BigInt']; wholesalePrice: Scalars['BigInt']; }; /** The connection type for ReturnedItem. */ export type ReturnedItemConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<ReturnedItemEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<ReturnedItem>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type ReturnedItemEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<ReturnedItem>; }; export type SalesOrg = { bankAccount?: Maybe<BankAccount>; company: Company; customers: CustomerConnection; email?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; sapCode?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; warehouseAddress?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type SalesOrgCustomersArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type SapBilling = { billingDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']; billingTypeSapCode: Scalars['String']; invoiceNo: Scalars['String']; orderId: Scalars['ID']; returnedAmount?: Maybe<Scalars['BigInt']>; sapBillingId: Scalars['String']; sapOdId: Scalars['String']; vatTotalValue?: Maybe<Scalars['BigInt']>; }; /** The connection type for SapBilling. */ export type SapBillingConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<SapBillingEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<SapBilling>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type SapBillingEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<SapBilling>; }; export type SaveProductInput = { productId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type SearchConversionInput = { convertableId: Scalars['ID']; convertableType: Scalars['String']; searchId: Scalars['ID']; source?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type SelectGiftInput = { bWithOrder?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; giftSelectionId: Scalars['ID']; multiplyBy: Scalars['Int']; orderId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type SelectGiftItemInput = { giftSelectionItemId: Scalars['ID']; quantity: Scalars['Int']; selectedGiftId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type SelectedGift = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; giftBillingOption: Scalars['String']; giftSelection: GiftSelection; id: Scalars['ID']; multiplyBy: Scalars['Int']; orderId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; selectedGiftItems: Array<SelectedGiftItem>; status: Scalars['String']; totalValue?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; userId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; variantGiftId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type SelectedGiftItem = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; giftSelectionItem: GiftSelectionItem; id: Scalars['ID']; quantity: Scalars['Int']; quantityBilled: Scalars['Int']; selectedGift: SelectedGift; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type ShoppingList = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; id: Scalars['ID']; name?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; shoppingListItems?: Maybe<ShoppingListItemConnection>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type ShoppingListShoppingListItemsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; /** The connection type for ShoppingList. */ export type ShoppingListConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<ShoppingListEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<ShoppingList>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type ShoppingListEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<ShoppingList>; }; export type ShoppingListInput = { name: Scalars['String']; }; export type ShoppingListItem = { createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; id: Scalars['ID']; quantity: Scalars['Int']; shoppingList: ShoppingList; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; variant: Variant; }; /** The connection type for ShoppingListItem. */ export type ShoppingListItemConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<ShoppingListItemEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<ShoppingListItem>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type ShoppingListItemEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<ShoppingListItem>; }; /** Autogenerated return type of ShowPopupBannerForExpiringPromotions */ export type ShowPopupBannerForExpiringPromotionsPayload = { popupBannerId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type Sloc = { address?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; description?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; id: Scalars['ID']; sapCode?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type Subscription = { newUserNotification?: Maybe<Notification>; orderItemWasUpdated?: Maybe<OrderItem>; showPopupBannerForExpiringPromotions?: Maybe<ShowPopupBannerForExpiringPromotionsPayload>; }; export type TmsCargoDetail = { deliveryAddress: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; materialNumber: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; price: Scalars['BigInt']; quantity: Scalars['Int']; receiptAddress: Scalars['String']; }; /** The connection type for TmsCargoDetail. */ export type TmsCargoDetailConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<TmsCargoDetailEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<TmsCargoDetail>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type TmsCargoDetailEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<TmsCargoDetail>; }; export type TmsTrip = { arrivedDeliveryAddressAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; arrivedReceiptAddressAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; canceledAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; contactFullname: Scalars['String']; contactMobilephone: Scalars['String']; deliverySuccessfulAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; deliveryUnsuccessfulAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; driverName: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; itemCount: Scalars['Int']; items?: Maybe<TmsCargoDetailConnection>; locations: Array<TmsTripLocation>; startedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; status?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; total: Scalars['BigInt']; totalQuantity: Scalars['Int']; tripId: Scalars['String']; vehicleCode: Scalars['String']; }; export type TmsTripItemsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type TmsTripLocation = { address: Scalars['String']; description: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; latitude?: Maybe<Scalars['Float']>; longitude?: Maybe<Scalars['Float']>; tmsUpdatedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>; tripStatus: Scalars['String']; }; export type Unit = { code: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; englishName: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; vietnameseName: Scalars['String']; }; export type UnsaveProductInput = { productId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type UpdateCartInput = { quantity: Scalars['Int']; variantId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type UpdateExecutionOrderItemInput = { executionOrderItemIds: Array<Scalars['ID']>; }; export type UpdateOrderItemInput = { id: Scalars['ID']; quantity: Scalars['Int']; }; export type User = { active: Scalars['Boolean']; createPasswordToken?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; customer: Customer; email?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; id: Scalars['ID']; name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; phoneNumber: Scalars['String']; resetPasswordToken?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; userType?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; verified?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; }; export type Variant = { available?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; bestDeal?: Maybe<GiftCampaign>; campaignIds?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['ID']>>; campaignPropratedPrices?: Maybe<Array<CampaignPropratedPrice>>; countryOfOrigin?: Maybe<Country>; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; defaultImageUrl?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; description?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; discount?: Maybe<DiscountDetails>; discounts: Array<DiscountDetails>; exhausted?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>; extraDataFiles?: Maybe<Array<ExtraDataFile>>; firstOrderDiscount?: Maybe<DiscountDetails>; giftCampaigns?: Maybe<Array<GiftCampaign>>; grossWeight?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; id: Scalars['ID']; imageUrls: Array<Scalars['String']>; inventoryQuantity?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; levelableGiftCampaigns?: Maybe<Array<LevelableGiftCampaign>>; maintenanceDetails?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; materialNumber: Scalars['String']; minimumOrderQuantity: Scalars['Int']; mustBuyWithVariant?: Maybe<Variant>; name: Scalars['String']; netPrice?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; netWeight?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; noncombinableGiftCampaigns?: Maybe<Array<NoncombinableGiftCampaign>>; optionValues: Array<OptionValue>; packagingDescription?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; product?: Maybe<Product>; regionalNames: Array<Scalars['String']>; specifications?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']>; unavailableOptionValues: Scalars['JSON']; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; vatPrice?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; vatWholesalePrice?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; volume?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; volumeUnit: Unit; warranty?: Maybe<Warranty>; weightUnit: Unit; wholesalePrice?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type VariantDiscountArgs = { discountProgramId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>; }; /** The connection type for Variant. */ export type VariantConnection = { /** A list of edges. */ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<VariantEdge>>>; /** A list of nodes. */ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Variant>>>; /** Information to aid in pagination. */ pageInfo: PageInfo; totalCount: Scalars['Int']; }; /** An edge in a connection. */ export type VariantEdge = { /** A cursor for use in pagination. */ cursor: Scalars['String']; /** The item at the end of the edge. */ node?: Maybe<Variant>; }; export type VariantGiftCondition = { conditionItemSummary: Array<GiftConditionItem>; createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; giftConditionItemCount?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; giftConditionItems: Array<GiftConditionItem>; id: Scalars['ID']; totalGiftConditionItemsQuantityThreshold?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; totalGiftConditionItemsRevenueThreshold?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; totalQuantityThreshold?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>; totalRevenueThreshold?: Maybe<Scalars['BigInt']>; updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']; }; export type VariantSearch = { results: VariantConnection; searchId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type VariantSearchResultsArgs = { after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>; }; export type VerifyPhoneNumberInput = { otp: Scalars['String']; userId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type Warranty = { exchangePolicy?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; id: Scalars['ID']; warrantyPolicy?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type WebpushTokenInput = { device?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; endpoint: Scalars['String']; keysAuth: Scalars['String']; keysP256dh: Scalars['String']; oldKeysP256dh?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type LoginMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.LoginInput; }>; export type LoginMutation = { login?: { token: string, user: { id: string, phoneNumber: string, verified?: boolean | null | undefined, name?: string | null | undefined, userType?: string | null | undefined, customer: { id: string, name: string, emails: Array<string> } } } | null | undefined }; export type RegisterMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.RegistrationInput; }>; export type RegisterMutation = { register?: { id: string, phoneNumber: string, verified?: boolean | null | undefined, createPasswordToken?: string | null | undefined } | null | undefined }; export type ForgotPasswordMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.ForgotPasswordInput; }>; export type ForgotPasswordMutation = { forgotPassword?: { id: string, phoneNumber: string, verified?: boolean | null | undefined, resetPasswordToken?: string | null | undefined } | null | undefined }; export type ResendOtpMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.ResendOtpInput; }>; export type ResendOtpMutation = { resendOtp?: { id: string, phoneNumber: string, verified?: boolean | null | undefined } | null | undefined }; export type VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.VerifyPhoneNumberInput; }>; export type VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation = { verifyPhoneRegistration?: { id: string, phoneNumber: string, verified?: boolean | null | undefined } | null | undefined }; export type VerifyPhoneLoginMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.VerifyPhoneNumberInput; }>; export type VerifyPhoneLoginMutation = { verifyPhoneLogin?: { token: string, user: { id: string, phoneNumber: string, verified?: boolean | null | undefined } } | null | undefined }; export type CreatePasswordMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.CreatePasswordInput; }>; export type CreatePasswordMutation = { createPassword?: { id: string, phoneNumber: string, verified?: boolean | null | undefined } | null | undefined }; export type ResetPasswordMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.ResetPasswordInput; }>; export type ResetPasswordMutation = { resetPassword?: { id: string, phoneNumber: string, verified?: boolean | null | undefined } | null | undefined }; export type ChangePasswordMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.ChangePasswordInput; }>; export type ChangePasswordMutation = { changePassword?: { id: string, phoneNumber: string, verified?: boolean | null | undefined } | null | undefined }; export type ChangeUserTypeMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.ChangeUserTypeInput; }>; export type ChangeUserTypeMutation = { changeUserType?: { id: string, name?: string | null | undefined, phoneNumber: string, active: boolean, userType?: string | null | undefined } | null | undefined }; export type ChangeUserStatusMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.ChangeUserStatusInput; }>; export type ChangeUserStatusMutation = { changeUserStatus?: { id: string, name?: string | null | undefined, phoneNumber: string, active: boolean } | null | undefined }; export type RemoveUserMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.RemoveUserInput; }>; export type RemoveUserMutation = { removeUser?: { status: string } | null | undefined }; export type GetUsersQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>; export type GetUsersQuery = { users: Array<{ id: string, name?: string | null | undefined, phoneNumber: string, active: boolean, userType?: string | null | undefined }> }; export type CreateUserMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{ input: Types.CreateUserInput; }>; export type CreateUserMutation = { createUser?: { id: string, userType?: string | null | undefined, phoneNumber: string, name?: string | null | undefined } | null | undefined }; export const LoginDocument = gql` mutation Login($input: LoginInput!) { login(input: $input) { user { id phoneNumber verified name userType customer { id name emails } } token } } `; export type LoginMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<LoginMutation, LoginMutationVariables>; /** * __useLoginMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useLoginMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useLoginMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [loginMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useLoginMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useLoginMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<LoginMutation, LoginMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<LoginMutation, LoginMutationVariables>(LoginDocument, options); } export type LoginMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useLoginMutation>; export type LoginMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<LoginMutation>; export type LoginMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<LoginMutation, LoginMutationVariables>; export const RegisterDocument = gql` mutation Register($input: RegistrationInput!) { register(input: $input) { id phoneNumber verified createPasswordToken } } `; export type RegisterMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<RegisterMutation, RegisterMutationVariables>; /** * __useRegisterMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useRegisterMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useRegisterMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [registerMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useRegisterMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useRegisterMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<RegisterMutation, RegisterMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<RegisterMutation, RegisterMutationVariables>(RegisterDocument, options); } export type RegisterMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useRegisterMutation>; export type RegisterMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<RegisterMutation>; export type RegisterMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<RegisterMutation, RegisterMutationVariables>; export const ForgotPasswordDocument = gql` mutation ForgotPassword($input: ForgotPasswordInput!) { forgotPassword(input: $input) { id phoneNumber verified resetPasswordToken } } `; export type ForgotPasswordMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<ForgotPasswordMutation, ForgotPasswordMutationVariables>; /** * __useForgotPasswordMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useForgotPasswordMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useForgotPasswordMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [forgotPasswordMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useForgotPasswordMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useForgotPasswordMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<ForgotPasswordMutation, ForgotPasswordMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<ForgotPasswordMutation, ForgotPasswordMutationVariables>(ForgotPasswordDocument, options); } export type ForgotPasswordMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useForgotPasswordMutation>; export type ForgotPasswordMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<ForgotPasswordMutation>; export type ForgotPasswordMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<ForgotPasswordMutation, ForgotPasswordMutationVariables>; export const ResendOtpDocument = gql` mutation ResendOtp($input: ResendOtpInput!) { resendOtp(input: $input) { id phoneNumber verified } } `; export type ResendOtpMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<ResendOtpMutation, ResendOtpMutationVariables>; /** * __useResendOtpMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useResendOtpMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useResendOtpMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [resendOtpMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useResendOtpMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useResendOtpMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<ResendOtpMutation, ResendOtpMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<ResendOtpMutation, ResendOtpMutationVariables>(ResendOtpDocument, options); } export type ResendOtpMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useResendOtpMutation>; export type ResendOtpMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<ResendOtpMutation>; export type ResendOtpMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<ResendOtpMutation, ResendOtpMutationVariables>; export const VerifyPhoneRegistrationDocument = gql` mutation VerifyPhoneRegistration($input: VerifyPhoneNumberInput!) { verifyPhoneRegistration(input: $input) { id phoneNumber verified } } `; export type VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation, VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutationVariables>; /** * __useVerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useVerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useVerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [verifyPhoneRegistrationMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useVerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useVerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation, VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation, VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutationVariables>(VerifyPhoneRegistrationDocument, options); } export type VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useVerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation>; export type VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation>; export type VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutation, VerifyPhoneRegistrationMutationVariables>; export const VerifyPhoneLoginDocument = gql` mutation VerifyPhoneLogin($input: VerifyPhoneNumberInput!) { verifyPhoneLogin(input: $input) { user { id phoneNumber verified } token } } `; export type VerifyPhoneLoginMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<VerifyPhoneLoginMutation, VerifyPhoneLoginMutationVariables>; /** * __useVerifyPhoneLoginMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useVerifyPhoneLoginMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useVerifyPhoneLoginMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [verifyPhoneLoginMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useVerifyPhoneLoginMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useVerifyPhoneLoginMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<VerifyPhoneLoginMutation, VerifyPhoneLoginMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<VerifyPhoneLoginMutation, VerifyPhoneLoginMutationVariables>(VerifyPhoneLoginDocument, options); } export type VerifyPhoneLoginMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useVerifyPhoneLoginMutation>; export type VerifyPhoneLoginMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<VerifyPhoneLoginMutation>; export type VerifyPhoneLoginMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<VerifyPhoneLoginMutation, VerifyPhoneLoginMutationVariables>; export const CreatePasswordDocument = gql` mutation CreatePassword($input: CreatePasswordInput!) { createPassword(input: $input) { id phoneNumber verified } } `; export type CreatePasswordMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<CreatePasswordMutation, CreatePasswordMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreatePasswordMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreatePasswordMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreatePasswordMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [createPasswordMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreatePasswordMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useCreatePasswordMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<CreatePasswordMutation, CreatePasswordMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<CreatePasswordMutation, CreatePasswordMutationVariables>(CreatePasswordDocument, options); } export type CreatePasswordMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreatePasswordMutation>; export type CreatePasswordMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<CreatePasswordMutation>; export type CreatePasswordMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<CreatePasswordMutation, CreatePasswordMutationVariables>; export const ResetPasswordDocument = gql` mutation ResetPassword($input: ResetPasswordInput!) { resetPassword(input: $input) { id phoneNumber verified } } `; export type ResetPasswordMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<ResetPasswordMutation, ResetPasswordMutationVariables>; /** * __useResetPasswordMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useResetPasswordMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useResetPasswordMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [resetPasswordMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useResetPasswordMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useResetPasswordMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<ResetPasswordMutation, ResetPasswordMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<ResetPasswordMutation, ResetPasswordMutationVariables>(ResetPasswordDocument, options); } export type ResetPasswordMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useResetPasswordMutation>; export type ResetPasswordMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<ResetPasswordMutation>; export type ResetPasswordMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<ResetPasswordMutation, ResetPasswordMutationVariables>; export const ChangePasswordDocument = gql` mutation ChangePassword($input: ChangePasswordInput!) { changePassword(input: $input) { id phoneNumber verified } } `; export type ChangePasswordMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<ChangePasswordMutation, ChangePasswordMutationVariables>; /** * __useChangePasswordMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useChangePasswordMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useChangePasswordMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [changePasswordMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useChangePasswordMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useChangePasswordMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<ChangePasswordMutation, ChangePasswordMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<ChangePasswordMutation, ChangePasswordMutationVariables>(ChangePasswordDocument, options); } export type ChangePasswordMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useChangePasswordMutation>; export type ChangePasswordMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<ChangePasswordMutation>; export type ChangePasswordMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<ChangePasswordMutation, ChangePasswordMutationVariables>; export const ChangeUserTypeDocument = gql` mutation ChangeUserType($input: ChangeUserTypeInput!) { changeUserType(input: $input) { id name phoneNumber active userType } } `; export type ChangeUserTypeMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<ChangeUserTypeMutation, ChangeUserTypeMutationVariables>; /** * __useChangeUserTypeMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useChangeUserTypeMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useChangeUserTypeMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [changeUserTypeMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useChangeUserTypeMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useChangeUserTypeMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<ChangeUserTypeMutation, ChangeUserTypeMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<ChangeUserTypeMutation, ChangeUserTypeMutationVariables>(ChangeUserTypeDocument, options); } export type ChangeUserTypeMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useChangeUserTypeMutation>; export type ChangeUserTypeMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<ChangeUserTypeMutation>; export type ChangeUserTypeMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<ChangeUserTypeMutation, ChangeUserTypeMutationVariables>; export const ChangeUserStatusDocument = gql` mutation ChangeUserStatus($input: ChangeUserStatusInput!) { changeUserStatus(input: $input) { id name phoneNumber active } } `; export type ChangeUserStatusMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<ChangeUserStatusMutation, ChangeUserStatusMutationVariables>; /** * __useChangeUserStatusMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useChangeUserStatusMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useChangeUserStatusMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [changeUserStatusMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useChangeUserStatusMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useChangeUserStatusMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<ChangeUserStatusMutation, ChangeUserStatusMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<ChangeUserStatusMutation, ChangeUserStatusMutationVariables>(ChangeUserStatusDocument, options); } export type ChangeUserStatusMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useChangeUserStatusMutation>; export type ChangeUserStatusMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<ChangeUserStatusMutation>; export type ChangeUserStatusMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<ChangeUserStatusMutation, ChangeUserStatusMutationVariables>; export const RemoveUserDocument = gql` mutation RemoveUser($input: RemoveUserInput!) { removeUser(input: $input) { status } } `; export type RemoveUserMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<RemoveUserMutation, RemoveUserMutationVariables>; /** * __useRemoveUserMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useRemoveUserMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useRemoveUserMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [removeUserMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useRemoveUserMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useRemoveUserMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<RemoveUserMutation, RemoveUserMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<RemoveUserMutation, RemoveUserMutationVariables>(RemoveUserDocument, options); } export type RemoveUserMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useRemoveUserMutation>; export type RemoveUserMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<RemoveUserMutation>; export type RemoveUserMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<RemoveUserMutation, RemoveUserMutationVariables>; export const GetUsersDocument = gql` query GetUsers { users { id name phoneNumber active userType } } `; /** * __useGetUsersQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useGetUsersQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useGetUsersQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useGetUsersQuery({ * variables: { * }, * }); */ export function useGetUsersQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<GetUsersQuery, GetUsersQueryVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useQuery<GetUsersQuery, GetUsersQueryVariables>(GetUsersDocument, options); } export function useGetUsersLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions<GetUsersQuery, GetUsersQueryVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useLazyQuery<GetUsersQuery, GetUsersQueryVariables>(GetUsersDocument, options); } export type GetUsersQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetUsersQuery>; export type GetUsersLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetUsersLazyQuery>; export type GetUsersQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult<GetUsersQuery, GetUsersQueryVariables>; export const CreateUserDocument = gql` mutation CreateUser($input: CreateUserInput!) { createUser(input: $input) { id userType phoneNumber name } } `; export type CreateUserMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction<CreateUserMutation, CreateUserMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreateUserMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateUserMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateUserMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [createUserMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateUserMutation({ * variables: { * input: // value for 'input' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateUserMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<CreateUserMutation, CreateUserMutationVariables>) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation<CreateUserMutation, CreateUserMutationVariables>(CreateUserDocument, options); } export type CreateUserMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreateUserMutation>; export type CreateUserMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult<CreateUserMutation>; export type CreateUserMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions<CreateUserMutation, CreateUserMutationVariables>;